Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

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Marc Venken
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Marc Venken »

Very interesting ....

I see that I use a combination of Static, Local and Public.

Static (mostly because I see them on sample source code in the forum (Seems to be correct)
Public because I need them everywhere (It seems to be correct)
Local when needed I think... ))

BUT... I see a lot of warnings when I compile with the build from the samples dir (not in my setup) but will look into it.

I assume now that you guys will advice me to get rid of all the warning ? but please tell me the advantage or possible risks...

I also don't kill the objects like fonts, oDlg, ... I Mostly just end the program and all this stuff is gone ? At least I think so...

Oeps... My Warning log has 430 lines

test1.prg(1714) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression ':'
test1.prg(1714) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression 'Logical'
test1.prg(1716) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression ':'
test1.prg(1716) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression 'Logical'
test1.prg(1744) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'DLG'
test1.prg(1757) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
test1.prg(1758) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
test1.prg(1823) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'OBTNINDEXES'
Marc Venken
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Marc Venken wrote:I also don't kill the objects like fonts, oDlg, ... I Mostly just end the program and all this stuff is gone ? At least I think so...

Yes, all the objects are released at the end of the program. The problem arise when you create a resource inside a function and don't release it at the end: if that function is called n times then the resource is allocated n times and released zero times and you will have resource leakage.

Marc Venken wrote:test1.prg(1714) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression ':'
test1.prg(1714) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression 'Logical'
test1.prg(1716) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression ':'
test1.prg(1716) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression 'Logical'
test1.prg(1744) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'DLG'
test1.prg(1757) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
test1.prg(1758) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
test1.prg(1823) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'OBTNINDEXES'

Can I see the related lines of source code?

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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Marc Venken »

ACTION (oBrw:lGetBar = .F.,oBrw:refresh(),oBrw:setfocus() )
ACTION (oBrw:lGetBar=.t.,oBrw:refresh(),oBrw:setfocus() )

ACTION Dlg:End() // This need to be oDlg

For nSize and oBtnindexes and for almost all others, I don't use any of the settings (Local, Public , ...)

I see why the warning, nSize is not set as local. But I see no visible problem or a program that is failing.

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function XbrSetupbuttons( oBrw,cData )  local cString:="", nOrder:=0  do case    case upper(oBrw:cAlias) = "BRWDETAIL"      msginfo("Test Editsource")      cString = brwdetail->brwnaam      obrw:gobottom()      nOrder = brwdetail->order + 10      nSize = 100      oBrw:EditSource(.T., "brwnaam,order,size" , { cString,nOrder,nSize })      //cData = brwdetail->brwnaam      //oBrw:add()      //msginfo("BRWDETAIL")    otherwise      oBrw:EditSource(.t.)  endcasereturn NIL 
Marc Venken
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Marc Venken »

Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:
Marc Venken wrote:I also don't kill the objects like fonts, oDlg, ... I Mostly just end the program and all this stuff is gone ? At least I think so...

Yes, all the objects are released at the end of the program. The problem arise when you create a resource inside a function and don't release it at the end: if that function is called n times then the resource is allocated n times and released zero times and you will have resource leakage.


Indeed. I need to change that in my sources...
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Marc Venken wrote:( 1714 )DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar PROMPT "Filters Uit" RESOURCE "EDIT";
ACTION (oBrw:lGetBar = .F.,oBrw:refresh(),oBrw:setfocus() )

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oBrw:lGetBar := .F.

Otherwise it is not an assignment but an unuseful logical compare.

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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Marc Venken »

In this code, I recently created I wonder if there is a potential risk of failure because the object oHttp is not ended somewhere into the loop ?
If so, there need to be a oHttp:end() afther the END . Is this the correct logic that I need to start using then ?

