New FTDN November/Noviembre (FWH 21.11)
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:19 am
July 2021 to November 2021
* Enhancement: WindowsXP.Manifest64 has been updated to make it Windows 11 compatible.
* New: function FrameTiff( cTiffFileName ) converts multipage TIFF file into multiple JPGs.
Many thanks to Manuel Alvarez: viewtopic.php?p=243471#p243471
and Hakan Onemli: viewtopic.php?p=243513#p243513
* New: Class TTVItem Method Bold( lOnOff ) to set bold an item of a TTreeView.
* Class TArrayData (tarrdata.prg)
- Can assign a value to a field in all rows by
oData:cFieldNameS := <val>
* Fix: FWH\DLL\rc2dll64.bat has been updated to properly work with Microsoft Visual Studio Community
* New: Class TTreeView METHODs Len() and Count(). Class TTVItem METHODs Len() and Count().
Please review samples\pim.prg for an example to use these new methods.
New DATA lThrowError INIT .f.
If set to .T., any failed DML (INSERT,UPDATE,REPLACE,DELETE) operation
will raise a runtime error.
This applies to execution of any DML statements with method Execute()
or using methods Insert(...), Upsert(...) and Update(...)
This us provided to faclititate grouping of several DML statements/
methods inside TRY/CATCH block for Transactions.
Example Usage:
// --------
local lError := .f.
oCn:lThrowError := .t.
oCn:Execute( "INSERT ... " )
lError := .t.
oCn:lThrowError := .f.
if lError
// --------
* Enhancement: Some minor changes in samples\buildh64.bat. Now we use x86_x64 instead of previous x86_amd64
* Enhancement: function FW_ProperCase( cStr ): Words with prefix
"Mc" are recognized for appropriate capitalization.
* New functions FW_TRIM,FW_RTRIM,FW_LTRIM,FW_ALLTRIM(cStr,[cTrimChars])
These functions trim not only spaces, but all control characters,
which include white-spaces like TABs, CRLF(EOL), EOF, EOpage, etc.
If an optional list of characters is provided in the second
parameter, these characters also are trimmed.
cStr := CRLF + CHR(9) + "<<<*** GOOD ***>>>" + CRLF + CHR( 26 )
FW_AllTrim( cStr, "<>*" ) --> "GOOD"
- Method RowSet() was not accepting SQL queries starting with "WITH ".
- Method PivotArray( cTable, ... ) works well where cTable is a table,
view or a simple Sql query but failing with complex queries eg.,
contaiting UNION clause. Now cTable can be a complex query also.
* function MemoryBufferType() now recognizes DOC.PDF also.
* When CenterMsgs( .t. ) is set, now Alert and MsgGet() dialogs are also
centered in the default window/dialog.
* TDataRow(): Enhanced enabling/disabling behavior of save button
in default dialogs.
* samples\build.bat: added hbpcre.lib to link script to provide
support for regex.
- Method Report(): Added new 7th param aCols. If specified,
only these columns are printed in the report.
* Fix: ButtonBar method Del( nPos ): The deleted button still
appears. Fixed. ... 9088e15266
* Enhancement: function LogStack( [cLogFile] ). New optional
parameter cLogFile can be used to specify the log file.
By default, the function writes the log to "stack.txt"
* New: function SetFolderIcon( cFolder, cFileIco, [cInfoTip] )
--> lSuccess
Sets Icon to a folder, with optional InfoTip ... 2078c6a776
1. cFolder: Name of the folder. Trailing '\' is optional.
Path can be full or relative.
If the folder does not exist, the folder is created.
2. cFileIco: Icon file or library of icons with full or
relative path. Accepted file types are ico,exe,dll,icl.
By default the first icon contained in the exe,dll,icl is
used. To use other icon, zero based index number of the
icon can be specified in parenthesis like this:
Eg:"c:\mypath\myapp.exe(2)". In this case, 3rd icon is
3. [cInfoTip]; Optional. Displayed on mouse hover
- New DATA nTimer: configure timer
- Added ( 64 bits ) when your app is build as 64 bits application
* New function SetSysColors( aItems, aRgbColors ) --> lSuccess ... 9b28c0db17
Also read Windows documentation on GetSysColor(n) and
SetSysColors() ... etsyscolor ... tsyscolors
* New function FW_URLENCODE( cText ) --> urlencoded string
* New readonly DATA LastValidValue in TControl class: This data is
updated by all controls, when valid is executed.
* TControl (applies to all controls): Unhandled Ctrl-S key is forwarded
to the container window.
* datarow.prg: Pressing Ctrl-S in any control, saves data.
* memoedit.prg:
- Fix: Due to the changes made in version FWH2012,
the functions FW_MemoEdit( cText, .. ), RichEdit(...), RichEdit5(...)
were not displaying/editing RTF text. Fixed.
- Enhancement: In FW_MemoEdit(cText,...), RichEdit(),
RichEdit5() functions it is possible to specify a
filename instead of text.
