recompilar fiveh.lib

Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby surGom » Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:19 pm

Voy a probar y luego te cuento

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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby surGom » Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:51 pm

Antonio compilo y generó el exe pero al querer entrar al programa me genera

Error base/1068 Argumento error: array acces from errorsys, line 158

Gracias nuevamente por todas las molestias
Posts: 640
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:47 pm


Por favor copia aqui la linea 158 de source/function/errsysw.prg

Error base/1068 Argumento error: array acces from errorsys, line 158
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby surGom » Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:42 pm

La que esta en rojo

#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " Windows and MsDos versions: " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + ", " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 4 ] ) ) + CRLF + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Windows version: " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + ", Build " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + ;
" " + aVersions[ 5 ] + CRLF + CRLF
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:35 pm

Comenta esa linea y vuelve a construir la aplicación...
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby surGom » Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:48 am

Bueno te agradezco inmensamente la preocupación que has mostrado en ayudarme pero lamentablemente no hay forma

el error de errorsys, que tenía era el realtado en rojo ( mis fuentes de fwh712 vino así)

#ifdef __CLIPPER__
cErrorLog += " Windows and MsDos versions: " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + ", " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 4 ] ) ) + CRLF + CRLF
cErrorLog += " Windows version: " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "." + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + ", Build " + ;
AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + ;
" " + aVersions[ 5 ] + CRLF + CRLF


" " + aVersions[ 4 ] + CRLF + CRLF

solucionado esto me salto error en errorsy line 476 , y errorsys tiene 459
por ahora lo voy a dejar y seguiré con xharbour que compile todas las librerías a la última versión sin ningún inconveniente y recompile una de las aplicacione mas grandes (estaba en xharbour.99) sin ningún inconveniente.
Veré en el futuro de cambiar la versión que estoy usando ya que se ve que es muy antigua para poder recomplilar con harbour.
Hoy probe con la version de Harbour 3.0, 3.1 y la 3.2 y en las tres me daba el mismo error.

Te repito Antonio muchisimas gracias por tu ayuda.

Un abrazo
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:08 am

Parece que está usando un errorsys distinto al de FWH. Tienes un errorsys en tu aplicación ?

Para GetCpu() podemos usar:

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby surGom » Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:41 am

Aunque ayer dije que no iba a continuar pero hoy temprano compile con la version de harbour 2.0 y la diferencia con las anteriores es que tanto en database como en wbrowse me tomo los archivos originales de fwh 712, es decir con el bendito dbskiper tal como venía (y ademas me arrojo muchísimos menos warnnig )... Pero sigue el mismo error:

Aquí te envío el errsys.prg original del 05/11/2007

Code: Select all  Expand view
// Error handler system adapted to FiveWin
// ErrSysW.prg

#include ""
#include ""

external _fwGenError   // Link FiveWin generic Error Objects Generator

#define NTRIM(n)    ( LTrim( Str( n ) ) )

#ifdef __CLIPPER__
   #define DLG_TITLE "FiveWin: The CA-Clipper for Windows Library"
   #ifdef __HARBOUR__
      #define DLG_TITLE "FiveWin for Harbour"
      #command QUIT => ( PostQuitMessage( 0 ), __Quit() )
      #define DLG_TITLE "FiveWin for Xbase++"

*   ErrorSys()
*   Note:  automatically executes at startup

proc ErrorSys()
    ErrorBlock( { | e | ErrorDialog( e ) } )

proc ErrorLink()

*   ErrorDialog()

static function ErrorDialog( e ) // -> logical or quits App.

   local oDlg, oLbx, oFont
   local lRet    // if lRet == nil -> default action: QUIT
   local n, j, cMessage, aStack := {}
   local oSay, hLogo
   local nButtons  := 1
   local cErrorLog := ""
   local aVersions := GetVersion()
   local aTasks
   local aRDDs, nTarget, uValue
   local oOldError
   local cRelation
   local lIsWinNT := IsWinNT()

   // by default, division by zero yields zero
   if ( e:genCode == EG_ZERODIV )
      return 0

   // for network open error, set NETERR() and subsystem default
   if ( e:genCode == EG_OPEN .and. ;
      ( e:osCode == 32 .or. e:osCode == 5 ) .and. ;
        e:canDefault )
      NetErr( .t. )
      return .f.       // Warning: Exiting!

