1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

Hello from Sillian, I am Ruth, Otto´s daughter. I am happy that so many of you come to the HARBOUR 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. This will be great.
If you plan to come from California to Milan a great route to Sillian, where the conference takes place, would be this:
You can do this in 2 days - stopping at LAKE GARDA which ist one of the most beautiful places in Italy. Please ask me about your journeys...I can provide you with all the information and help you to organise the trip.

Kind regards from Sillian

dtussman wrote:This looks great. I will try to make it although it is a bit far from California. My tentative plan is to fly into Milan/Malpensa, head up through Switzerland through Zurich, then Munich and Salzburg, into Austria, check out Vienna, then perhaps over to Budapest, down through Slovenia to Trieste and back to Milan. Does anybody remember the conference Ashton Tate put on in San Diego back around 1996? They were trying to promote Visual Objects but of course no one was interested in that. Nonetheless the conference was instrumental in helping me decide to use Fivewin to migrate from DoS to Windows.
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

Dear friends,

the "DONATE" button is now online. Please contribute...together we can achieve something great.
I will write to you later this morning...I am working on a great side-event including a trip to the amazing "THREE PEAKS".

Kind regards

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Hello everyone;

I'm really looking forward to participating on this Summit. It is a great opportunity that no-one should miss. AMOF, I think we should do this every year. I guarantee everyone you will not be disappointed and it will be well worth the time and expense. Thank you very much to Otto, Ruth and Antonio for coming up with this idea.

I will be bringing with me free developer license codes for ADS server Linux and Windows for a maximum of 5 users. For now here is the short list of topics we will be talking about:

Introductions to and understanding ADS and why ADS
Local-Remote-AIS servers
Advantage Tools
Full Text Search
Understanding Data Dictionaries
Encryption and security
Defining data constraints and referencial integrity
Stored Procedures
Backup and Restore

I understand we probably won't have enough time to speak in depth about all these subjects. I will be more than happy to stay an extra day(s) after the seminar to expand, speak, help more with ADS with anyone who wants to.

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Andrés González »

Antonio, añademe a la lista, estoy coordinando con Biel la asistencia.

Un saludo.

Andrés González desde Mallorca
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Antonio Linares »


muy bien

Se lo he comunicado a Ruth y a Otto por email.

Entiendo que lo idóneo es que te registres en la página oficial que ellos han proporcionado:
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

Dear friends,

officially confirmed:
the [x]HARBOUR 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE will take place in Sillian (Austria) from July 03-05, 2017!!!!

We are very proud to present to you the list of speakers and are looking forward to a more than great event.
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

The T-Shirt is available now in S, M, L, XL and XXL.

Kind regards Ruth

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

Dear friends,

we will organize a shuttle from MUNICH airport to SILLIAN on Sunday, 2nd of July, at some time in the afternoon if there are enough people who are interested.
The alternative is an international train. We will calculate the costs and communicate them.

Please tell me if you want to join.

Kind regards Ruth
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

"A warm welcome to the xHARBOUR community. As the Mayor of Sillian I am very proud and honored that you have chosen our beautiful region for the first xHARBOUR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. I wish you all the best for the planning process.

I have heard that the participants come from many different parts of the world, some from very far away. To all of you: have a nice journey. We are proud and happy to have you here at Sillian in July.
The writing of computer programs is not just a technical task, but also highly creative. We hope that you get inspired by the stunning nature of our beloved valley in the garden of the Dolomites. Maybe these positive surroundings can inspire and create interesting ways of collaboration and exchange among so many experienced professionals.

Looking forward to July, when all of you we will be here with us, I hope that this first xHARBOUR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE will turn out to be a great success."

Hermann Mitteregger
mayor of Sillian

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Proposed Timetable , Speakers and List of Topics




History of Fivewin and Harbour
Then and Now
Overall support and supervision



FiveWin's program editor and Project Builder

-ANSI and all standards of Unicode

-Editing, syntax highlighting

-Funtions, methods list

-Context sensitive help

-Running single module application without building exe

-Project configuration

-Bulding and running project with different compilers


- TRichEdit
- TRichEdit5
Menu System

Google Maps
- and alternatives to Google Maps
Google Cloud API


Advantage Database

* ISAM vs. SQL and how you can still do both with ADS
* ADT, VFP, Extended field types
* Data Dictionaries
* Field defaults and constraints
* SQL scripting language and some query tools
* Triggers
* Stored procedures and User defined functions
* Referential integrity (RI)
* Transactions
* Fast Text Search indexes (FTS)
* Database Event Notifications
* Enhanced DB security and Encryption
* Replication
* Online Backup




Easy Report
- a Walk-through
- Programming help tool

G.Nageswara Rao

(as a browser)