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function testapi()  // part of code  local cBuffer:=""  local uResponse, cCookies, I, cLink, cUrl,oHttp  do while !webshop->(eof())    ... code for filling my API data into cBuffer    msginfo(cBuffer)    oHttp := FWGetOleObject( "WINHTTP.WinHttpRequest.5.1" )      WITH OBJECT oHttp         :SetTimeouts(0, 60000, 30000, 120000)         :Open( "PATCH", cUrl, .f. )      // My Marc seen on Google         :SetRequestHeader( "Accept",        "application/json" )         :SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type",  "application/json" )         :Send( cBuffer )         :WaitForResponse()         //if :status <> 200            ? :Status, :StatusText // 200 OK         //endif      END     webshop->(dbskip())  enddoRETURN  
Marc Venken
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Marc Venken »

Just to have a better understanding :

In this code (parts) , from the main function

the warning log says folowing :

test1.prg(72) Warning W0002 Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'LSERVER'
test1.prg(73) Warning W0002 Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'SERVER_PATH'
test1.prg(75) Warning W0002 Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'LOCAL_PATH'
test1.prg(81) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference 'OCLP'

The warning for oClp I wonder : It is defined as public (I need it all over the program), but still a warning in the define clipboard line ?

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FUNCTION Main()   LOCAL sys_versie := "Jan 2022 - 01/01"   //  more local   PUBLIC lServer := .F.   public SERVER_PATH := "\\CAROLIEN-PC\MARC\"   public LOCAL_PATH  := "c:\marc32\"   Public sys_path   Public oGetLev, oClp, hBrw, oArtChanges   DEFINE CLIPBOARD oClp OF oWnd   // ....RETURN NIL
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Marc Venken wrote:In this code, I recently created I wonder if there is a potential risk of failure because the object oHttp is not ended somewhere into the loop ?
If so, there need to be a oHttp:end() afther the END . Is this the correct logic that I need to start using then ?

xHarbour ends the OLE objects automatically (ie. oOle:End()) when the variables finish its lifetime. Maybe Harbour too but I'm not sure.

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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Marc Venken wrote:test1.prg(72) Warning W0002 Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'LSERVER'

Where the PUBLIC or PRIVATE variable is used you have to use the MEMVAR declaration or the M -> prefix:

MEMVAR lServer


M -> lServer

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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:
Marc Venken wrote:test1.prg(72) Warning W0002 Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'LSERVER'

Where the PUBLIC or PRIVATE variable is used you have to use the MEMVAR declaration or the M -> prefix:

MEMVAR lServer


M -> lServer


ok but on my old clipper prg I assigned on "N"+ LTrim(Str(conta1)) a number

numeri:= 22

for a sample
do while (conta <= Val(numeri))
num:= "N" + LTrim(Str(conta))

so num = N1,N2,N3....
but &num can have different values

they are like variables but they are not declared (local, private, public, memvar)
can i know the value in any part of the program?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by James Bott »


Perfect master Enrique, this is how I see the VARIABLE STATEMENTS. And so it is written in the CLIPPER 5.3 books and manuals. Perhaps, I have misunderstood something wrong that you wrote. It doesn't matter, you write your programs his way and I write mine. Thank you for the information.

It appears you are missing out on all the advantages of the newer object oriented programming style (OOP). Enrico uses OOP, and variables are not the issue they were in Clipper.

I write almost exclusively in OOP, and the only variable type I normally use is LOCAL. I don't use the type "FIELD" since I only use database objects (e.g. oCustomer:name), and thus no variable type declaration is needed for field names. You can also eliminate PUBLICs using a database object.

I think you are missing out on a lot by not working with OOP. I have taken old programs and reduced the code by more than 50% by converting to OOP.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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Marc Venken
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Marc Venken »


If you use a Object, and want to see it everywhere, you will use the public/static not ?

I have set is as Static : See my first coding for a solution with having many var in a hash or object. What should I change ?

