MicroSoft Flight Simulator y FSUIPC

MicroSoft Flight Simulator y FSUIPC

Postby alvaro533 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:36 pm

Hola a todos,

A ver si alguien me puede echar una mano. Quiero hacer una pequeña aplicación para el Flight Simulator de Microsoft (FS2004). Necesito leer desde FWH el valor de ciertos parámetros de vuelo del simulador, como velocidad, altitud, etc.

En la página anterior de FSUIPC, de Peter Dowson hay un SDK para conectar a través de "IPC" (Inter Process Communication) con el FS2004. En el SDK hay funciones para C, Delphi, Java, Visual Basic y otros lenguajes, pero yo quiero hacer la aplicación en FWH.

He intentado conectar con el servidor usando DDEClient y DDEMLClient, pero no me ha funcionado.

Mi duda es cómo se tiene que hacer la conexión

1. Usando DDEClient o DDEMLClient
2. Cargando la libreria en C en tiempo de ejecución y usando las funciones en C.
3. Escribiendo las funciones en FWH y usando las librerias de c al linkar.

Estoy un poco perdido. Este es el código de las funciones en C, que estan en el SDK que he mencionado. Básicamente es una para conectar con el servidor, otra para leer un valor, otra para escribir un valor y otra para desconectar. A lo mejor da la casualidad que alguien ya se ha hecho las funciones en FWH. FS2004 tiene cientos de miles de usuarios y Pete Dowson seguramente incluiría FWH en el sdk si consigo conectarlos.

Muchas gracias.


/* IPCUSER.C User interface library for FSUIPC

Started: 28th November 2000

With acknowledgements to Adam Szofran (author of original FS6IPC).


#define LIB_VERSION 2002 // 2.002
#define MAX_SIZE 0x7F00 // Largest data (kept below 32k to avoid
// any possible 16-bit sign problems)

#include "IPCuser.h"

IPC client stuff

DWORD FSUIPC_Version = 0;
DWORD FSUIPC_FS_Version = 0;

static HWND m_hWnd = 0; // FS6 window handle
static UINT m_msg = 0; // id of registered window message
static ATOM m_atom = 0; // global atom containing name of file-mapping object
static HANDLE m_hMap = 0; // handle of file-mapping object
static BYTE* m_pView = 0; // pointer to view of file-mapping object
static BYTE* m_pNext = 0;


// Stop the client
void FSUIPC_Close(void)
{ m_hWnd = 0;
m_msg = 0;

if (m_atom)
{ GlobalDeleteAtom(m_atom);
m_atom = 0;

if (m_pView)
{ UnmapViewOfFile((LPVOID)m_pView);
m_pView = 0;

if (m_hMap)
{ CloseHandle(m_hMap);
m_hMap = 0;


// Start the client
// return: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
{ char szName[MAX_PATH];
static int nTry = 0;
int i = 0;

// abort if already started
if (m_pView)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_OPEN;
return FALSE;

// Clear version information, so know when connected
FSUIPC_Version = FSUIPC_FS_Version = 0;

// Connect via FSUIPC, which is known to be FSUIPC's own
// and isn't subject to user modificiation
m_hWnd = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, "UIPCMAIN", NULL);
if (!m_hWnd)
{ // If there's no UIPCMAIN, we may be using WideClient
// which only simulates FS98
m_hWnd = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, "FS98MAIN", NULL);
fWideFS = TRUE;
if (!m_hWnd)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS;
return FALSE;

// register the window message
m_msg = RegisterWindowMessage(FS6IPC_MSGNAME1);
if (m_msg == 0)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_REGMSG;
return FALSE;

// create the name of our file-mapping object
nTry++; // Ensures a unique string is used in case user closes and reopens
wsprintf(szName, FS6IPC_MSGNAME1 ":%X:%X", GetCurrentProcessId(), nTry);

// stuff the name into a global atom
m_atom = GlobalAddAtom(szName);
if (m_atom == 0)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_ATOM;
return FALSE;

// create the file-mapping object
m_hMap = CreateFileMapping(
(HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF, // use system paging file
NULL, // security
PAGE_READWRITE, // protection
0, MAX_SIZE+256, // size
szName); // name

if ((m_hMap == 0) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_MAP;
return FALSE;

// get a view of the file-mapping object
m_pView = (BYTE*)MapViewOfFile(m_hMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0);
if (m_pView == NULL)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_VIEW;
return FALSE;

// Okay, now determine FSUIPC version AND FS type
m_pNext = m_pView;

// Try up to 5 times with a 100mSec rest between each
// Note that WideClient returns zeroes initially, whilst waiting
// for the Server to get the data
while ((i++ < 5) && ((FSUIPC_Version == 0) || (FSUIPC_FS_Version == 0)))
{ // Read FSUIPC version
if (!FSUIPC_Read(0x3304, 4, &FSUIPC_Version, pdwResult))
{ FSUIPC_Close();
return FALSE;

// and FS version and validity check pattern
if (!FSUIPC_Read(0x3308, 4, &FSUIPC_FS_Version, pdwResult))
{ FSUIPC_Close();
return FALSE;

// Write our Library version number to a special read-only offset
// This is to assist diagnosis from FSUIPC logging
// But only do this on first try
if ((i < 2) && !FSUIPC_Write(0x330a, 2, &FSUIPC_Lib_Version, pdwResult))
{ FSUIPC_Close();
return FALSE;