   // for lock error during APPEND BLANK, set NETERR() and subsystem default
   if ( e:genCode == EG_APPENDLOCK .and. e:canDefault )
      NetErr( .t. )
      return .f.       // OJO SALIDA

   if Left( ProcName( 7 ), 10 ) == "ERRORDIALO"
      ErrorLevel( 1 )

   ErrorBlock( {|e| MsgStop( ErrorMessage(e) + " from Errorsys, line:" + ;
                             Str( ProcLine( 1 ), 3 ) ), __quit() } )

   cErrorLog += "Application" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "===========" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "   Path and name: " + GetModuleFileName( GetInstance() )

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += " (16 bits)" + CRLF
      cErrorLog += " (32 bits)" + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "   Size: " + Transform( FSize( GetModuleFileName( ;
                GetInstance() ) ), "9,999,999 bytes" ) + CRLF
   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "   Max files handles permited: ( SetHandleCount() ) " + ;
                   Str( SetHandleCount(), 3 ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "   Time from start: " + TimeFromStart() + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "   Error occurred at: " + ;
                DToC( Date() ) + ", " + Time() + CRLF

   // Error object analysis
   cMessage   = "   Error description: " + ErrorMessage( e ) + CRLF
   cErrorLog += cMessage

   if ValType( e:Args ) == "A"
      cErrorLog += "   Args:" + CRLF
      for n = 1 to Len( e:Args )
         cErrorLog += "     [" + Str( n, 4 ) + "] = " + ValType( e:Args[ n ] ) + ;
                      "   " + cValToChar( e:Args[ n ] ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "Stack Calls" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "===========" + CRLF
      n := 2    // we don't disscard any info again !
      while ( n < 74 )
          if ! Empty(ProcName( n ) )
             AAdd( aStack, "   Called from: " + ProcFile( n ) + " => " + Trim( ProcName( n ) ) + ;
                           "(" + NTRIM( ProcLine( n ) ) + ")" )
             cErrorLog += ATail( aStack ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "System" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "======" + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "   CPU type: " + GetCPU() + CRLF
      cErrorLog += "   CPU type: " + GetCPU() + " " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( GetCPUSpeed() ) ) + " Mhz" + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "   Hardware memory: " + ;
                cValToChar( Int( nExtMem() / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) + 1 ) + ;
                " megs" + CRLF + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "   Free System resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 0 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + ;
                "        GDI    resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 1 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + ;
                "        User   resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 2 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "   Compiler version: " + Version() + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "   Windows and MsDos versions: " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + ", " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + "." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 4 ] ) ) + CRLF + CRLF
      cErrorLog += "   Windows version: " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + ", Build " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + ;
                   " " + aVersions[ 5 ] + CRLF + CRLF                                                                   //línea 158 aquí tiene que ir [4] y cuando compilo da error en la línea 479

   aTasks = GetTasks()
   cErrorLog += "   Windows total applications running: " + ;
                AllTrim( Str( Len( aTasks ) ) ) + CRLF
   for n = 1 to Len( aTasks )
      cErrorLog += "    " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + aTasks[ n ] + CRLF

   // Warning!!! Keep here this code !!! Or we will be consuming GDI as
   // we don't generate the error but we were generating the bitmap

   hLogo = FWBitMap()

   if e:canRetry

   if e:canDefault

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "Variables in use" + CRLF + "================" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "   Procedure     Type   Value" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "   ==========================" + CRLF

   n := 2    // we don't disscard any info again !
   while ( n < 74 )

       if ! Empty( ProcName( n ) )
          cErrorLog += "   " + Trim( ProcName( n ) ) + CRLF
          for j = 1 to ParamCount( n )
             cErrorLog += "     Param " + Str( j, 3 ) + ":    " + ;
                          ValType( GetParam( n, j ) ) + ;
                          "    " + cGetInfo( GetParam( n, j ) ) + CRLF
          for j = 1 to LocalCount( n )
             cErrorLog += "     Local " + Str( j, 3 ) + ":    " + ;
                          ValType( GetLocal( n, j ) ) + ;
                          "    " + cGetInfo( GetLocal( n, j ) ) + CRLF


   cErrorLog += CRLF + "Linked RDDs" + CRLF + "===========" + CRLF
   aRDDs = RddList( 1 )
   for n = 1 to Len( aRDDs )
      cErrorLog += "   " + aRDDs[ n ] + CRLF

