a folder into a dialog

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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Jimmy »

karinha wrote:Perfect Jimmy, but even so, I would never use this model. It doesn't make sense in a SIMPLE FOLDEREX.
perhaps i do not understand what you and Silvio try to do.
Silvio wrote:or do all the dialogs in the folder have to be the same size?
i prefer not to change size or other Style within a Dialog

i would never use so much FolderEX like in your Sample or 2-line TAB, for me it is "too much" in a Dialog.
i like to use Simple Design Style and CODE which is easy to read and understand
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by karinha »

I think the same as you Jimmy. The problem is that I work in a commercial company and the CUSTOMER is in charge. In this example, the customer ordered "ONLY" 20 FOLDERs. He pays a fortune, and I have to do it, you know?

Pienso lo mismo que tú Jimmy. El problema es que trabajo en una empresa comercial y el CLIENTE está a cargo. En este ejemplo, el cliente pidió "SÓLO" 20 FOLDERs. Él paga una fortuna y yo tengo que hacerlo, ¿sabes?

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

Jimmy wrote:hi,
karinha wrote:Perfect Jimmy, but even so, I would never use this model. It doesn't make sense in a SIMPLE FOLDEREX.
perhaps i do not understand what you and Silvio try to do.
Silvio wrote:or do all the dialogs in the folder have to be the same size?
i prefer not to change size or other Style within a Dialog

i would never use so much FolderEX like in your Sample or 2-line TAB, for me it is "too much" in a Dialog.
i like to use Simple Design Style and CODE which is easy to read and understand

karinha wrote:I think the same as you Jimmy. The problem is that I work in a commercial company and the CUSTOMER is in charge. In this example, the customer ordered "ONLY" 20 FOLDERs. He pays a fortune, and I have to do it, you know?

Pienso lo mismo que tú Jimmy. El problema es que trabajo en una empresa comercial y el CLIENTE está a cargo. En este ejemplo, el cliente pidió "SÓLO" 20 FOLDERs. Él paga una fortuna y yo tengo que hacerlo, ¿sabes?

Regards, saludos.



As a teacher of an Italian high school for thirty-six years, I can only tell you that you, Mr. Karinha, still have to study a lot, you don't apply yourself, you think you know everything about fivewin but instead you make big mistakes, look at the test carefully and learn !!!!!
Next time, instead of talking nonsense, you'll see if it can be done or not

Code: Select all | Expand

#include "FiveWin.ch"
#include "Constant.ch"

#define DEF_COLOR1 nRgb( 245,244,234)
 #define DEF_COLOR2 nRgb(233,229,206)
 #define DEF_COLOR3  RGB( 238,236,219 )
 #define DEF_COLOR4  nRgb(218,214,179)

 #define DLG_nColorDlg     RGB(245,245,235)
 #define DLG_nColortitle1  RGB(219,230,244)
 #define DLG_nColortitle2  RGB(207,221,239)
 #define DLG_nColorBar1    RGB(250,250,245)
 #define DLG_nColorBar2    RGB(245,245,235)
 #define DLG_nColorBtn1    RGB(245,245,235)
 #define DLG_nColorBtn2    RGB(250,250,245)
 #define DLG_nColorBtnB    RGB(195,195,185)

Function Test()
local oDlg,oFld,oFont,oBold
local oBar,oBtnAnnulla,oBtnAiuto,oBtnConferma
local aFolder := {"Menu1","Menu2","Menu3","Menu4","Menu5","Menu6"}
local aCooDlg := {0,0}

// per la dialog e folder
local nHeight:= 680

local aPt := { 111,200 }

          local nBottom:= 41
          local nRight := 94.6
          local nHt       := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H
          local nWd       := Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )


        oFont := TFont():New( "TAHOMA", 0, 18,, )
        oBold := TFont():New( "TAHOMA", 0, 14,,.t. )

       FONT oFont  title "test folder" COLOR CLR_BLACK, DLG_nColorDlg  ;

       aPt   := ClientToScreen( oDlg:hWnd, aPt )
      DEFINE BUTTON oBtnAnnulla OF oBar ;
      PROMPT "Annulla" TOOLTIP "Esci" ;
      ACTION   ( oDlg:end( IDCANCEL ) )
      DEFINE BUTTON oBtnAiuto OF oBar  ;
      PROMPT "Aiuto" TOOLTIP "Aiuto" ;
      DEFINE BUTTON oBtnConferma OF oBar  BTNRIGHT  ;
      PROMPT "Conferma" ;
      TOOLTIP "Conferma i dati" ;
      ACTION   ( oDlg:end( IDOK ) )
      oBar:bClrGrad := { | lPressed | If( ! lPressed,;
                 { { 1, DLG_nColorBar1, DLG_nColorBar1} },;
                 { { 1, DLG_nColorBar2, DLG_nColorBar2} } ) }