// Actually send the requests and get the responses ("process")
if (!FSUIPC_Process(pdwResult))
{ FSUIPC_Close();
return FALSE;

// Maybe running on WideClient, and need another try
Sleep(100); // Give it a chance

// Only allow running on FSUIPC 1.998e or later
// with correct check pattern 0xFADE
if ((FSUIPC_Version < 0x19980005) || ((FSUIPC_FS_Version & 0xFFFF0000L) != 0xFADE0000))
return FALSE;

FSUIPC_FS_Version &= 0xffff; // Isolates the FS version number
if (dwFSReq && (dwFSReq != FSUIPC_FS_Version)) // Optional user specific FS request
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_WRONGFS;
return FALSE;

*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_OK;
return TRUE;


BOOL FSUIPC_Process(DWORD *pdwResult)
{ DWORD dwError;
DWORD *pdw;
int i = 0;

if (!m_pView)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN;
return FALSE;

if (m_pView == m_pNext)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_NODATA;
return FALSE;

ZeroMemory(m_pNext, 4); // Terminator
m_pNext = m_pView;

// send the request (allow up to 9 tries)
while ((++i < 10) && !SendMessageTimeout(
m_hWnd, // FS6 window handle
m_msg, // our registered message id
m_atom, // wParam: name of file-mapping object
0, // lParam: offset of request into file-mapping obj
SMTO_BLOCK, // halt this thread until we get a response
2000, // time out interval
&dwError)) // return value
{ Sleep(100); // Allow for things to happen

if (i >= 10) // Failed all tries?
{ *pdwResult = GetLastError() == 0 ? FSUIPC_ERR_TIMEOUT : FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG;
return FALSE;

{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_DATA; // FSUIPC didn't like something in the data!
return FALSE;

// Decode and store results of Read requests
pdw = (DWORD *) m_pView;

while (*pdw)
{ switch (*pdw)
m_pNext += sizeof(FS6IPC_READSTATEDATA_HDR);
if (pHdrR->pDest && pHdrR->nBytes)
CopyMemory(pHdrR->pDest, m_pNext, pHdrR->nBytes);
m_pNext += pHdrR->nBytes;

// This is a write, so there's no returned data to store
m_pNext += sizeof(FS6IPC_WRITESTATEDATA_HDR) + pHdrW->nBytes;

// Error! So terminate the scan
*pdw = 0;

pdw = (DWORD *) m_pNext;

m_pNext = m_pView;
*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_OK;
return TRUE;


BOOL FSUIPC_Read(DWORD dwOffset, DWORD dwSize, void *pDest, DWORD *pdwResult)

// Check link is open
if (!m_pView)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN;
return FALSE;

// Check have space for this request (including terminator)
if (((m_pNext - m_pView) + 4 + (dwSize + sizeof(FS6IPC_READSTATEDATA_HDR))) > MAX_SIZE)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_SIZE;
return FALSE;

// Initialise header for read request
pHdr->dwOffset = dwOffset;
pHdr->nBytes = dwSize;
pHdr->pDest = (BYTE *) pDest;

// Zero the reception area, so rubbish won't be returned
if (dwSize) ZeroMemory(&m_pNext[sizeof(FS6IPC_READSTATEDATA_HDR)], dwSize);

// Update the pointer ready for more data
m_pNext += sizeof(FS6IPC_READSTATEDATA_HDR) + dwSize;

*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_OK;
return TRUE;


BOOL FSUIPC_Write(DWORD dwOffset, DWORD dwSize, void *pSrce, DWORD *pdwResult)

// check link is open
if (!m_pView)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN;
return FALSE;

// Check have spce for this request (including terminator)
if (((m_pNext - m_pView) + 4 + (dwSize + sizeof(FS6IPC_WRITESTATEDATA_HDR))) > MAX_SIZE)
{ *pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_SIZE;
return FALSE;

// Initialise header for write request
pHdr->dwOffset = dwOffset;
pHdr->nBytes = dwSize;

// Copy in the data to be written
if (dwSize) CopyMemory(&m_pNext[sizeof(FS6IPC_WRITESTATEDATA_HDR)], pSrce, dwSize);

// Update the pointer ready for more data
m_pNext += sizeof(FS6IPC_WRITESTATEDATA_HDR) + dwSize;

*pdwResult = FSUIPC_ERR_OK;
return TRUE;

End of IPCuser module
Posts: 206
Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:28 pm
Location: Madrid, España

Postby alvaro533 » Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:36 am

Ya lo he resuelto. Si alguien lo necesita le puedo mandar el código.



// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
DWORD *pdwResult;
DWORD valor;
DWORD fsoffset;
DWORD fslenth;

hb_reta( 2 );

fsoffset = hb_parnd(1);
fslenth = hb_parni(2);

if (!FSUIPC_Read(fsoffset, fslenth, &valor, pdwResult))
hb_storni( *pdwResult , -1, 1);
hb_storni( 0 , -1, 2);
if (!FSUIPC_Process(pdwResult))
{ FSUIPC_Close();
hb_storni( *pdwResult , -1, 1);
hb_storni( 0 , -1, 2);
valor &= 0xffff;
hb_storni( *pdwResult , -1, 1);
hb_storni( valor , -1, 2);

etc. ...
similar para OPEN, WRITE y CLOSE
Posts: 206
Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:28 pm
Location: Madrid, España

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