adordd its working quite well but still some adjustments to do. (MySql)
Our client is working with the app with adordd in MySql in parallel with the same app with ADS comparing all transactions and behavior between the two. He s quit happy. (2nd week trials on real data)
The app its more than 90% converted ( tested ) and we only needed to change till now a couple of index create expressions and like this:
Code: Select all | Expand
cexpress := "CONVERT(ano,UNSIGNED)*100+CONVERT(sementrega,UNSIGNED) >=" +semanaini+" and "+ ;
"CONVERT(ano,UNSIGNED)*100+CONVERT(sementrega,UNSIGNED) <= "+semanafim+ ;
" and nrfactur = ' '"
cexpress := "val(ano)*100+val(sementrega) >=val('"+str(semanaini)+"') .and."+ ;
"val(ano)*100+val(sementrega) <= val('"+str(semanafim)+"')"+ ;
".and. nrfactur == space(10)"
The only true complaint till now is the speed problem with dbeval() mainly in SUM operations. Its really very
slow and we cant find out why! Antonio any ideas?
Meanwhile we found that in certain SELECT.. WHERE... field properties become inaccessible even when recordset its not empty. Add records its not possible.
Fortunately we only need it for autoinc property and we found a workaround.
Maybe Mr.Rao knows the reason for it.
Our client has its own filter routines either already through SELECTS or by filing arrays so its not important to us nevertheless because will certainly be important for the market in general Im checking with Lucas a workaround to make it 100% compatible with (x)Harbour syntax.
Any contribution is most welcome!
Now it seems that we have more 2 clients interested in porting apps to SQL. (one MySql other Oracle)
Please note that adordd its only being tested with ADS oledb, ACCESS and MySql.
I expect to post a new version today's evening or tomorrow morning.
Letting (x)Harbour to navigate freely around all data.