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "DataBases in use" + CRLF + "================" + CRLF
   for n = 1 to 255
      if ! Empty( Alias( n ) )
         cErrorLog += CRLF + Str( n, 3 ) + ": " + If( Select() == n,"=> ", "   " ) + ;
                      PadR( Alias( n ), 15 ) + Space( 20 ) + "RddName: " + ;
                      ( Alias( n ) )->( RddName() ) + CRLF
         cErrorLog += "     ==============================" + CRLF
         cErrorLog += "     RecNo    RecCount    BOF   EOF" + CRLF
         cErrorLog += "    " + Transform( ( Alias( n ) )->( RecNo() ), "9999999" ) + ;
                      "      " + Transform( ( Alias( n ) )->( RecCount() ), "9999999" ) + ;
                      "      " + cValToChar( ( Alias( n ) )->( BoF() ) ) + ;
                      "   " + cValToChar( ( Alias( n ) )->( EoF() ) ) + CRLF + CRLF
         if ( Alias( n ) )->( RddName() ) != "ARRAYRDD"            
            cErrorLog += "     Indexes in use " + Space( 23 ) + "TagName" + CRLF
            for j = 1 to 15
               if ! Empty( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexKey( j ) ) )
                  cErrorLog += Space( 8 ) + ;
                               If( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexOrd() ) == j, "=> ", "   " ) + ;
                               PadR( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexKey( j ) ), 35 ) + ;
                               ( Alias( n ) )->( OrdName( j ) ) + ;
            cErrorLog += CRLF + "     Relations in use" + CRLF
            for j = 1 to 8
               if ! Empty( ( nTarget := ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRSelect( j ) ) ) )
                  cErrorLog += Space( 8 ) + Str( j ) + ": " + ;
                               "TO " + ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRelation( j ) ) + ;
                               " INTO " + Alias( nTarget ) + CRLF
                  // uValue = ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRelation( j ) )
                  // cErrorLog += cValToChar( &( uValue ) ) + CRLF

   n = 1
   cErrorLog += CRLF + "Classes in use:" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "===============" + CRLF
   #ifndef __XHARBOUR__
      while ! Empty( __ClassName( n ) )
         cErrorLog += "   " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + __ClassName( n++ ) + CRLF
      while n <= __ClsCntClasses()
         cErrorLog += "   " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + __ClassName( n++ ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "Memory Analysis" + CRLF
   cErrorLog +=        "===============" + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "   Static memory:" + CRLF
      cErrorLog += "      data segment: 64k" + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
   cErrorLog += "      Initial size:       " + ;
                LTrim( Str( nInitDSSize() ) ) + ;
                " bytes  (SYMP=" + LTrim( Str( nSymPSize() ) ) + ;
                ", Stack=" + LTrim( Str( nStackSize() ) ) + ;
                ", Heap=" + LTrim( Str( nHeapSize() ) ) + ")" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "      PRG Stack:          " + ;
                LTrim( Str( 65535 - ( nStatics() * 14 ) - nInitDSSize() ) ) + ;
                " bytes" + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "      " + LTrim( Str( nStatics() ) ) + " Static variables: " + ;
                   LTrim( Str( nStatics() * 14 ) ) + " bytes" + CRLF + CRLF
      cErrorLog += "      " + LTrim( Str( nStatics() ) ) + " Static variables" + ;
                   CRLF + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "   Dynamic memory consume:" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "      Actual  Value: " + Str( MemUsed() ) + " bytes" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "      Highest Value: " + Str( MemMax() ) + " bytes" + CRLF
   // nSymNames() no longer returns a real value! 15/April/97
   cErrorLog += "   SYMBOLS segment" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "      " + LTrim( Str( nSymNames() ) ) + " SymbolNames:   " + ;
                LTrim( Str( nSymNames() * 16 ) ) + " bytes"