   @100,0 FOLDEREX oFolder PROMPTS aFolder ;
   SIZE oDlg:nWidth,oDlg:nHeight-oBar:nheight  PIXEL   ;
   FONT oFont  ;
   COLOR nRgb( 245,244,234) ROUND 0

   oFolder:bAction := { || IF(oFolder:nOption=3 .or. oFolder:nOption=6 ,;
                         (oDlg:nHeight:=400,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )),;
                         (oDlg:nHeight:=680,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )) ) }

            oDlg:bResized  := <||
              local oRect    := oDlg:GetCliRect()
              oFolder:nTop := oRect:ntop+120
              oFolder:nHeight := oRect:nbottom-190
              oFolder:nWidth  := oRect:nWidth
              return nil

   ON INIT ( oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] ),;
                Eval(  oDlg:bResized),;
                ChangeButtons(oBar ),;
                Eval(oFolder:baction) )

function ChangeButtons( oBar )
       AEval( oBar:aControls, { | oCtrl | oCtrl:nTop += 4, oCtrl:nHeight -= 4 } )
 return .T.

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Otto »

Hello Silvio,
you posted a very good example. Respect.
Best regards,
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Antonio Linares »

+1 :-)

Master Silvio!
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Jimmy »

hi Silvio,
Silvio.Falconi wrote: RESOLVED ???
why do you use different Size for FolderEX Body of MENU 3 and MENU 6 ?

Code: Select all | Expand

 oFolder:bAction := { || IF(oFolder:nOption=3 .or. oFolder:nOption=6 ,;
                           (oDlg:nHeight:=400,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )),;
                           (oDlg:nHeight:=680,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )) ) }
for me it seems a bad Design to change SIze

Buttonbar will change Position so User need to move Mouse to new Position to press a Button.
why not use fix Size and Position to avoid losing Focus and moving Mouse.
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

Jimmy wrote:hi Silvio,
Silvio.Falconi wrote: RESOLVED ???
why do you use different Size for FolderEX Body of MENU 3 and MENU 6 ?

Code: Select all | Expand

 oFolder:bAction := { || IF(oFolder:nOption=3 .or. oFolder:nOption=6 ,;
                           (oDlg:nHeight:=400,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )),;
                           (oDlg:nHeight:=680,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )) ) }
for me it seems a bad Design to change SIze

Buttonbar will change Position so User need to move Mouse to new Position to press a Button.
why not use fix Size and Position to avoid losing Focus and moving Mouse.

Because on 3 and 6 Tab i have many controls on 6 or few controls on 3
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by richard-service »

Jimmy wrote:hi Silvio,
Silvio.Falconi wrote: RESOLVED ???
why do you use different Size for FolderEX Body of MENU 3 and MENU 6 ?

Code: Select all | Expand

 oFolder:bAction := { || IF(oFolder:nOption=3 .or. oFolder:nOption=6 ,;
                           (oDlg:nHeight:=400,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )),;
                           (oDlg:nHeight:=680,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )) ) }
for me it seems a bad Design to change SIze

Buttonbar will change Position so User need to move Mouse to new Position to press a Button.
why not use fix Size and Position to avoid losing Focus and moving Mouse.
I concur. It has always been my approach as well.
Best Regards,


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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by karinha »

Silvio, I am an ETERNAL LEARNER. Jimmy, you are BIG! Congratulations. Unlike you Silvio, I'm not ARROGANT! All knowledge for me is little!

Silvio, soy un ETERNO APRENDIZ. Jimmy, ¡eres GRANDE! Felicidades. ¡A diferencia de ti Silvio, yo no soy ARROGANTE! ¡Todo conocimiento para mí es poco!

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Jimmy »

hi Silvio,
Silvio wrote:Because on 3 and 6 Tab i have many controls on 6 or few controls on 3
i do understand, but to change Size is like "flicker" of Controls in my eyes.
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Otto »

Hello friends,

I’ve consulted AI to gather insights, which are based on the collective opinions of numerous individuals.

