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Multi dimensional Array, aSave, aRead
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:32 pm
by devtuxtla
Hello Fivewinners.
I require save and read in a memo field, multi dimensional array, I try saving with aRead aSave and read it, but send me the following error:
Time from start: 0 hours 1 mins 39 secs
Error occurred at: 11/11/2013, 12:24:18
Error description: Error BASE/1131 Bound error: array dimension
[1] = N -4799
Stack Calls
Called from: => Array (0)
Called from:. \ Source \ classes \ WINDOW.PRG => aread (1816)
Called from: C: \ Activities \ prg \ actividadxml08.prg => AV_GENERA_R08 (874)
I am using xHarbour 1.23 and Fw1308
Someone knows the trick?
Re: Multi dimensional Array, aSave, aRead
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:35 pm
by Gale FORd
I use valtoprgexp()
replace MemoField with valtoprgexp( aData )
then later
aData := &( MemoField )
This may be a function but I am not sure.
Re: Multi dimensional Array, aSave, aRead
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:47 am
by Antonio Linares
Que versión de FWH estás usando ?
Re: Multi dimensional Array, aSave, aRead
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:14 pm
by TecniSoftware
Yo uso desde hace muchisimo tiempo los campos memo guardando arrays multidimensionales sin hacer absolutamente ninguna formula ni nada.
Simplemente creo el campo como memo AADD(aDbf,{"ITEMS", "M", 10, 0}) y luego le asigno el array que necesito:
aItems[n][1] // Fecha
aItems[n][2] // Código de concepto
aItems[n][3] // Número de cuota
aItems[n][4] // Vencimiento
aItems[n][5] // Debe
aItems[n][6] // Haber
Replace (cAlias)->Items With aItems
Despues se puede recorrer el array
For n := 1 To Len( (cAlias)->Items
MSgInfo( (cAlias)->Items[n][1] )
MSgInfo( (cAlias)->Items[n][2] )
MSgInfo( (cAlias)->Items[n][3] )
No se si es esto lo que estas necesitando.
Espero que te sirva.
Re: Multi dimensional Array, aSave, aRead
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:17 pm
by devtuxtla
Hola Antonio.
Estoy utilizando la version 13.08.
Alejandro, Gracias por el Tip, por ahora lo resolvi asi, como lo comentas.
Re: Multi dimensional Array, aSave, aRead
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:15 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
I am not discussing about ARead and ASave, but like to discuss some alternatives.
#1) If we are using "DBFCDX", we need not make any conversions. We can straightaway assign and read Arrays to and from memo fields very safely.
(cAlias)->MEMOFLD := aData
aData := (cAlias)->MEMOFLD
Works very well and reliably for any complex arrays nested to any level.
Cons: Does not work with DBFNTX or ADSCDX.
#2) I personally recommend using FW_ValToExp( aData ) over using VALTOPRGEXP().
By using FW_ValToExp() we are confident that values written in xHarbour can be correctly ready by Harbour and vice-versa.
We had to write FW_ValToExp() when we faced some issues using ValToPrg().