Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 7:33 pm
i got this in *.LOG
when remove FONT or use a "local" FONT than i have no Problem ... hm
what is the Problem with PUBLIC FONT in DIALOG
p.s. App will still run but i want get rid of those Error.LOG
i got this in *.LOG
i have open DIALOG where i use a PUBLIC FONT in XBROWSE14.05.2023 21:03:46: MAIN( 624 ) "Start" = "Start"
14.05.2023 21:04:29: EXCESS RELEASE OF FONT TAHOMA[ hFont : 0] ( nCount : 0 )
14.05.2023 21:04:29: EXCESS RELEASE OF FONT TAHOMA[ hFont : 0] ( nCount : -1 )
14.05.2023 21:04:29: MAIN( 953 ) "Ende" = "Ende"
when remove FONT or use a "local" FONT than i have no Problem ... hm
what is the Problem with PUBLIC FONT in DIALOG

p.s. App will still run but i want get rid of those Error.LOG