   // Generates a file with an Error Log

      oOldError = ErrorBlock( { || DoBreak() } )
      MemoWrit( "Error.log", cErrorLog )
   ErrorBlock( oOldError )

      SIZE 300, 200 + If( lIsWinNT, 50, 0 ) ;

   @ 0, 0 SAY oSay PROMPT OemToAnsi( cMessage ) ;
      CENTERED OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 149, 20

   oSay:nStyle   = nOR( oSay:nStyle, 128 )   // SS_NOPREFIX
   oSay:nTop     =   3
   oSay:nLeft    =  22
   oSay:nBottom  =  25
   oSay:nRight   = 148

   @ 24,   6 SAY "&Stack List" OF oDlg FONT oFont PIXEL

   n = aStack[ 1 ]

   @ 33, 3 LISTBOX oLbx VAR n ITEMS aStack OF oDlg ;
      SIZE 145, 60 + If( lIsWinNT, 18, 0 ) PIXEL

   if nButtons == 1 .or. nButtons == 3
      @ 88 + If( lIsWinNT, 24, 0 ), 60 BUTTON "&Quit" OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() ;
         SIZE 30, 11 PIXEL FONT oFont DEFAULT
      @ 88 + If( lIsWinNT, 24, 0 ), 37 BUTTON "&Quit" OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() ;
         SIZE 30, 11 PIXEL FONT oFont

   if e:CanRetry
      @ 88 + If( lIsWinNT, 24, 0 ), If( nButtons == 2, 82, 13 ) BUTTON "&Retry" ;
         OF oDlg ACTION ( lRet  := .t., oDlg:End() ) ;
         SIZE 30, 11 FONT oFont PIXEL

   if e:CanDefault
      @ 88 + If( lIsWinNT, 24, 0 ), 108 BUTTON "&Default"  OF oDlg ;
         ACTION ( lRet  := .f., oDlg:End() ) ;
         SIZE 30, 11 FONT oFont PIXEL

   @ 21, 100 BUTTON "See Error.log file" OF oDlg FONT oFont PIXEL ;
      SIZE 47, 10 ;
      ACTION WinExec( "Notepad.exe error.log" )

      ON PAINT DrawBitmap( hDC, hLogo, 6, 6 )

   DeleteObject( hLogo )

   if lRet == nil .or. ( !LWRunning() .and. lRet )
      ErrorLevel( 1 )
      // Add these lines if using MDI child windows with dialogboxes
      // for n = 1 to Len( GetAllWin() )
      //    if ValType( GetAllWin()[ n ] ) == "O"
      //       GetAllWin()[ n ]:UnLink()
      //    endif  
      // next  
      QUIT              // must be QUIT !!!

return lRet


static function DoBreak()


return nil


static func ErrorMessage( e )

    // start error message
    local cMessage := if( empty( e:OsCode ), ;
                          if( e:severity > ES_WARNING, "Error ", "Warning " ),;
                          "(DOS Error " + NTRIM(e:osCode) + ") " )

    // add subsystem name if available
    cMessage += if( ValType( e:SubSystem ) == "C",;
                    e:SubSystem()                ,;
                    "???" )

    // add subsystem's error code if available
    cMessage += if( ValType( e:SubCode ) == "N",;
                    "/" + NTRIM( e:SubCode )   ,;
                    "/???" )
    // add error description if available
  if ( ValType( e:Description ) == "C" )
        cMessage += "  " + e:Description

    // add either filename or operation
    cMessage += if( ! Empty( e:FileName ),;
                    ": " + e:FileName   ,;
                    if( !Empty( e:Operation ),;
                        ": " + e:Operation   ,;
                        "" ) )
return cMessage

