I deleted my post after re-reading your initial post about oBtn ... here is the code I deleted that pertained to the oJump method ..
Code: Select all | Expand
REDEFINE GET oPosition VAR cPosition ID 142 of oGrps PICTURE "@!" BITMAP "find";
ACTION ( _PosGet( cMode,@cPosition,oPosition,oPositionAbbr,@cPositionAbbr,"BUTTON",;
oButt1,oButt2,oRsEmp ),;
oPositionAbbr:SetFocus(),oPositionAbbr:oJump := oPositionAbbr ) UPDATE
oPosition:lAdjustBtn := .t.
oPosition:bKeyDown := {|nK| if( nK==VK_RETURN,( ;
_PosGet( cMode,@cPosition,oPosition,oPositionAbbr,@cPositionAbbr,"FIELD",;
oButt1,oButt2,oRsEmp ),;
oOrganU:SetFocus(),oOrganU:oJump := oOrganU ), ) }
REDEFINE GET oPositionAbbr VAR cPositionAbbr ID 148 of oGRPS UPDATE //COLOR CLR_BLACK, 16053492 READONLY
In the above code .. tget is
evaluating the bKeydown code block and traps the <enter> key .. thereby blocking the navigation to the next field .. I believe the above code was inspired my Antonio .. I mention oJump in my deleted post and noted that if was a bit clumsy and your solution seemed much more elegant .. Hope this post is relevant to your tget enhancement.
Rick Lipkin