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Harbour warnings

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:52 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Hi all!

How to suppress this unuseful warning without suppress all the warnings using Harbour? With xHarbour we have -wb- compiler switch.

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""


    LOCAL oDlg


             ON INIT MSGINFO();


Code: Select all | Expand

Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2104281802)
Copyright (c) 1999-2021,
test.prg(12) Warning W0004  Codeblock parameter 'SELF' declared but not used in function 'MAIN'

No code generated.


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 9:25 am
by hmpaquito
Mr. Enrico

Suppresses all compiler switch -w? (-w, -w1, -w2, -w3) or set -w (-w1)


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 9:33 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Thank you, but I don't want to suppress all the compiler warnings, only this one:

Code: Select all | Expand

Warning W0004  Codeblock parameter 'SELF' declared but not used in function 'MAIN'

Please note that there is nothing visible in the source code that can cause that warning.


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:12 am
by hmpaquito
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:
Please note that there is nothing visible in the source code that can cause that warning.



Fivewin .ch files generates codeblock {|Self| xxxxxxx }
Look at in test.ppo file


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:16 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Yes, I know it, but this doesn't solve the problem. I don't want to see a warning that I can't fix.


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:48 am
by hmpaquito
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:Yes, I know it, but this doesn't solve the problem. I don't want to see a warning that I can't fix.


I think that is impossible without new clausules introduction on Fwh commands because to be must respect legacy code

Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:02 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
As I wrote in the first message, with xHarbour I use the -wb- compiler switch. I hoped there were something similar in Harbour.


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 4:16 pm
by hmpaquito
Hi Mr. Enrico,

IMHO -wb- is not a xHarbour valid switch.


El volumen de la unidad D no tiene etiqueta.
El número de serie del volumen es: 363E-D9F4

Directorio de d:\xPrueba

24/06/2022 18:10 <DIR> .
24/06/2022 18:10 <DIR> ..
14/12/2020 21:47 699.392 harbour.exe
24/06/2022 17:50 54 prueba.prg
14/12/2020 21:51 3.745.792 xharbour.dll

xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20201212)
Copyright 1999-2020,

Syntax: d:\xPrueba\harbour.exe <file[s][.prg]> [options]

Options: /a automatic memvar declaration
/b debug info
/build display detailed version info
/credits display credits
/d<id>[=<val>] #define <id>
/es[<level>] set exit severity
/ex create public function list (.xbx)
/g<type> output type generated is <type> (see below)
/gc[<type>] output type: C source (.c) (default)
<type>: 0=compact 1=normal 2=verbose (default)
3=generate real C code
/go output type: Platform dependant object module
/gh output type: Harbour Portable Object (.hrb)
/i<path> #include file search path
/j[<file>] output i18n support [to <file>] to .hil
/k compilation mode (type -k? for more data)
/l suppress line number information
/m compile module only
/n[<type>] no implicit starting procedure (default)
<type>: 0=no implicit starting procedure
1=no starting procedure at all
2=force application starting procedure
/o<path> object file drive and/or path
/p[o<path>] generate pre-processed output (.ppo) file in <path>
/pt[o<path>] generate pre-processor trace (.ppt) file in <path>
/q quiet
/q0 quiet and don't display program header
/s syntax check only
/u[[+]<file>] use command def set in <file> (or none)
/undef:<id> #undef <id>
/v variables are assumed M->
/vd external functions are assumed as dynamic functions
/w[<level>] set warning level number (0..3, default 1)
/x[<prefix>] set symbol init function name prefix (for .c only)
/z suppress shortcutting (.and. & .or.)
@<file> compile list of modules in <file>

d:\xPrueba>type prueba.prg
function main()

a:= {|self| "hola" }
return nil

d:\xPrueba>harbour prueba
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20201212)
Copyright 1999-2020,
Compiling 'prueba.prg'...
Generating C source output to 'prueba.c'...
Lines 6, Functions/Procedures 2, pCodes 9

d:\xPrueba>harbour prueba -w
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20201212)
Copyright 1999-2020,
Compiling 'prueba.prg'...
prueba.prg(3) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference: 'A'
Generating C source output to 'prueba.c'...
Lines 6, Functions/Procedures 2, pCodes 9

