Xbrowse : Tooltips timers
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:55 am
I was looking into xbrowse for showing the tooltip as long as i'm on a cell, so the tooltip should stay, or If I could set a timer then I set it a long time.
I'm using it to show information that needs to be longer on screen.
In xbrowse code I don't see a timer code for it ?
This I use now :
I'm using it to show information that needs to be longer on screen.
In xbrowse code I don't see a timer code for it ?
This I use now :
Code: Select all | Expand
oBrw:bToolTips := ;
{ | oBrw,r,c,f,oMouseCol,nMouseRow| MyColToolTip( oBrw,r,c,f,oMouseCol,nMouseRow ) }
function MyColToolTip( oBrwS, r, c, f, oMouseCol, nMouseRow )
local uBm, uVal
if nMouseRow != oBrwS:nRowSel
uBm := oBrwS:BookMark
Eval( oBrwS:bSkip, nMouseRow - oBrwS:nRowSel )
uVal := oMouseCol:Value
oBrwS:BookMark := uBm
uVal := oMouseCol:Value
return uVal