I'm not sure the "set autorder 1" etc.. from the oMarc are executed

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STATIC oWnd, oDlg, oFont, cClrBack, oBold, oMarc, oGet, oArtChangesFUNCTION Main()   LOCAL oFol, oDlg, oRBar, oMenu, oMenuWnd, oBrush1, ;         oSay1, oBmp, oFont1, oCursor  // code   oMarc:= TMarc():new()   oMarc:aLever = readleveranciers()   SET AUTORDER TO 1   SET CENTURY ON   SET DATE BRITISH   SET TIME FORMAT TO "HH:MM:SS"   SET EPOCH TO YEAR( DATE() ) - 30   SET SOFTSEEK OFF   SET WRAP ON   SETCANCEL( .F. )   SET CONFIRM OFF   SET DELETED ON   SET _3DLOOK ON   SET UNIQUE OFF   SET ESCAPE OFF   SET EXACT ON   SET EXCLUSIVE OFF   SET MULTIPLE OFF   SET AUTORDER TO 1   define font oFontw name "MS Sans Serif" size 0,-50// more code   ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd MAXIMIZED   oBrush1:End()   oRBar:End()   oKlant:End()   oRec:End()RETURN NILCLASS TMarc   DATA  aMaanden  AS ARRAY INIT {"Jan","Feb","Mrt"}   DATA  aDbfVelden  AS ARRAY INIT {}   DATA  aLever AS ARRAY INIT {}   DATA  aMerken AS ARRAY INIT readleveranciers("MERKEN")   //DATA  aLever AS ARRAY INIT readleveranciers()  // Not working   DATA  aStates AS ARRAY INIT { { } } // state 0 defined as empty   DATA  name INIT "Just a Name"   METHOD NEWENDCLASSMETHOD NEW CLASS TMarc   SET AUTORDER TO 1   SET CENTURY ON   SET DATE BRITISH   SET TIME FORMAT TO "HH:MM:SS"   SET EPOCH TO YEAR( DATE() ) - 30   SET SOFTSEEK OFF   SET WRAP ON   SETCANCEL( .F. )   SET CONFIRM OFF   SET DELETED ON   SET _3DLOOK ON   SET UNIQUE OFF   SET ESCAPE OFF   SET EXACT ON   SET EXCLUSIVE OFF   SET MULTIPLE OFF   SET AUTORDER TO 1   define font oFontw name "MS Sans Serif" size 0,-50RETURN SELFfunction ReadLeveranciers(cType) //  Steek leverancier, Code en Tag in Array   local aDbf  := {}   local c, aDir   DEFAULT cType := "ALL"   Minfilesize:= 1   netopen("Lever")   //gDBEVAL( { || AAdd( aDbf, FIELD->naam_1 )} )   do case      case cType = "ALL"        DBEVAL( { || AAdd( aDbf, {FIELD->klant_nr,FIELD->naam_1,FIELD->tag} )} )      case cType = "MERKEN"        DBEVAL( { || AAdd( aDbf, {FIELD->klant_nr,FIELD->naam_1,FIELD->tag} )} )   endcase   //ASORT(aDbf, , , { | x,y | x[2] > y[2] } )  //  Z->A 2 veld   ASORT(aDbf, , , { | x,y | x[2] < y[2] } )  //  A->Z 2 veld   close leverreturn aDbf 
Marc Venken
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Marc Venken »

In fact, I would prefer to have a hash for most of my global program data like :

sys_Folder, sys_Date, sys_DocType .... All global settings in 1 hash

function main()

local hDatos := { => } // but this will need to be static or public I think

hDatos["date"] = date()
hDatos["folder"] = "c:\..."
hDatos["type"] = "INVOICE"

then all variables are in a single hdatos variable to pass or call.

So Hash is almost the same as a object..
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James Bott
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by James Bott »


If you use a Object, and want to see it everywhere, you will use the public not ?

No, no PUBLICs. There are several ways to eliminate PUBLICS. Here is one:


Here is a sample showing how you can eliminate publics. One disadvantage of using publics is that they have to be declared in every routine that uses them or you will get compiler warnings. Of course, since they are visible everywhere, you always run the risk of conflicts with locals and fieldnames.

Note that here we are using a static variable oUser (an object). A static variable retains its value as long as the program is running.

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#include ""// Class for userClass TUser   data name as char   method newEndclassMethod new() Class TUser   ::name:=""Return self//------------------------------//// Create a function. Functions can be called from anywhere in the program.Function User()   static oUser   if oUser == nil      oUser:= TUser():new()  // instantiate the object   endifReturn oUserYou can then do this from anywhere:User():name:= "JBott"        // assign a value// And call this from anywhere in the programmsgInfo(User():Name, "User Name")       // returns JBott

FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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Marc Venken
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Re: Conversion from ca-clipper ( not found a variable)

Post by Marc Venken »

Ok, So my code is in general ok.

oMarc = static

only I have a init clause in the class Tmarc where I define the values, and you define the values in the METHOD NEW CLASS TMarc

I suppose that this a just a choise of the programmer ? or is there a advantage for one option ?

DATA aMaanden AS ARRAY INIT {"Jan","Feb","Mrt"}
DATA aMerken AS ARRAY INIT readleveranciers("MERKEN")
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
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