by dobfivewin » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:08 am
Espectacular AMIGO.... Como sujerencia es Agregar en la barra superior poder seleccionar la Impresora. y un Amigo realizó la modificacion que el zoom en ves de hacerlo por Factor es hacerlo por porcentaje. Pasame tu correo para enviarte la Clase con esto implementado. Saludos. David Argentina #include "" #define DEVICE oWnd:cargo #define GO_POS 0 #define GO_UP 1 #define GO_DOWN 2 #define GO_LEFT 1 #define GO_RIGHT 2 #define GO_PAGE .T. #define VSCROLL_RANGE 20 * ::nZFactor #define HSCROLL_RANGE 20 * ::nZFactor #define TXT_FIRST LoadString( GetResources(), 07 ) #define TXT_PREVIOUS LoadString( GetResources(), 08 ) #define TXT_NEXT LoadString( GetResources(), 09 ) #define TXT_LAST LoadString( GetResources(), 10 ) #define TXT_ZOOM LoadString( GetResources(), 11 ) #define TXT_UNZOOM LoadString( GetResources(), 12 ) #define TXT_TWOPAGES LoadString( GetResources(), 13 ) #define TXT_ONEPAGE LoadString( GetResources(), 14 ) #define TXT_PRINT LoadString( GetResources(), 15 ) #define TXT_EXIT LoadString( GetResources(), 16 ) #define TXT_FILE LoadString( GetResources(), 17 ) #define TXT_PAGE LoadString( GetResources(), 18 ) #define TXT_PREVIEW LoadString( GetResources(), 03 ) #define TXT_PAGENUM LoadString( GetResources(), 19 ) #define TXT_A_WINDOW_PREVIEW_IS_ALLREADY_RUNNING ; LoadString( GetResources(), 20 ) #define TXT_GOTO_FIRST_PAGE ; LoadString( GetResources(), 21 ) #define TXT_GOTO_PREVIOUS_PAGE ; LoadString( GetResources(), 22 ) #define TXT_GOTO_NEXT_PAGE ; LoadString( GetResources(), 23 ) #define TXT_GOTO_LAST_PAGE ; LoadString( GetResources(), 24 ) #define TXT_ZOOM_THE_PREVIEW ; LoadString( GetResources(), 25 ) #define TXT_UNZOOM_THE_PREVIEW ; LoadString( GetResources(), 26 ) #define TXT_PREVIEW_ON_TWO_PAGES ; LoadString( GetResources(), 27 ) #define TXT_PREVIEW_ON_ONE_PAGE ; LoadString( GetResources(), 28 ) #define TXT_PRINT_CURRENT_PAGE ; LoadString( GetResources(), 29 ) #define TXT_EXIT_PREVIEW ; LoadString( GetResources(), 30 ) #define TXT_FACTOR ; LoadString( GetResources(), 31 ) #define TXT_ZOOM_FACTOR ; LoadString( GetResources(), 32 ) #define MK_MBUTTON 16 Static l2007 := .t. Static oCbxPrn,oSayPrn //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLASS TPreview DATA oWnd, oBar, oFont, oImageList DATA oDevice DATA oHand, oCursor DATA oMeta1, oMeta2, oSay, oFactor DATA oPage, oTwoPages, oZoom DATA oMenuZoom, oMenuTwoPages, oMenuUnZoom, oMenuOnePage DATA cResFile DATA aFactor, nPage, nZFactor DATA lTwoPages, lZoom, lExit DATA cPageNum // Esteban DATA aPrinters DATA cPrinter DATA cOldPrinter // Esteban CLASSDATA oWndMain METHOD New( oDevice ) METHOD Activate() METHOD BuildButtonBar() METHOD BuildWindow() METHOD BuildMenu() METHOD PaintMeta() METHOD NextPage() METHOD PrevPage() METHOD TopPage() METHOD BottomPage() METHOD TwoPages( lMenu ) METHOD Zoom( lMenu ) METHOD VScroll( nType, lPage, nSteps ) METHOD HScroll( nType, lPage, nSteps ) METHOD SetOrg1( nX, nY ) METHOD SetOrg2( nX, nY ) METHOD CheckKey( nKey, nFlags ) METHOD CheckMouseWheel( nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos ) METHOD SetFactor( nValue ) METHOD PrintPage() METHOD PrintPrv( oDlg, nOption, nPageIni, nPageEnd ) // Esteban METHOD CambiaPrinter() // Esteban ENDCLASS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD New( oDevice ) CLASS TPreview if oDevice == nil PRINTER oDevice PREVIEW PAGE ENDPAGE MsgInfo( oDevice:aMeta[ 1 ] ) // ENDPRINTER endif ::oDevice := oDevice ::nPage := 1 ::nZFactor := 1 ::lTwoPages := .F. ::lZoom := .F. ::lExit := .F. // Esteban ::aPrinters := aGetPrinters() ::cPrinter := PrnGetName() ::cOldPrinter := ::cPrinter // Esteban ::BuildWindow() return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Activate() CLASS TPreview ACTIVATE WINDOW ::oWnd MAXIMIZED ; ON RESIZE ::PaintMeta() ; ON UP ::VScroll( GO_UP ) ; ON DOWN ::VScroll( GO_DOWN ) ; ON PAGEUP ::VScroll( GO_UP, GO_PAGE) ; ON PAGEDOWN ::VScroll( GO_DOWN, GO_PAGE) ; ON LEFT ::HScroll( GO_LEFT ) ; ON RIGHT ::HScroll( GO_RIGHT ) ; ON PAGELEFT ::HScroll( GO_LEFT, GO_PAGE ) ; ON PAGERIGHT ::HScroll( GO_RIGHT, GO_PAGE ) ; VALID ( ::CambiaPrinter( ::cOldPrinter ),; // Esteban ::oWnd:oIcon := nil ,; ::oFont:End() ,; ::oMeta1:End() ,; ::oMeta2:End() ,; ::oDevice:End() ,; ::oHand:End() ,; ::oWnd := nil ,; If( IsAppThemed() .and. ! l2007, ::oImageList:End(),),; ::lExit := .T. ,; .T. ) if ::oDevice:lPrvModal StopUntil( { || ::lExit } ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD