I have upgraded all my Ms Access .Mdb 2003 tables to MS Access 2007 .Accdb. For the most part the transition was to load the Ace Client and a simple connection string change .. however, it appears you can not use the JRO object with the ACE client ..
Code: Select all | Expand
cSource1 := cDEFA+"\Service.accdb"
cSource2 := cDEFA+"\ServiceNew.accdb"
cPROVIDER := "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
cCn1 := 'Provider='+cPROVIDER+';Data Source='+cSOURCE1+';Jet OLEDB:Database Password='+xPASSWORD
cCn2 := 'Provider='+cPROVIDER+';Data Source='+cSOURCE2+';Jet OLEDB:Database Password='+xPASSWORD
msginfo( cCn1)
msginfo( cCn2 )
oJro:CompactDatabase(cCn1,cCn2 )
cLine := "Compacting Database to "+chr(10)
cLine += cSource2+" Failed .. "+chr(10)
End Try
I found this VB code on a forum that the programmer said works with the Ace engine
Code: Select all | Expand
Set reference to "Microsoft Office 12.0 Access database Engine".
Now you can use the following code to compress your ACCDB File.
Public Sub TestCompact()
Dim acc As New DAO.DBEngine
acc.CompactDatabase "C:\Source.accdb", "C:\Destination.accdb", , , "pwd=..."
End Sub
The access database 2007 can be compacted by the above said method, It is just that you have to add ";" before the pwd.
Does any one have any insight how to code this with Ado ?
Rick Lipkin