1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Otto »

Dear Mr. Rao,
we will offer a shuttle service. Let’s wait how the attendees plan to come.
Then we coordinate the transfer. Any how we personally care about the transfer.
Munich Airport seems for me the best connected one.

Best regards,
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by wilsongamboa »

Good afternoon
we plan to travel with my wife
will be a pleasure to Know all the master and monsters of harbour - fivewin programing
I'll wait till the even will confirm to start sell our tickets ( are expensive )
Many Thanks
From Quito Ecuador
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Otto »

Dear FiveWinners,

the FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference in the Dolomites is just a few month away.
Please can you tell us if you are interested in participating so that we can go on in the planning process.
Kind regards and hope to see you this summer

Family Atzwanger (Otto, Renate, Iris und Ruth)


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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Antonio Linares »

Current list of speakers and attendees:

Cristobal Navarro
Reinaldo Crespo
Nageswararao Gunupudi
Antonio Linares

Philippe Jacquet
regards, saludos

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Maurizio »

Please add me to the list.

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Antonio Linares »


Current list of speakers and attendees:

Cristobal Navarro
Reinaldo Crespo
Nageswararao Gunupudi
Antonio Linares

Philippe Jacquet
regards, saludos

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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

To start with I am considering discussing the following topics in the seminar. This is a draft and will be improved on the basis of feedback and suggestions.


Creation and configuration:

- Recommended ways to create and cofigure. Comparision of alternatives. Merits of using command syntax.
- Parametrized creation of xbrowse.
- Recommended ways to create columns, alternative methods and when to use / not to use alterntiave methods.
- Extending configuration of browse and columns:
Detailed discussion of Switches, codeblocks and usage
- Deprecated and discouraged methods and datas
- Important DO's AND DONT's
- How to use minimal code to avail the full power of XBrowse
- Advantages of using XBrowse's built-in defaults and when only to over-ride with programmers' own settings.
- What to avoid. Based on examples taken from several postings of code snippets in the forums.
- Images, bitmaps, brushes, Progress-bars, Charts, etc in Cells.
- Cell formattig, like positioning of various elements inside the cell, usage of multiple fonts.
- Additional formatting available in xbrowse.
- Ownerdraw of cells, rows, headers and footers
- Issues when browsing slow access datasources.
- Fastdraw
- Auto-calculation of columns, user defined computation of columns, group computations and other inbuilt computational capabilities
- Pivot table browses and swapping.
- Getbars and Seekbars
- Built-in incremental seek/filters
- Forgotten and less known switches, methods and features and their uses.

Database maintenance:

XBrowse, along with integrated datarow, is a lot more than simple data display tool. It provides a complete database maintaienace system, which is simple to use yet robust.

- Using methods Edit(), EditSource(), Delete() etc for total maintenance of tables providing browsing with add/edit/delete facilities.
- Advantages of using these methods compared to alternatives.
- Customization of these methods for user requirements.
- Combining browse and edit dialog in the same dialog
- etc

Portable Code:

XBrowse and DataRow classes are carefully designed to create highly portable code across different databases, eg dbf, ado, various rdbms, mysql, etc.
Discussion as to how to write portable code that works with all different databases without any change. Limitations, do's and dont's.

Discussion on special issues with Other controls.
Eg less known capabilities of buttonbars, buttons, new controls, etc.

Translucent backgrounds and usage of alpha colors.


- Touch and gesture functions already provided in FWH and usage
- Touch friendly controls, like listboxes and comboboxes
- Controls that automatically recognize touch gestures and their behavior.
- Extending touch functionality by the programmer using the functions provided.
- Recognition of Tablet mode and Orientation.
- FWH automatic recognition and adjustment to Tablet Mode and orientation.
- FWH automatic switching between desktop look and universal look and switching
to tablet mode from desktop mode and vice-versa.
- Issues to the considered by the programmer while programming for touch enabled
devices including touch keyboards.
- Issues for designing applications to work on different form-factors viz., desktop,
tablet and mobile phone.
- Related issues.

FWH Support for ADO

- How FWH Ado functions simplify handling different ADO datasources, with same functions.
- Explanation of functions
- Classes: TRecSet, TAdoCommand


- Introduction
- Benefits in comparision with other alternatives including ADO.
- Hybrid applications. How applications mainly using others like ADO, Dolphin, etc
can also take benefit of FWHMYSQL, without changing the present code.

In addition, further developments to FWH in the ensuing months also will be discussed.

This list is tentative. Likely to be expanded based on friends' suggestions.
We also request proposals for inclusion of other subjects which may be considered more useful to the participants.

The ultimate idea is that the particpants should be benefited by the discussions and deliberations in the forum resulting in a significant improvement of productivity.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Antonio Linares »

Current list of speakers and attendees:

Cristobal Navarro
Reinaldo Crespo
Nageswararao Gunupudi
Antonio Linares

Philippe Jacquet
Tomas (Cybertel from Seoul) (two attendees)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Antonio Linares »

As this week is the Barcelona Mobile International show, my great friend and client Back Nam Sam from Seul
has come to Marbella for two days to visit me.

He told me that he will assist to the 1st international FWH and Harbour users conference and also he will do
a presentation of his company PTT (Push to Talk) software to all attendees. The PTT server has been entirely
developed using Harbour.

Great experts in many areas will assist (SQL, Browse, Google Docs access, ADS, PTT, etc.) so we will have very
interesting technical sessions and it makes this a unique oportunity to meet personally and to share knowledge and
great moments together :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Antonio Linares »

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Rick Lipkin »


It may have been mentioned in an earlier post .. I would enjoy being able to view a live streaming video since I am not able to attend in person .. also, you may be able to leverage the podcast to bring in new developers not yet familiar with FiveWin.

I am sensing a lot of Corporate frustration with Dot Net, specifically C# and web development that Dot Net ( historically ) costs ( at least ) 10 times more money to develop in both time and talent .. and in many cases significant project failure at a tremendous economic expense for Enterprise application development.

I have seen new job postings recently for Developers that are familiar with Open Source and new development tools ... and a live streaming event with some advertising could yield you some GREAT PRESS and EXPOSURE .. to let the folks know .. it's not xbase any more!

Rick Lipkin
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by don lowenstein »

I'm interested in attending the FWH conference.

Which airport would you recommend I fly to from USA?

Also, after the conference I'm interested in touring the region, but I know nothing about that part of the world. can anyone provide suggestions for making a complete vacation out of the trip?
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Which airport would you recommend I fly to from USA?

This is what Mr. Otto advised.
Dear Mr. Rao,
we will offer a shuttle service. Let’s wait how the attendees plan to come.
Then we coordinate the transfer. Any how we personally care about the transfer.
Munich Airport seems for me the best connected one.

Best regards,

I understand it is about 3-1/2 hours drive from Munich. There are other nearer airports but Munich may be more suitable for international travelers.

The conference place itself is a great tourist destination. You can stay there for a day or two more. And Europe is really a great continent to visit.

You can start googling now and our friends from Europe also will advise you.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by cnavarro »

You can start googling now and our friends from Europe also will advise you.

Spain, no doubt :D :) :D :P :lol:
Cristobal Navarro
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Re: 1st FWH + [x]Harbour 2017 international conference

Post by Antonio Linares »

Daniel García Gil has confirmed me that he will assist! :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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