Man beweist nie, dass man Unrecht hat, man wird um ein Word docgebeten und man möchte HTML kürzen. Es ist, als würde man einen Tesla kaufen und ihnen eine Kutsche liefernOtto wrote:Enrico,
But I can only recommend switching to HTML right away.

Man beweist nie, dass man Unrecht hat, man wird um ein Word docgebeten und man möchte HTML kürzen. Es ist, als würde man einen Tesla kaufen und ihnen eine Kutsche liefernOtto wrote:Enrico,
But I can only recommend switching to HTML right away.
Guide to Using the FiveWin-Based Program
1. Program Start and GUI Initialization
When the program starts, the main function Main is called.
In this function, various GUI elements such as a dialog window (oDlg), a browser object (oBrw), and buttons are created.
The size and properties of these elements are set up to form a user interface for displaying and editing data.
2. Data Preparation
An array aData is defined and filled with preliminary data to be displayed in the GUI. This data might include company names, addresses, invoice numbers, and similar information.
3. Displaying Data in the Browser Object
The browser object oBrw is used to display the data from aData in a tabular view.
Users can see and edit this data in the GUI.
4. Generating a Report
By pressing a button in the dialog, the Report function is invoked.
This function reads HTML templates and constructs a structured report that includes images, product descriptions, quantities, and prices.
5. Printing the Report
The PrintHtml function allows for printing the generated report.
This function utilizes an ActiveX object to handle the printing process.
6. Auxiliary and Control Functions
The function check4prn is used to determine which columns should be printed in the report.
The procedures PrgInit and PrgExit initialize and clean up system settings at the start and end of the program.
Important Notes
Data Customization: The data provided in the aData array should be adjusted according to actual requirements.
HTML Templates: External HTML templates are used for the report. These should be present and correctly formatted.
Printing Functionality: The printing functionality depends on the correct configuration and installation of the ActiveX object.
Nothing wrong at all.May I ask: Is there something wrong with HTML as a reporting language since everyone is against it?
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Who is against it? I am not, for sure. But you can't answer to any question with "use HTML", sorry.Otto wrote:May I ask: Is there something wrong with HTML as a reporting language since everyone is against it?
May I ask: Is there something wrong with HTML as a reporting language since everyone is against it?