- Enhancement: New methods class TRichEdit and TRichEdit5:
METHOD GetLangOptions()
METHOD SetLangOptions( lOnOff, nFlagSet )
* Enhancement: WindowsXP.Manifest64 has been updated to make it Windows 11 compatible.
* New: function FrameTiff( cTiffFileName ) converts multipage TIFF file into multiple JPGs.
Many thanks to Manuel Alvarez: viewtopic.php?p=243471#p243471
and Hakan Onemli: viewtopic.php?p=243513#p243513
* New: Class TTVItem Method Bold( lOnOff ) to set bold an item of a TTreeView.
* Class TArrayData (tarrdata.prg)
- Can assign a value to a field in all rows by
oData:cFieldNameS := <val>
* Fix: FWH\DLL\rc2dll64.bat has been updated to properly work with Microsoft Visual Studio Community
* New: Class TTreeView METHODs Len() and Count(). Class TTVItem METHODs Len() and Count().
Please review samples\pim.prg for an example to use these new methods.
New DATA lThrowError INIT .f.
If set to .T., any failed DML (INSERT,UPDATE,REPLACE,DELETE) operation
will raise a runtime error.
This applies to execution of any DML statements with method Execute()
or using methods Insert(...), Upsert(...) and Update(...)
This us provided to faclititate grouping of several DML statements/
methods inside TRY/CATCH block for Transactions.
Example Usage:
// --------
local lError := .f.
oCn:lThrowError := .t.
oCn:Execute( "INSERT ... " )
lError := .t.
oCn:lThrowError := .f.
if lError
// --------
* Enhancement: Some minor changes in samples\buildh64.bat. Now we use x86_x64 instead of previous x86_amd64
* Enhancement: function FW_ProperCase( cStr ): Words with prefix
"Mc" are recognized for appropriate capitalization.
* New functions FW_TRIM,FW_RTRIM,FW_LTRIM,FW_ALLTRIM(cStr,[cTrimChars])
These functions trim not only spaces, but all control characters,
which include white-spaces like TABs, CRLF(EOL), EOF, EOpage, etc.
If an optional list of characters is provided in the second
parameter, these characters also are trimmed.
cStr := CRLF + CHR(9) + "<<<*** GOOD ***>>>" + CRLF + CHR( 26 )
FW_AllTrim( cStr, "<>*" ) --> "GOOD"
- Method RowSet() was not accepting SQL queries starting with "WITH ".
- Method PivotArray( cTable, ... ) works well where cTable is a table,
view or a simple Sql query but failing with complex queries eg.,
contaiting UNION clause. Now cTable can be a complex query also.
* function MemoryBufferType() now recognizes DOC.PDF also.
* When CenterMsgs( .t. ) is set, now Alert and MsgGet() dialogs are also
centered in the default window/dialog.
* TDataRow(): Enhanced enabling/disabling behavior of save button
in default dialogs.
* samples\build.bat: added hbpcre.lib to link script to provide
support for regex.
- Method Report(): Added new 7th param aCols. If specified,
only these columns are printed in the report.
* Fix: ButtonBar method Del( nPos ): The deleted button still
appears. Fixed. ... 9088e15266
* Enhancement: function LogStack( [cLogFile] ). New optional
parameter cLogFile can be used to specify the log file.
By default, the function writes the log to "stack.txt"
* New: function SetFolderIcon( cFolder, cFileIco, [cInfoTip] )
--> lSuccess
Sets Icon to a folder, with optional InfoTip ... 2078c6a776
1. cFolder: Name of the folder. Trailing '\' is optional.
Path can be full or relative.
If the folder does not exist, the folder is created.
2. cFileIco: Icon file or library of icons with full or
relative path. Accepted file types are ico,exe,dll,icl.
By default the first icon contained in the exe,dll,icl is
used. To use other icon, zero based index number of the
icon can be specified in parenthesis like this:
Eg:"c:\mypath\myapp.exe(2)". In this case, 3rd icon is
3. [cInfoTip]; Optional. Displayed on mouse hover
- New DATA nTimer: configure timer
- Added ( 64 bits ) when your app is build as 64 bits application
* New function SetSysColors( aItems, aRgbColors ) --> lSuccess ... 9b28c0db17
Also read Windows documentation on GetSysColor(n) and
SetSysColors() ... etsyscolor ... tsyscolors
* New function FW_URLENCODE( cText ) --> urlencoded string
* New readonly DATA LastValidValue in TControl class: This data is
updated by all controls, when valid is executed.
* TControl (applies to all controls): Unhandled Ctrl-S key is forwarded
to the container window.
* datarow.prg: Pressing Ctrl-S in any control, saves data.
* memoedit.prg:
- Fix: Due to the changes made in version FWH2012,
the functions FW_MemoEdit( cText, .. ), RichEdit(...), RichEdit5(...)
were not displaying/editing RTF text. Fixed.
- Enhancement: In FW_MemoEdit(cText,...), RichEdit(),
RichEdit5() functions it is possible to specify a
filename instead of text.
- Enhancement: New methods class TRichEdit and TRichEdit5:
METHOD GetLangOptions()
METHOD SetLangOptions( lOnOff, nFlagSet )