// returns extended info for a certain variable type

static function cGetInfo( uVal )

   local cType := ValType( uVal )

   do case
      case cType == "C"
           return '"' + cValToChar( uVal ) + '"'

      case cType == "O"
           return "Class: " + uVal:ClassName()

      case cType == "A"
           return "Len: " + Str( Len( uVal ), 4 )

           return cValToChar( uVal )

return nil


#define  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE  2147483650  // 0x80000002

function GetCPU()

   local oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,;
                               .f. )
   local cCpu := oReg:Get( "ProcessorNameString" )


return cCpu


#ifdef __HARBOUR__
   #ifndef __XHARBOUR__
      procedure HB_GTSYS() ; return
      procedure HB_GT_GUI_DEFAULT() ; return
      procedure FW_GT ; return


Genera el exe pero al ejecutarse el error ya comentado

Veremos si esta por aquí el problema, lo que lamento es no tener los conocimientos como para poder resolverlo.

Posts: 640
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:03 pm

Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:40 pm


Sigamos con el Harbour más reciente (3.x). Añade esta línea al comienzo de tu aplicación:

ErrorBlock( { | o | MsgInfo( o:Description ) } )

y dime que te aparece, gracias :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby surGom » Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:00 pm

Dió error de argumento y el hb_out.log

Code: Select all  Expand view
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:54:40
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:56:35
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - e:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:57:02
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:57:22
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg

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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:15 pm

Añade esta función a tu aplicación

function cWinVersion()

return "XP"
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby surGom » Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:43 pm

Antonio te envío el hb_out.log, agregue la funcion que me enviaste en el módulo principal de mi aplicación

Code: Select all  Expand view

Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:54:40
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:56:35
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - e:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:57:02
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 11:57:22
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from CWINVERSION(96) in c:\fwh1\function\GETSYSIN.prg
Called from TMENU:INITIATE(380) in c:\fwh1\classes\MENU.prg
Called from MENUEND(72) in c:\fwh1\classes\PDMENU.prg
Called from PREMENU(260) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 17:15:26
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from TMDIFRAME:COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:RESIZE(2022) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:RESIZE(218) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from _FWH(3250) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from SETMENU(0)
Called from (b)TWINDOW(542) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:SETMENU(0) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:SETMENU(275) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(167) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 17:36:04
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from TMDIFRAME:COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:RESIZE(2022) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:RESIZE(218) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from _FWH(3250) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from SETMENU(0)
Called from (b)TWINDOW(542) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:SETMENU(0) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:SETMENU(275) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(167) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 17:37:01
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from TMDIFRAME:COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:RESIZE(2022) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:RESIZE(218) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from _FWH(3250) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from SETMENU(0)
Called from (b)TWINDOW(542) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:SETMENU(0) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:SETMENU(275) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(167) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg
Application Internal Error - E:\marescah\maresca.EXE
Terminated at: 2012.09.23 17:40:11
Unrecoverable error 9001: Error recovery failure
Called from TMDIFRAME:COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:RESIZE(2022) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:RESIZE(218) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from _FWH(3250) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from SETMENU(0)
Called from (b)TWINDOW(542) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TWINDOW:SETMENU(0) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:SETMENU(275) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from TMDIFRAME:NEW(167) in c:\fwh1\classes\MDIFRAME.prg
Called from MAIN(98) in E:\marescah\origen.prg

Posts: 640
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:03 pm

Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:46 am

Que código tienes en la linea COORSUPDATE(1011) in c:\fwh1\classes\WINDOW.prg ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby surGom » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:52 am

::nTop = aRect[ 1 ]

Code: Select all  Expand view
METHOD CoorsUpdate() CLASS TWindow

   local aRect := GetCoors( ::hWnd )

   ::nTop    = aRect[ 1 ]
   ::nLeft   = aRect[ 2 ]
   ::nBottom = aRect[ 3 ]
   ::nRight  = aRect[ 4 ]

return nil
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Re: recompilar fiveh.lib

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:26 pm

Implementa esta funcion:

function GetCoors( hWnd )

return { WndTop( hWnd ), WndLeft( hWnd ), WndBottom( hWnd ), WndWidth( hWnd ) - WndLeft( hWnd ) }
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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