Microsoft live CES 2009 keynote tonight!

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Antonio Linares
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Microsoft live CES 2009 keynote tonight!

Post by Antonio Linares » ... fault.mspx ... 09-keynote

Yesterday it was Apple last keynote (and without Steve Jobs) from San Francsico (Moscone Center), and it was very dissapointing :-(
(no news about Snow Leopard, no hardware news -except a new MacBook 17-, nothing about the iphone nano, nothing about the new Mac mini, etc.)

Hopefully we can hear great things from Microsoft tonight :-)
(The Windows 7 official and public beta is expected to be announced -and delivered?- tonight. Windows 7 pre-beta is working really well! It works on computers from 256 MB only memory! And performs very fast and rock solid)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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