d:\xPrueba>harbour prueba -w2
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20201212)
Copyright 1999-2020,
Compiling 'prueba.prg'...
prueba.prg(3) Warning W0004 Codeblock parameter: 'SELF' declared but not used in function: 'MAIN'
prueba.prg(3) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference: 'A'
Generating C source output to 'prueba.c'...
Lines 6, Functions/Procedures 2, pCodes 9

d:\xPrueba>harbour prueba -wb
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20201212)
Copyright 1999-2020,
Compiling 'prueba.prg'...
prueba.prg(3) Warning W0004 Codeblock parameter: 'SELF' declared but not used in function: 'MAIN'
prueba.prg(3) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference: 'A'
Generating C source output to 'prueba.c'...
Lines 6, Functions/Procedures 2, pCodes 9

d:\xPrueba>harbour prueba -wb-
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20201212)
Copyright 1999-2020,
Compiling 'prueba.prg'...
Generating C source output to 'prueba.c'...
Lines 6, Functions/Procedures 2, pCodes 9


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:28 pm
by rhlawek
I've been doing this. I'm not sure it is completely perfect as it appears (to me) that once set to level 1 this way the reset back to level 3 doesn't always seem to work.

Code: Select all | Expand

#pragma WARNINGLEVEL = 1

// Warning generating code...

#pragma WARNINGLEVEL = 3


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:44 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
hmpaquito wrote:Hi Mr. Enrico,

IMHO -wb- is not a xHarbour valid switch.

Sure it is, I'm using it all the time, since years.


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:46 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
rhlawek wrote:I've been doing this. I'm not sure it is completely perfect as it appears (to me) that once set to level 1 this way the reset back to level 3 doesn't always seem to work.

Code: Select all | Expand

#pragma WARNINGLEVEL = 1

// Warning generating code...

#pragma WARNINGLEVEL = 3


The problem here is that the code generating the warning is not in my source code. Please look at my sample in the first message of this thread.


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:01 pm
by rhlawek
I don't think I understand. This is the sample you provided when you started this thread, with the addition as I use it to ignore this specific warning. If not this code, what code are you talking about?

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""


    LOCAL oDlg


#pragma WARNINGLEVEL = 1

             ON INIT MSGINFO();


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:29 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Are you suggesting that I have to put the pragmas around any code that can cause a warning? If it were my code I will fix it. But something like this

Code: Select all | Expand

             ON INIT MSGINFO();

doesn't have any visible code that can cause a warning that I can fix. The warning is caused by the FWH code that is the result of preprocessing command directive. So I can't fix it. And surely I don't want to put all the pragmas you suggested. How do you deal with this problem in your programs?


Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:53 pm
by rhlawek
Yes, unfortunately. I know inserting this throughout any code base could be a hassle but, yes, this is exactly what I have done. If I cant' fix something just via code (always my preference) I may hide the error using an HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED() call at the end of a func/proc and only use the pragma as a last resort.

I tend to keep all my fivewin code isolated from my pure harbour code, so it actually isn't a huge problem for me, but then again I did it years ago and have maintained that practice. My practice is to fix anything/everything that I can fix for warnings thrown when using -W3, including using HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED() where it is applicable, then only use the pragma to fix what is left. I'm always looking for a better answer, but so far this is the best I've come up with.

I'll say again, I know using the pragma to change to w1 works, but a following call to set back to w3 doesn't always work. I've always assumed this is a harbour bug of some sort but I've never tried to track it down.

Re: Harbour warnings

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:56 pm
by hmpaquito
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:
rhlawek wrote:I've been doing this. I'm not sure it is completely perfect as it appears (to me) that once set to level 1 this way the reset back to level 3 doesn't always seem to work.

Code: Select all | Expand

#pragma WARNINGLEVEL = 1

// Warning generating code...

#pragma WARNINGLEVEL = 3


The problem here is that the code generating the warning is not in my source code. Please look at my sample in the first message of this thread.



My first answer was definitiva: I tell you
I think that is impossible without new clausules introduction on Fwh commands because to be must respect legacy code

And then you say:

As I wrote in the first message, with xHarbour I use the -wb- compiler switch. I hoped there were something similar in Harbour.

And then I say:
IMHO -wb- is not a xHarbour valid switch.

And then you say again:
The problem here is that the code generating the warning is not in my source code. Please look at my sample in the first message of this thread.

Which of my answers did you not understand?
And now my question is, is it worth helping when he answers you like a fronton?