- Recommended ways to create and cofigure. Comparision of alternatives. Merits of using command syntax.
- Parametrized creation of xbrowse.
- Recommended ways to create columns, alternative methods and when to use / not to use alterntiave methods.
- Styles: Legacy, 200? styles, Flat Style for Metro-look.
- Compatibility issues with some RDDs and limitations.
- Configuring the browse.
- Excel like
- MarqueeStyles and Lines
- Configuring columns
- Editing Cells, edit types (more on listbox and editbutton)
- Edit functions for memo fields
- Formula Edit like Excel. (Eg "=234/456*12%" )
- Power of Xbrowse copy and paste methods. Exporting data by copying and importing data by pasting including images and blobs into any database being browsed
- Deprecated and discouraged methods and datas
- Important DO's AND DONT's
- How to use minimal code to avail the full power of XBrowse
- Advantages of using XBrowse's built-in defaults and when only to over-ride with programmers' own settings.
- What to avoid. Based on examples taken from several postings of code snippets in the forums.
- Images, bitmaps, brushes, Progress-bars, Charts, etc in Cells.
- Reading and saving of images and blobs
- Cell formattig, like positioning of various elements inside the cell, usage of multiple fonts.
- Additional formatting available in xbrowse.
- Ownerdraw of cells, rows, headers and footers
- Issues when browsing slow access datasources.
- Fastdraw
- Auto-calculation of columns, user defined computation of columns, group computations and other inbuilt computational capabilities
- MakeTotals(). Programming considerations.
- Pivot table browses and swapping.
- Getbars and Seekbars
- Built-in incremental seek/filters
- Exporting data Excel, Calc, Report, Word, DBF, PDF
- Grouped rows as Merged Columns and Trees
- Forgotten and less known switches, methods and features and their uses.

Inheriting and extending XBrowse
- Template for Inheriting XBrowse
- Adding new datas and methods on the fly, to individual browses and columns without effecting other browses/column objects

(for Database maintenance)

XBrowse, along with integrated datarow, is a lot more than simple data display tool. It provides a complete database maintaienace system, which is simple to use yet robust.

- Using methods Edit(), EditSource(), Delete() etc for total maintenance of tables providing browsing with add/edit/delete facilities.
- Advantages of using these methods compared to alternatives.
- Customization of these methods for user requirements.
- Using custom edit dialogs
- Template for custom dialogs
- Combining browse and edit dialog in the same dialog
- How datarow works with all datasources and even makes easy to handle blob fields like images and other binary data.

Portable Code:

XBrowse and DataRow classes are carefully designed to create highly portable code across different databases, eg dbf, ado, various rdbms, mysql, etc.
Discussion as to how to write portable code that works with all different databases without any change. Limitations, do's and dont's.

(function XBrowse())

- Purpose of XBrowser
- Usage, syntax.
- Extending with setup clause
- Using as pick-list for selection
- As Object browser
- Debug tool during development
- More

Unfamilar features of familiar controls
Metro-Look Controls

Translucent backgrounds and usage of alpha colors.


- Touch and gesture functions already provided in FWH and usage
- Touch friendly controls, like listboxes and comboboxes
- Controls that automatically recognize touch gestures and their behavior.
- Extending touch functionality by the programmer using the functions provided.
- Detecting form-factor: PC or tablet
- Recognition of Tablet mode and Desktop mode switching. Programming considerations
- Recognition of Portait/Landscape Orientation switching. Programming issues
- Hardware change events
- FWH automatic switching between desktop look and universal look
- Event notifications
- Issues to the considered by the programmer while programming for touch enabled
devices including touch keyboards.
- Issues for designing applications to work on different form-factors viz., desktop,
tablet and mobile phone.
- Related issues.

Ansi SQL
Database Design
Data Normalisation
Data Integrity
Reduction of load on Server and Network
Query Optimization
Connection Object
RecordSet object
Command Object
FWH Classes

FWH support for ADO & SQL
Advantages of using FWH functions

- Introduction
- Benefits in comparision with other alternatives including ADO.
- Choice of Servers: MySql and MariaDB
- Hybrid applications. How applications mainly using others like ADO, Dolphin, etc
can also take benefit of FWHMYSQL, without changing the present code.

Connection Class datas and methods
Rowset Class datas and methods
Backup and Restore( normal and encrypted)


We request participants and users to suggest and propose any new topics to be included as well as modifications to the above proposals.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

Dear Mr. Rao,

the timetable looks great. Thanks a lot for your precious help in making the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE the best experience for everybody :-)

I will publish the timetable in a newsletter this weekend...

Kind regards to all of you
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

Dear friends,

sorry that I didn´t post that much in the recent days. We are very busy preparins the CONFERENCE and looking forward to meeting you all very much.
See the photo of hotel BERGLAND***.


Please don´t forget: There will be a TRANSFER from MUNICH AIRPORT to SILLIAN HOTEL on Sunday, 2nd of July. Contact me if you are interested in joining please.

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Hello Ruth;

Count me in for the shuttle from Munich to Sillian. I will send you flight information in case you need it. I will be there Sunday July 2nd.

Thank you for all the great work you do. I hope we can continue to do this every year from now on.

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Ruth »

Dear Reinaldo,

great. I put you on the list for the shuttle. Dear friends, let me know if you want to join the transfer.

Kind regards Ruth
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Ruth,

Please count me in too, thanks

For what date should we buy the returning flight so we go together again to the airport ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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