BuildButtonBar() CLASS TPreview local oImageList, oReBar, oBar, oHand, oWndMain local l97Look := ::oWndMain != nil .and. ::oWndMain:oBar != nil .and. ; Len( ::oWndMain:oBar:aControls ) > 0 .and. ; ::oWndMain:oBar:aControls[ 1 ]:l97Look DEFINE CURSOR ::oHand HAND if WndMain() != nil if WndMain():oBar != nil oBar = WndMain():oBar if oBar != nil .and. Upper( oBar:ClassName() ) == "TBAR" .and. oBar:l2007 l2007 = .T. endif endif endif l2007 = .T. if IsAppThemed() .and. ! l2007 DEFINE IMAGELIST oImageList SIZE 16, 16 oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "top2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "previous2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "next2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "bottom2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "zoom2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "two_pages2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "printer2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 255, 0, 255 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "exit2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "unzoom2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) oImageList:AddMasked( TBitmap():Define( "one_page2",, ::oWnd ), nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ) ) ::oImageList = oImageList oReBar = TReBar():New( ::oWnd ) DEFINE TOOLBAR oBar OF oReBar SIZE 25, 25 IMAGELIST oImageList ::oBar = oBar oReBar:InsertBand( oBar ) oBar:nHeight -= 2 DEFINE TBBUTTON OF oBar ; ACTION ::TopPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_FIRST, "&", "" ) ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_FIRST_PAGE DEFINE TBBUTTON OF oBar ; ACTION ::PrevPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_PREVIOUS, "&", "" ) ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_PREVIOUS_PAGE DEFINE TBBUTTON OF oBar ; ACTION ::NextPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_NEXT, "&", "" ) ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_NEXT_PAGE DEFINE TBBUTTON OF oBar ; ACTION ::BottomPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_LAST, "&", "" ) ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_LAST_PAGE DEFINE TBSEPARATOR OF oBar DEFINE TBBUTTON OF oBar ; ACTION ::Zoom() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_ZOOM, "&", "" ) ; MESSAGE TXT_ZOOM_THE_PREVIEW DEFINE TBBUTTON OF oBar ; ACTION ::TwoPages() ; TOOLTIP StrTran( Strtran( TXT_TWOPAGES, "&", "" ), "á", "a" ) ; MESSAGE TXT_PREVIEW_ON_TWO_PAGES DEFINE TBSEPARATOR OF oBar DEFINE TBBUTTON OF oBar ; ACTION ::PrintPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran(TXT_PRINT,"&","") ; MESSAGE TXT_PRINT_CURRENT_PAGE DEFINE TBSEPARATOR OF oBar DEFINE TBBUTTON OF oBar ; ACTION ::oWnd:End() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_EXIT, "&", "" ) ; MESSAGE TXT_EXIT_PREVIEW else if oBar != nil .and. oBar:l2007 DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar SIZE 26, If( LargeFonts(), 30, 26 ) OF ::oWnd 2007 oBar:bPainted = { || oBar:Say( 7, 285, "Factor:",,, ::oFont, .T., .T. ),; If( Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ) > 1,; oBar:Say( 7, 380, ::cPageNum + LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ) + " / " + ; LTrim( Str( Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ) ) ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. ),; oBar:Say( 7, 380, ::cPageNum + LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ),; ,,, ::oFont, .T., .T. ) ) } else DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar _3D SIZE 26, If( LargeFonts(), 34, 30 ) OF ::oWnd 2007 endif ::oBar = oBar if l97Look DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Top" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_FIRST_PAGE ; ACTION ::TopPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_FIRST, "&", "" ) NOBORDER DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Previous" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_PREVIOUS_PAGE ; ACTION ::PrevPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_PREVIOUS, "&", "" ) NOBORDER DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Next" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_NEXT_PAGE ; ACTION ::NextPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_NEXT, "&", "" ) NOBORDER DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Bottom" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_LAST_PAGE ; ACTION ::BottomPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_LAST, "&", "" ) NOBORDER DEFINE BUTTON ::oZoom RESOURCE "Zoom" OF oBar GROUP ; MESSAGE TXT_ZOOM_THE_PREVIEW ; ACTION ::Zoom() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_ZOOM, "&", "" ) NOBORDER DEFINE BUTTON ::oTwoPages RESOURCE "Two_Pages" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_PREVIEW_ON_TWO_PAGES ; ACTION ::TwoPages() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_TWOPAGES, "&", "" ) NOBORDER DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Printer" OF oBar GROUP ; MESSAGE TXT_PRINT_CURRENT_PAGE ; ACTION ::PrintPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_PRINT, "&", "" ) NOBORDER DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Exit" OF oBar GROUP ; MESSAGE TXT_EXIT_PREVIEW ; ACTION ::oWnd:End() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_EXIT, "&", "" ) NOBORDER else DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Top2" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_FIRST_PAGE ; ACTION ::TopPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_FIRST, "&", "" ) DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Previous2" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_PREVIOUS_PAGE ; ACTION ::PrevPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_PREVIOUS, "&", "" ) DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Next2" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_NEXT_PAGE ; ACTION ::NextPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_NEXT, "&", "" ) DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Bottom2" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_LAST_PAGE ; ACTION ::BottomPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_LAST, "&", "" ) DEFINE BUTTON ::oZoom RESOURCE "Zoom2" OF oBar GROUP ; MESSAGE TXT_ZOOM_THE_PREVIEW ; ACTION ::Zoom() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_ZOOM, "&", "" ) DEFINE BUTTON ::oTwoPages RESOURCE "Two_Pages2" OF oBar ; MESSAGE TXT_PREVIEW_ON_TWO_PAGES ; ACTION ::TwoPages() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_TWOPAGES, "&", "" ) DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Printer2" OF oBar GROUP ; MESSAGE TXT_PRINT_CURRENT_PAGE ; ACTION ::PrintPage() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_PRINT, "&", "" ) DEFINE BUTTON RESOURCE "Exit2" OF oBar GROUP ; MESSAGE TXT_EXIT_PREVIEW ; ACTION ::oWnd:End() ; TOOLTIP Strtran( TXT_EXIT, "&", "" ) endif AEval( oBar:aControls, { | o | o:oCursor := ::oHand } ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD BuildWindow() CLASS TPreview local oIcon, cTitle := "FiveWin Printing Preview", oCursor local hOldRes := GetResources(), oThis := Self local cPrinter DEFAULT ::oWndMain := WndMain() #ifdef __CLIPPER__ ::cResFile := "Preview.dll" #else if ! IsWin64() ::cResFile := "Prev32.dll" else ::cResFile = "Prev64.dll" endif #endif if SetResources( ::cResFile ) < 32 MsgStop( ::cResFile + " not found, imposible to continue",; "FiveWin Printing Error" ) return nil endif if ::oDevice != nil cTitle = ::oDevice:cDocument endif if ::oWndMain != nil oIcon = ::oWndMain:oIcon else DEFINE ICON oIcon RESOURCE "Print" endif DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME GetSysFont() SIZE 0, -12 if ::oWndMain != nil .and. Upper( ::oWndMain:ClassName() ) == "TMDIFRAME" DEFINE WINDOW ::oWnd ; TITLE cTitle ; COLOR CLR_BLACK,CLR_LIGHTGRAY ; ICON oIcon ; VSCROLL HSCROLL MDICHILD else DEFINE WINDOW ::oWnd FROM 0, 0 TO 24, 80 ; TITLE cTitle ; COLOR CLR_BLACK,CLR_LIGHTGRAY ; ICON oIcon ; VSCROLL HSCROLL MENU ::BuildMenu() endif ::oWnd:SetFont( ::oFont ) ::oWnd:oVScroll:SetRange( 0, 0 ) ::oWnd:oHScroll:SetRange( 0, 0 ) ::cPageNum = TXT_PAGENUM ::BuildButtonBar() #ifdef __CLIPPER__ SET MESSAGE OF ::oWnd TO TXT_PREVIEW+" generada el día: "+DTOC(DATE())+" a las: "+TIME(); TIME DATE KEYBOARD //NOINSET #else if l2007 SET MESSAGE OF ::oWnd TO TXT_PREVIEW+" generada el día: "+DTOC(DATE())+" a las: "+TIME() 2007 ::oWnd:oMsgBar:KeybOn() ::oWnd:oMsgBar:ClockOn() ::oWnd:oMsgBar:DateOn() else DEFINE STATUSBAR OF ::oWnd PROMPT " " + TXT_PREVIEW+" generada el día: "+DTOC(DATE())+" a las: "+TIME() endif #endif ::oMeta1 := TMetaFile():New( 0, 0, 0, 0,; ::oDevice:aMeta[ 1 ],; ::oWnd,; CLR_BLACK,; CLR_WHITE,; ::oDevice:nHorzRes(),; ::oDevice:nVertRes() ) DEFINE CURSOR ::oCursor RESOURCE "Lupa" ::oMeta1:oCursor := ::oCursor ::oMeta1:blDblClick := { | nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags | ; ::SetOrg1( nCol, nRow, nKeyFlags ) } ::oMeta1:bKeyDown := { | nKey, nFlags | ::CheckKey( nKey, nFlags ) } ::oMeta1:bMouseWheel := { | nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos | ; ::CheckMouseWheel( nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos ) } #ifndef __XPP__ // XBPP bug. Warning: don't change this into #ifdef __CLIPPER__ ::oMeta2 := TMetaFile():New( 0, 0, 0, 0, "",; ::oWnd, CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE, ::oDevice:nHorzRes(),; ::oDevice:nVertRes() ) #else ::oMeta2 := TMetaFile():New():_New( 0, 0, 0, 0, "",; ::oWnd, CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE, ::oDevice:nHorzRes(),; ::oDevice:nVertRes() ) #endif ::oMeta2:oCursor = ::oCursor ::oMeta2:blDblClick := { | nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags | ; ::SetOrg2( nCol, nRow, nKeyFlags ) } ::oMeta2:hide() ::SetFactor() if ! l2007 @ 7, 285 SAY ::oSay PROMPT "Factor:" ; SIZE 45, 15 PIXEL OF ::oBar FONT ::oFont ::oSay:lTransparent = .T. endif @ 3, 250 COMBOBOX ::oFactor VAR ::nZFactor ; ITEMS { "100 %", "110 %", "120 %", "130 %", "140 %", "150 %", "160 %", "170 %", "180 %", "190 %", "200 %" } ; OF ::oBar FONT ::oFont PIXEL SIZE 65,200 ; ON CHANGE oThis:SetFactor( oThis:nZFactor ) if ! l2007 .OR. l2007 if Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ) > 1 //TXT_PAGENUM @ 7, 330 SAY ::oPage PROMPT "Número de página: " + LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ) + " / " + ; LTrim( Str( Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ) ) ) ; SIZE 140, 15 PIXEL OF ::oBar FONT ::oFont; COLOR RGB(0,0,0),RGB(215,227,242) else //TXT_PAGENUM @ 7, 330 SAY ::oPage PROMPT "Número de página: " + LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ); SIZE 140, 15 PIXEL OF ::oBar FONT ::oFont; COLOR RGB(0,0,0),RGB(215,227,242) endif ::oPage:lTransparent = .T. endif // Esteban @ 007 , 480 SAY oSayPrn PROMPT "Cambiar impresora de salida" SIZE 180, 15 PIXEL OF ::oBar; FONT ::oFont; COLOR RGB(0,0,0),RGB(215,227,242) @ 4.95, 620 COMBOBOX oCbxPrn; VAR oThis:cPrinter; PROMPTS oThis:aPrinters; OF ::oBar; FONT ::oFont; PIXEL; SIZE 250, 250; ON CHANGE oThis:CambiaPrinter( oThis:cPrinter ) // Esteban if IsAppThemed() .or. l2007 FixSays( ::oBar:hWnd ) endif #ifndef __XPP__ ::oFactor:Set3dLook() #endif SetResources( hOldRes ) ::oWnd:oHScroll:bPos := { | nPos | ::HScroll( GO_POS, .f., nPos ) } ::oWnd:oVScroll:bPos := { | nPos | ::VScroll( GO_POS, .f., nPos ) } return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD CambiaPrinter( cOption ) CLASS TPreview // Esteban Local cPrinter cPrinter := GetProfString( "windows", "device" , "" ) WriteProfString( "windows", "device", cOption ) SysRefresh() PrinterInit() ::oDevice:hDC := GetPrintDefault( GetActiveWindow() ) SysRefresh() WriteProfString( "windows", "device", cPrinter ) RETURN nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD BuildMenu() CLASS TPreview local nFor, oMenu local lThemed := IsAppThemed() local cPrinter := If( lThemed, "Printer2", "Printer" ) local cTop := If( lThemed, "Top2", "Top" ) local cPrevious := If( lThemed, "Previous2", "Previous" ) local cNext := If( lThemed, "Next2", "Next" ) local cBottom := If( lThemed, "Bottom2", "Bottom" ) local cZoom := If( lThemed, "Zoom2", "Zoom" ) local cUnZoom := If( lThemed, "UnZoom2", "UnZoom" ) local cOne_Page := If( lThemed, "One_page2", "One_page" ) local cTwo_Pages := If( lThemed, "Two_pages2", "Two_pages" ) local cExit := If( lThemed, "Exit2", "Exit" ) ::aFactor := Array( 9 ) MENU oMenu 2007 MENUITEM TXT_FILE MENU MENUITEM TXT_PRINT ACTION ::PrintPage() ; MESSAGE TXT_PRINT_CURRENT_PAGE RESOURCE cPrinter SEPARATOR MENUITEM TXT_EXIT ACTION ::oWnd:End() ; MESSAGE TXT_EXIT_PREVIEW RESOURCE cExit ENDMENU MENUITEM TXT_PAGE MENU MENUITEM TXT_FIRST ACTION ::TopPage() ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_FIRST_PAGE RESOURCE cTop MENUITEM TXT_PREVIOUS ACTION ::PrevPage() ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_PREVIOUS_PAGE RESOURCE cPrevious MENUITEM TXT_NEXT ACTION ::NextPage() ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_NEXT_PAGE RESOURCE cNext MENUITEM TXT_LAST ACTION ::BottomPage() ; MESSAGE TXT_GOTO_LAST_PAGE RESOURCE cBottom SEPARATOR MENUITEM ::oMenuZoom PROMPT TXT_ZOOM ACTION ::Zoom( .T. ) ; MESSAGE TXT_ZOOM_THE_PREVIEW RESOURCE cZoom MENUITEM ::oMenuUnZoom PROMPT TXT_UNZOOM ACTION ::Zoom( .T. ) ; MESSAGE TXT_UNZOOM_THE_PREVIEW RESOURCE cUnZoom MENUITEM "&Factor" MESSAGE TXT_ZOOM_FACTOR MENU FOR nFor := 1 to Len( ::aFactor ) MENUITEM ::aFactor[ nFor ] ; PROMPT "&" + LTrim( Str( nFor ) ) ; MESSAGE "Factor " + LTrim( Str( nFor ) ) ; ACTION ( ::oFactor:Set( oMenuItem:nHelpId ),; Eval( ::oFactor:bChange ) ) NEXT ENDMENU SEPARATOR MENUITEM ::oMenuTwoPages PROMPT TXT_TWOPAGES ACTION ::TwoPages( .T. ) ; ENABLED ; MESSAGE TXT_PREVIEW_ON_TWO_PAGES RESOURCE cTwo_Pages MENUITEM ::oMenuOnePage PROMPT TXT_ONEPAGE ACTION ::TwoPages(.T.) ; MESSAGE TXT_PREVIEW_ON_ONE_PAGE RESOURCE cOne_Page ENDMENU ENDMENU ::oMenuUnZoom:Disable() ::oMenuOnePage:Disable() return oMenu //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD PaintMeta() CLASS TPreview local oCoors1, oCoors2 local aFiles := ::oDevice:aMeta // DEVICE local nWidth, nHeight, nFactor, nMetaWidth if ::oWnd != nil .and. IsIconic( ::oWnd:hWnd ) return nil endif do case case ! ::lTwoPages if ! ::lZoom if ::oDevice:nHorzSize() >= ; // landscape (apaisado) // DEVICE ::oDevice:nVertSize() nFactor := .8 // .4 else nFactor := .40 // .25 endif else nFactor := .47 endif if ::oWnd != nil nWidth = ::oWnd:nWidth() - If( ::lZoom, 20, 0 ) nHeight = ::oWnd:nHeight() - If( ::lZoom .and. ::nZFactor > 1, 20, 0 ) - 10 - ; If( LargeFonts(), 100, 80 ) if ! ::lZoom nMetaWidth = ( nHeight - 40 ) * nFactor else nMetaWidth = nWidth * nFactor endif oCoors1 := TRect():New( 40,; Max( ( nWidth / 2 ) - nMetaWidth, 10 ),; nHeight,; Min( ( nWidth / 2 ) + nMetaWidth, nWidth - 20 ) ) ::oMeta2:Hide() ::oMeta1:SetCoors( oCoors1 ) ::oMeta1:Refresh() endif case ::lTwoPages nFactor := .4 aFiles := ::oDevice:aMeta // DEVICE nWidth := ::oWnd:nWidth() nHeight := ::oWnd:nHeight() - 10 - If( LargeFonts(), 100, 80 ) nMetaWidth = Min( ( nHeight - 40 ) * nFactor, ( nWidth - 60 ) / 4 ) oCoors1 := TRect():New( 40,; ( nWidth / 4 ) - nMetaWidth,; nHeight,; ( nWidth / 4 ) + nMetaWidth ) oCoors2 := TRect():New( 40,; ( nWidth / 4 ) - nMetaWidth + ( nWidth / 2 ),; nHeight,; ( nWidth / 4 ) + nMetaWidth + ( nWidth / 2 ) ) if ::nPage == Len( aFiles ) ::oMeta2:SetFile( "" ) else ::oMeta2:SetFile( aFiles[ ::nPage + 1 ] ) endif ::oMeta1:SetCoors( oCoors1 ) ::oMeta2:SetCoors( oCoors2 ) ::oMeta1:Refresh() ::oMeta2:Show() endcase ::oMeta1:SetFocus() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD NextPage() CLASS TPreview local hOldRes := GetResources() local aFiles := ::oDevice:aMeta // DEVICE if ::nPage >= Len( aFiles ) MsgBeep() return nil endif ::nPage++ SET RESOURCES TO ::cResFile ::oMeta1:SetFile( aFiles[ ::nPage ] ) if ! l2007 ::oPage:SetText( TXT_PAGENUM + LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ) + " / " + ; LTrim( Str( Len( aFiles ) ) ) ) endif ::oBar:Refresh() ::oMeta1:Refresh() if ::lTwoPages if Len( aFiles ) >= ::nPage + 1 ::oMeta2:SetFile( aFiles[ ::nPage + 1 ] ) else ::oMeta2:SetFile( "" ) endif ::oMeta2:Refresh() endif ::oMeta1:SetFocus() SetResources( hOldRes ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD PrevPage() CLASS TPreview local hOldRes := GetResources() local aFiles := ::oDevice:aMeta // DEVICE if ::nPage == 1 MsgBeep() return nil endif ::nPage-- SET RESOURCES TO ::cResFile ::oMeta1:SetFile( aFiles[ ::nPage ] ) if ! l2007 ::oPage:SetText( TXT_PAGENUM + LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ) + " / " + ; LTrim( Str( Len( aFiles ) ) ) ) endif ::oBar:Refresh() ::oMeta1:Refresh() if ::lTwoPages if Len( aFiles ) >= ::nPage + 1 ::oMeta2:SetFile( aFiles[ ::nPage + 1 ] ) else ::oMeta2:SetFile( "" ) endif ::oMeta2:Refresh() endif ::oMeta1:SetFocus() SetResources( hOldRes ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD TopPage() CLASS TPreview local hOldRes := GetResources() local aFiles := ::oDevice:aMeta // DEVICE if ::nPage == 1 MsgBeep() return nil endif ::nPage = 1 SET RESOURCES TO ::cResFile ::oMeta1:SetFile( aFiles[ ::nPage ] ) if ! l2007 ::oPage:SetText( TXT_PAGENUM + LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ) + " / " + ; LTrim( Str( Len( aFiles ) ) ) ) endif ::oBar:Refresh() ::oMeta1:Refresh() if ::lTwoPages if Len( aFiles ) >= ::nPage + 1 ::oMeta2:SetFile( aFiles[ ::nPage + 1 ] ) else ::oMeta2:SetFile( "" ) endif ::oMeta2:Refresh() endif ::oMeta1:SetFocus() SetResources( hOldRes ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD BottomPage() CLASS TPreview local hOldRes := GetResources() local aFiles := ::oDevice:aMeta // DEVICE if ::nPage == Len( aFiles ) MsgBeep() return nil endif ::nPage = Len( aFiles ) SET RESOURCES TO ::cResFile ::oMeta1:SetFile( aFiles[ ::nPage ] ) if ! l2007 ::oPage:SetText( TXT_PAGENUM + LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ) + " / " + ; LTrim( Str( Len( aFiles ) ) ) ) endif ::oBar:Refresh() ::oMeta1:Refresh() if ::lTwoPages ::oMeta2:SetFile( "" ) ::oMeta2:Refresh() endif ::oMeta1:SetFocus() SetResources( hOldRes ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD TwoPages( lMenu ) CLASS TPreview local hOldRes := GetResources() SET RESOURCES TO ::cResFile DEFAULT lMenu := .F. ::lTwoPages := ! ::lTwoPages if ::lTwoPages if Len( ::oDevice:aMeta) == 1 // solo hay una pagina // DEVICE ::lTwoPages := ! ::lTwoPages MsgBeep() SetResources( hOldRes ) return nil endif if ::oDevice:nHorzSize() >= ; // Apaisado // DEVICE ::oDevice:nVertSize() // DEVICE ::lTwoPages := ! ::lTwoPages MsgBeep() SetResources( hOldRes ) return nil endif if ::lZoom ::Zoom( .T. ) endif if ! IsAppThemed() .or. Upper( ::oBar:ClassName() ) == "TBAR" ::oTwoPages:FreeBitmaps() ::oTwoPages:LoadBitmaps( "One_Page2" ) ::oTwoPages:cMsg := TXT_PREVIEW_ON_ONE_PAGE ::oTwoPages:cTooltip := StrTran( TXT_ONEPAGE, "&", "" ) else ::oBar:ChangeBitmap( 6, 10 ) ::oBar:SetTooltip( 6, StrTran( TXT_ONEPAGE, "&", "" ) ) ::oBar:SetMessage( 6, TXT_PREVIEW_ON_ONE_PAGE ) endif if ::oWnd:oMenu != nil ::oMenuTwoPages:Disable() ::oMenuOnePage:Enable() endif else if ! IsAppThemed() .or. Upper( ::oBar:ClassName() ) == "TBAR" ::oTwoPages:FreeBitmaps() ::oTwoPages:LoadBitmaps( "Two_Pages2" ) ::oTwoPages:cMsg := TXT_PREVIEW_ON_TWO_PAGES ::oTwoPages:cTooltip := StrTran( TXT_TWOPAGES, "&", "" ) else ::oBar:ChangeBitmap( 6, 6 ) ::oBar:SetTooltip( 6, StrTran( TXT_TWOPAGES, "&", "" ) ) ::oBar:SetMessage( 6, TXT_PREVIEW_ON_TWO_PAGES ) endif if ::oWnd:oMenu != nil ::oMenuTwoPages:Enable() ::oMenuOnePage:Disable() endif endif if lMenu .and. ! IsAppThemed() ::oTwoPages:Refresh() endif ::oWnd:Refresh() ::PaintMeta() SetResources( hOldRes ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Zoom( lMenu ) CLASS TPreview local hOldRes := GetResources() SET RESOURCES TO ::cResFile DEFAULT lMenu := .F. ::lZoom := ! ::lZoom if ::lZoom if ::lTwoPages ::TwoPages( .T. ) endif if ! IsAppThemed() .or. l2007 ::oZoom:FreeBitmaps() ::oZoom:LoadBitmaps( "Unzoom2" ) ::oZoom:cMsg := TXT_UNZOOM_THE_PREVIEW ::oZoom:cTooltip := StrTran( TXT_UNZOOM, "&", "" ) else ::oBar:ChangeBitmap( 5, 9 ) ::oBar:SetTooltip( 5, StrTran( TXT_UNZOOM, "&", "" ) ) ::oBar:SetMessage( 5, TXT_UNZOOM_THE_PREVIEW ) endif if ::oWnd:oMenu != nil ::oMenuZoom:Disable() ::oMenuUnZoom:Enable() endif ::oWnd:oVScroll:SetRange( 1, VSCROLL_RANGE ) if ::nZFactor > 1 ::oWnd:oHScroll:SetRange( 1, HSCROLL_RANGE ) endif ::oMeta1:ZoomIn() else if ! IsAppThemed() .or. l2007 ::oZoom:FreeBitmaps() ::oZoom:LoadBitmaps( "Zoom2" ) ::oZoom:cMsg := TXT_ZOOM_THE_PREVIEW ::oZoom:cTooltip := StrTran( TXT_ZOOM, "&", "" ) else ::oBar:ChangeBitmap( 5, 5 ) ::oBar:SetTooltip( 5, StrTran( TXT_ZOOM, "&", "" ) ) ::oBar:SetMessage( 5, TXT_ZOOM_THE_PREVIEW ) endif if ::oWnd:oMenu != nil ::oMenuZoom:Enable() ::oMenuUnZoom:Disable() endif ::oWnd:oVScroll:SetRange( 0, 0 ) ::oWnd:oHScroll:SetRange( 0, 0 ) ::oMeta1:ZoomOut() ::nZFactor = 1 if ::oWnd:oMenu != nil AEval( ::aFactor, { | val, elem | val:SetCheck( ( elem == 1 ) ) } ) endif ::oFactor:Set( 1 ) endif if lMenu .and. ! IsAppThemed() ::oZoom:Refresh() endif ::PaintMeta() SetResources( hOldRes ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD VScroll( nType, lPage, nSteps ) CLASS TPreview local nYfactor, nYorig, nStep DEFAULT lPage := .F. if nType == GO_UP if ::oWnd:oVScroll:GetPos() <= ::oWnd:oVScroll:nMin return nil endif else if ::oWnd:oVScroll:GetPos() > ::oWnd:oVScroll:nMax return nil endif endif nYfactor := Int( ::oDevice:nVertRes() / ::oWnd:oVScroll:nMax ) // DEVICE if nSteps != nil nStep := nSteps elseif lPage nStep := ::oWnd:oVScroll:nMax / 10 else nStep := 1 endif if nType == GO_UP nStep := -nStep elseif nType == GO_POS ::oWnd:oVscroll:SetPos( nSteps ) nStep := 0 endif nYorig := nYfactor * ( ::oWnd:oVScroll:GetPos() + nStep - 1 ) if nYorig > ::oDevice:nVertRes() // DEVICE nYorig := ::oDevice:nVertRes() // DEVICE endif if nYorig < 0 nYorig := 0 endif #ifdef __CLIPPER__ ::oMeta1:SetOrg( nil, nYorig ) #else ::oMeta1:SetOrg( nil, nYorig / ::oDevice:nVertRes() * 10 ) // DEVICE #endif ::oMeta1:Refresh() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD HScroll( nType, lPage, nSteps ) CLASS TPreview local nXfactor, nXorig, nStep DEFAULT lPage := .F. if nType == GO_UP if ::oWnd:oHScroll:GetPos() <= ::oWnd:oHScroll:nMin return nil endif else if ::oWnd:oHScroll:GetPos() > ::oWnd:oHScroll:nMax return nil endif endif nXfactor := Int( ::oDevice:nHorzRes() / ::oWnd:oHScroll:nMax ) // DEVICE if nSteps != nil nStep := nSteps elseif lPage nStep := ::oWnd:oHScroll:nMax/10 else nStep := 1 endif if nType == GO_LEFT nStep := -nStep elseif nType == GO_POS ::oWnd:oHscroll:SetPos( nSteps ) nStep := 0 endif nXorig := nXfactor * ( ::oWnd:oHScroll:GetPos() + nStep - 1 ) if nXorig > ::oDevice:nHorzRes() // DEVICE nXorig := ::oDevice:nHorzRes() // DEVICE endif if nXorig < 0 nXorig := 0 endif #ifdef __CLIPPER__ ::oMeta1:SetOrg( nXorig, nil ) #else ::oMeta1:SetOrg( nXorig / ::oDevice:nHorzRes() * 10, nil ) // DEVICE #endif ::oMeta1:Refresh() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetOrg1( nX, nY ) CLASS TPreview local oCoors local nXStep, nYStep, nXFactor, nYFactor,; nWidth, nHeight, nXOrg if ::lZoom ::Zoom( .T. ) return nil endif oCoors := ::oMeta1:GetRect() nWidth := oCoors:nRight - oCoors:nLeft + 1 nHeight := oCoors:nBottom - oCoors:nTop + 1 if .f. nXStep := Max( Int( nX / nWidth * HSCROLL_RANGE ) - 9, 0 ) nXFactor := Int( ::oDevice:nHorzRes() / HSCROLL_RANGE ) // DEVICE endif if .f. nYStep := Max( Int( nY / nHeight * VSCROLL_RANGE ) - 9, 0 ) nYFactor := Int( ::oDevice:nVertRes() / VSCROLL_RANGE ) // DEVICE endif ::Zoom( .T. ) if ! Empty( nXStep ) ::HScroll( 2,, nxStep ) ::oWnd:oHScroll:SetPos( nxStep ) endif if ! Empty( nYStep ) ::VScroll( 2,, nyStep ) ::oWnd:oVScroll:SetPos( nyStep ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetOrg2( nX, nY ) CLASS TPreview local oCoors local aFiles local nXStep, nYStep, nXFactor, nYFactor,; nWidth, nHeight, nXOrg if ::oMeta2:cCaption == "" return nil endif if ::lZoom ::Zoom( .T. ) return nil endif oCoors := ::oMeta2:GetRect() nWidth := oCoors:nRight - oCoors:nLeft + 1 nHeight := oCoors:nBottom - oCoors:nTop + 1 if .f. nXStep := Max( Int( nX / nWidth * HSCROLL_RANGE ) - 9, 0 ) nXFactor := Int( ::oDevice:nHorzRes() / HSCROLL_RANGE ) endif if .f. nYStep := Max( Int( nY / nHeight * VSCROLL_RANGE ) - 9, 0 ) nYFactor := Int( ::oDevice:nVertRes() / VSCROLL_RANGE ) // DEVICE endif ::oMeta1:SetFile( ::oMeta2:cCaption ) aFiles := ::oDevice:aMeta // DEVICE if ::nPage = Len( aFiles ) ::oMeta2:SetFile( "" ) else ::oMeta2:SetFile( aFiles[ ++::nPage ] ) endif //::oPage:Refresh() ::Zoom( .T. ) if ! Empty( nXStep ) ::HScroll( 2,, nxStep ) ::oWnd:oHScroll:SetPos( nxStep ) endif if ! Empty( nYStep ) ::VScroll( 2,, nyStep ) ::oWnd:oVScroll:SetPos( nyStep ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD CheckKey( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TPreview if ! ::lZoom do case case nKey == VK_HOME ::TopPage() case nKey == VK_END ::BottomPage() case nKey == VK_PRIOR ::PrevPage() case nKey == VK_NEXT ::NextPage() endcase else do case case nKey == VK_UP ::oWnd:oVScroll:GoUp() case nKey == VK_PRIOR ::oWnd:oVScroll:PageUp() case nKey == VK_DOWN ::oWnd:oVScroll:GoDown() case nKey == VK_NEXT ::oWnd:oVScroll:PageDown() case nKey == VK_LEFT ::oWnd:oHScroll:GoUp() case nKey == VK_RIGHT if ::oWnd:oHScroll != nil .and. ::oWnd:oHScroll:nMax > 0 ::oWnd:oHScroll:GoDown() endif case nKey == VK_HOME ::oWnd:oVScroll:GoTop() ::oWnd:oHScroll:GoTop() ::oMeta1:SetOrg( 0, 0 ) ::oMeta1:Refresh() case nKey == VK_END ::oWnd:oVScroll:GoBottom() ::oWnd:oHScroll:GoBottom() ::oMeta1:SetOrg( .8 * ::oDevice:nHorzRes(), .8 * ::oDevice:nVertRes() ) // DEVICE ::oMeta1:Refresh() endcase endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD CheckMouseWheel( nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos ) CLASS TPreview if ! ::lZoom if lAnd( nKeys, MK_MBUTTON ) if nDelta > 0 ::TopPage() else ::BottomPage() endif else if nDelta > 0 ::PrevPage() else ::NextPage() endif endif else if lAnd( nKeys, MK_MBUTTON ) if nDelta > 0 if ::oWnd:oVScroll:GetPos() > ::oWnd:oVScroll:nMin ::oWnd:oVScroll:PageUp() endif else if ::oWnd:oVScroll:GetPos() < ::oWnd:oVScroll:nMax ::oWnd:oVScroll:PageDown() endif endif else if nDelta > 0 if ::oWnd:oVScroll:GetPos() > ::oWnd:oVScroll:nMin ::oWnd:oVScroll:GoUp() endif else if ::oWnd:oVScroll:GetPos() < ::oWnd:oVScroll:nMax ::oWnd:oVScroll:GoDown() endif endif endif endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetFactor( nValue ) CLASS TPreview local lInit := .F. if nValue == nil .and. ::oWnd:oMenu != nil AEval( ::aFactor, { | v, e | v:nHelpId := e } ) nValue := ::nZFactor lInit := .T. endif if ::oWnd:oMenu != nil AEval( ::aFactor, { | val, elem | val:SetCheck( elem == nValue ) } ) endif //::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( ::nZFactor, ::nZFactor * 2 ) // AGREGADO OJEDA