Arrays and tSBrowse

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Arrays and tSBrowse

Post by TimStone »

OK ... I found a work around, but still ....

Using tSBrowse with an array. Initially it has x number of elements ( for example 10) and browsing them is no problem. Now, I wish to add another element, so I use AADD( ) and increase the array by one element. I now need to reposition the highlight to the new element so I do a oLbx:gobttom() ... but that doesn't necessarily get there ! The array elements are in natural order, not sorted. So, using the tSBrowse gobottom() method I would think should take me there ...

Any thoughts ?

For my work around, I count the number of array elements, and then use the GoPos( x, y ) method to go to the last array element. That seems to work.

I'm using this to append elements to the array, and then they will be written to a database after editing is complete.

Tim Stone
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Detlef Hoefner
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Post by Detlef Hoefner »


may be this could work.

Code: Select all | Expand

oBrw:bGoBottom := { || oBrw:nAt := len( oBrw:aArray ) }

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Re: Arrays and tSBrowse

Post by mmercado »

TimStone wrote:using tSBrowse with an array. Initially it has x number of elements ( for example 10) and browsing them is no problem. Now, I wish to add another element, so I use AADD( ) and increase the array by one element. I now need to reposition the highlight to the new element so I do a oLbx:gobttom() ... but that doesn't necessarily get there ! The array elements are in natural order, not sorted. So, using the tSBrowse gobottom() method I would think should take me there ...

Any thoughts ?

Hi Tim:

If you externally add an element to the array, must to add 1 to oBrw:nLen data, or use SetArray() method to refresh the array size and view.


Manuel Mercado
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