Best regards,

Objective Recommendation for Dynamic Height Adjustment in New Development
Modern Aesthetics:

Dynamic height adjustment aligns with modern design principles, providing a sleek, adaptive, and user-friendly interface. This approach demonstrates that the application is responsive to content and user interaction, offering a more engaging experience.
User Experience:

Users benefit from a layout that adjusts to the content they are viewing. This reduces unnecessary scrolling and presents information in a cleaner, more organized manner. It can enhance the perceived sophistication of the application.
Implementation Considerations:

Smooth Transitions: Ensure smooth transitions between tabs to mitigate any flicker effect. Using CSS animations or JavaScript libraries can help create seamless transitions that enhance the overall user experience.
Performance: While dynamic height adjustment can be more resource-intensive, optimizing the code and using efficient programming practices can minimize performance impacts. Preloading content and using lazy loading strategies can also help maintain performance.
Fallbacks: Consider providing fallbacks for older devices or browsers that may not handle dynamic adjustments well. This ensures a wider audience can still have a good experience, even if it’s not the full dynamic experience.
Visual Consistency:

Minimize Empty Space: Set a minimum height for tabs to avoid excessive white space when switching to tabs with less content. This maintains a visually balanced interface.
Responsive Design: Ensure the layout is fully responsive, adapting not only to the content but also to different screen sizes and orientations. This is crucial for maintaining usability across various devices.
Best Practices:

User Testing: Conduct thorough user testing to gather feedback on the dynamic height adjustment. This helps identify any potential issues and ensures the feature meets user needs effectively.
Accessibility: Ensure that dynamic height adjustments do not negatively impact accessibility. Screen readers and other assistive technologies should still provide a smooth experience for users with disabilities.

For a new development, embracing dynamic height adjustment is recommended to achieve a modern and flexible design. By carefully considering implementation details, performance optimization, and
user feedback, you can create an application that is both visually appealing and highly functional. This approach aligns with contemporary design trends and user expectations, making your application stand out in a competitive market.
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Jimmy »

hi Otto,

the answers of an AI depend on the question

> I’ve consulted AI to gather insights, which are based on the collective opinions of numerous individuals.
which programming language do those people work with ? we talk about Win32 Apps

assuming you needed 10 buttons: would you choose different heights for them?
would you mix single-line and multi-line buttons?

>This reduces unnecessary scrolling
the KI ​​assumes large quantities, which is not the case here
everything that should be displayed "fits" into on one TAB page

>Smooth Transitions: Ensure smooth transitions between tabs to mitigate any flicker effect.
we are not talking about Internet Techniques (CSS & JavasSript), which are not available in win32


so your Question was Wrong to ask a KI, as i don't think you can ask an KI about people's taste
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

karinha wrote:hahaha, Silvio, you're not boring. If it works for you, use it. If it doesn't work for you, don't use it. your model does not work. Mine works. Although, I don't see any use in this FOLDEREX model that you created. Crazy thing like you. Have a good day.

jajaja, Silvio, no eres aburrido. Si te funciona, úsalo. Si no te funciona, no lo uses. tu modelo no funciona. El mío funciona. Aunque no veo ningún uso en este modelo FOLDEREX que creaste. Una cosa de loco como tú. Tenga un buen día.

Regards, saludos.

I'm not arrogant if anything you're there, I try to get to the solution of the problem, I don't stop at appearances, instead you change the examples, insert unsolicited checks and then get lost in a glass of water, I believe you that by answering vampera to all the messages on the forum, you think you make yourself known to everyone but instead they have known you and know you for the wrong things you do and then what does it represent to me that every time you reply to me you do it using my name (silvioprg. org or silviodbf), for example I have never read and used an object class created by you and then you are playing a double game, you are also a moderator in another well-known forum (minigui) which is why perhaps you are not credible
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: a folder into a dialog

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

karinha wrote:hahaha, Silvio, you're not boring. If it works for you, use it. If it doesn't work for you, don't use it. your model does not work. Mine works. Although, I don't see any use in this FOLDEREX model that you created. Crazy thing like you. Have a good day.

jajaja, Silvio, no eres aburrido. Si te funciona, úsalo. Si no te funciona, no lo uses. tu modelo no funciona. El mío funciona. Aunque no veo ningún uso en este modelo FOLDEREX que creaste. Una cosa de loco como tú. Tenga un buen día.

Regards, saludos.
dear sir, how do you write that your example works well when the author of the topic had asked for something else? You continue with your arrogance to impose what is not required, it is believed that those who feel colors, bgrad, and buttons can have consensus but this is not the case and you, dear sir, are wasting the time of people who are working and cannot lose time with her games, the dialogue I had to do is different, if I put the buttonbar on the bottom there will be a reason, if I have to have a tab 3 and tab 6 smaller than the others there will be a reason, instead she cato sir, you have to review everything, wasting my time, moreover I have to suffer countless insults from you every day and frankly we have reached a limit and I don't understand why Antonio Linares hasn't stopped it yet because instead of helping you always try to do something else
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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