ESTEBAN 25-08-2009 DO CASE CASE ::nZFactor = 1 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( ::nZFactor, ::nZFactor * 2 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 2 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.55 , 2 * 1.10 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 3 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.60 , 2 * 1.20 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 4 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.65 , 2 * 1.30 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 5 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.70 , 2 * 1.40 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 6 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.75 , 2 * 1.50 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 7 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.80 , 2 * 1.60 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 8 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.85 , 2 * 1.70 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 9 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.90 , 2 * 1.80 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 10 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 0.95 , 2 * 1.90 ) CASE ::nZFactor = 11 ::oMeta1:SetZoomFactor( 2 * 1.00 , 2 * 2.00 ) ENDCASE if ! ::lZoom .and. ! lInit // ::Zoom( .T. ) A.L. 08 Oct 2007 endif if ::lZoom ::oWnd:oVScroll:SetRange( 1, VSCROLL_RANGE ) if ::nZFactor > 1 ::oWnd:oHScroll:SetRange( 1, HSCROLL_RANGE ) else ::oWnd:oHScroll:SetRange( 0, 0 ) endif endif ::oMeta1:SetFocus() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD PrintPage() CLASS TPreview local hOldRes := GetResources() local hMeta := ::oMeta1:hMeta local oDlg, oRad, oPageIni, oPageFin local nOption := 1, nFirst := 1, nLast := Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ) // DEVICE local oThis := Self if nLast == 1 ::PrintPrv( nil, nOption, nFirst, nLast ) return nil endif SET RESOURCES TO ::cResFile DEFINE DIALOG oDlg RESOURCE "PRINT" REDEFINE BUTTON ID 101 OF oDlg ; ACTION oThis:PrintPrv( oDlg, nOption, nFirst, nLast ) REDEFINE BUTTON ID 102 OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() REDEFINE RADIO oRad VAR nOption ID 103, 104, 105 OF oDlg ; ON CHANGE If( nOption==3 ,; ( oPageIni:Enable(), oPageFin:Enable() ),; ( oPageIni:Disable(), oPageFin:Disable() ) ) REDEFINE GET oPageIni ; VAR nFirst ID 106 PICTURE "@K 99999" ; VALID If( nFirst < 1 .or. nFirst > nLast, ( MsgBeep(), .F. ), .T. ) ; OF oDlg REDEFINE GET oPageFin ; VAR nLast ID 107 PICTURE "@K 99999" ; VALID If( nLast < nFirst .or. nLast > Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ), ; // DEVICE ( MsgBeep(),.F. ), .T.) OF oDlg oPageIni:Disable() oPageFin:Disable() SetResources( hOldRes ) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD PrintPrv( oDlg, nOption, nPageIni, nPageEnd ) CLASS TPreview local oDevice := ::oDevice // DEVICE local aFiles := oDevice:aMeta local hMeta := ::oMeta1:hMeta local nFor CursorWait() StartDoc( oDevice:hDC, oDevice:cDocument ) do case case nOption == 1 // All for nFor := 1 to Len( aFiles ) #ifdef __CLIPPER__ StartPage( oDevice:hDC ) hMeta := GetMetaFile( aFiles[ nFor ] ) PlayMetaFile( oDevice:hDC, hMeta ) DeleteMetafile( hMeta ) EndPage( oDevice:hDC ) #else StartPage( oDevice:hDC ) hMeta := GetEnhMetaFile( aFiles[ nFor ] ) PlayEnhMetaFile( oDevice:hDC, hMeta,, .t. ) DeleteEnhMetafile( hMeta ) EndPage( oDevice:hDC ) #endif next case nOption == 2 // Current page StartPage( oDevice:hDC ) hMeta := ::oMeta1:hMeta #ifdef __CLIPPER__ PlayMetaFile( oDevice:hDC, hMeta ) #else PlayEnhMetaFile( oDevice:hDC, hMeta,, .t. ) #endif EndPage( oDevice:hDC ) case nOption == 3 // Range for nFor := nPageIni to nPageEnd StartPage( oDevice:hDC ) #ifdef __CLIPPER__ hMeta := GetMetaFile( aFiles[ nFor ] ) PlayMetaFile( oDevice:hDC, hMeta ) DeleteMetafile( hMeta ) #else hMeta := GetEnhMetaFile( aFiles[ nFor ] ) PlayEnhMetaFile( oDevice:hDC, hMeta,, .t. ) DeleteEnhMetafile( hMeta ) #endif EndPage( oDevice:hDC ) next endcase EndDoc( oDevice:hDC ) CursorArrow() if oDlg != nil oDlg:End() endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function RPreview( oDevice ) local oPreview := TPreview():New( oDevice ) oPreview:Activate() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifdef __CLIPPER__ static function IsAppThemed() return .f. static function TToolBar() return nil static function TRebar() return nil #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//