Code: Select all | Expand
::oEditor:bKeyDown = { | nKey | If( nKey == VK_RETURN, ::FillFuncList(),) }
I am going to upload it to bitbucket again...
Code: Select all | Expand
::oEditor:bKeyDown = { | nKey | If( nKey == VK_RETURN, ::FillFuncList(),) }
Code: Select all | Expand
Whatever( nCount, nSize)
New( cFile )
1. We could add support for up and down arrow
2. How to resize it ? Should we respect the width of the panels and shrink the editor ? Do we apply a percentadge to all of them ?
3. The list of functions and methods is alphabetically ordered. So methods are always at the top.
Code: Select all | Expand
::oEditor:bKeyDown = { | nKey | If( nKey == VK_RETURN .or. ;
nKey == VK_UP .or. nKey == VK_DOWN,;
::FillFuncList(),) }
Code: Select all | Expand
if ! Empty( ::cFWHExtraLibs )
AEval( hb_aTokens( StrTran( AllTrim( ::cFWHExtraLibs ), ",", "" ) ),;
{ | cLib | cFWHExtraLibs += AllTrim( ::cFWHPath ) + "\lib\" + ;
cLib + " " } )
if ! Empty( ::cHarbExtraLibs )
AEval( hb_aTokens( StrTran( AllTrim( ::cHarbExtraLibs ), ",", "" ) ),;
{ | cLib | cHarbExtraLibs += AllTrim( ::cHarbPath ) + "\lib\" + ;
cLib + " " } )
if ! Empty( ::cCCompilerExtraLibs )
AEval( hb_aTokens( StrTran( AllTrim( ::cCCompilerExtraLibs ), ",", "" ) ),;
{ | cLib | cCCompilerExtraLibs += AllTrim( ::cCCompilerPath ) + "\lib\" + ;
cLib + " " } )