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Re: Que necesito para migrar mi aplicacion FWH a Internet?

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:35 pm
by FranciscoA
Gracias nnicanor.

Re: Que necesito para migrar mi aplicacion FWH a Internet?

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:18 am
by Manuel Valdenebro
Me imagino que el sistema puede ser un servidor en internet con IP fija y Windows 2003/2008. ¿Pero que tenemos que instalar en las estaciones (iPad/iPhone)? ¿Solo el termina Server Cliente? ¿Es necesario tambien instalar el exe?

Re: Que necesito para migrar mi aplicacion FWH a Internet?

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:33 am
by Antonio Linares

Solo el cliente de terminal server, nada más :-)

Re: Que necesito para migrar mi aplicacion FWH a Internet?

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:04 pm
by russimicro
La opcion de terminal server es la mas rapida y economica de implementar, la desventaja seria el numero de clientes conectados, que haria que el servidor aumentara los recusros dado que la base de esta tecnologia es la abrir una sesion por cada usuario... en otras palabras es recomendable para sistemas delimitados en el numero de usuarios, ademas de la dependecia de configuraciones en el servidor,,, es muy paractica en redes locales,,, para internet se tienen los inconvenientes ya mencionados y otros (ejp. una ventana windows 1024 * 768, visualizada en una panatalla de 4, 5 , 7 0 10 pulgadas ???) . Yo uso esta opcion para intranet y para dar soporte via internet ( xpunlimited ).

Para integrar clientes web( pc, iphone, ipad, android), desarrolle una aplicacion web basica para capturar pedidos, cotizaciones, facturacion y algunos informes , que sincronizada con una aplicacion local five win + eagle1 o sqlrdd, transfiere datos con la aplicacion local en ambos sentidos.

Es una solucion mas compleja que la de terminal server, pero desliga la disponibilidad en linea de la aplicacion local o actual y se adapata a cada tipo de dispositivo cliente ( phone, tablet o pc)

Si desea verla funcionando puede contactarme via e-mail...

Ing. Johnson Russi Tello

Re: Que necesito para migrar mi aplicacion FWH a Internet?

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:17 pm
by Manuel Valdenebro
russimicro wrote:Para integrar clientes web( pc, iphone, ipad, android), desarrolle una aplicacion web basica para capturar pedidos, cotizaciones, facturacion y algunos informes , que sincronizada con una aplicacion local five win + eagle1 o sqlrdd, transfiere datos con la aplicacion local en ambos sentidos.

¿Como hicistes la aplicación web? Con PHP?

Re: Que necesito para migrar mi aplicacion FWH a Internet?

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 1:36 am
by russimicro

Re: Que necesito para migrar mi aplicacion FWH a Internet?

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:36 am
by Otto
Best regards,

One of the features of Microsoft Windows Server that is increasingly popular over the last few years is the Terminal Server and more recently RemoteApp. With higher internet bandwidth, working from home or from an offsite location is more feasible today than ever before. With few exceptions, most applications work within a Terminal Server environment, provided you have the appropriate client access licenses (CALS) to make them available on a Terminal Server Host. By doing so, your investment in existing applications, and the power of Windows desktop features and interoperability can be exposed over the Internet.
Advantages of Terminal Server and RemoteApp
Terminal Server and RemoteApp are an excellent and cost effective option for extending existing Windows based applications to remote users. For existing applications where you only need to support a limited number of remote users, RemoteApp lets you leverage your existing investment in all your applications and get up and running immediately.

There's no need to make the investment in time and money to rewrite the application for the web in these situations. You also won't give up the nice features in Windows that aren't implemented so well on web solutions (e.g. copy and paste, multiple data displays, reports that understand your printer page, etc.).

A Terminal Server and RemoteApp platform offers a convenient, safe, and secure method for your offsite employees, contractors, and selected external users to obtain controlled access to your internal applications and resources.

We have found this technology to be especially impressive with its ease of implementation, use, and customizability. Rather than spending a huge amount of time and money to recreate an existing Windows application for the web, we're able to support remote users with the existing application immediately. For situations where supporting a few remote users is the primary driver for converting an application (and where the application is not intended to be used as a public website), it is no longer necessary to incur the extra expense of converting this suitable Windows application to a web application. With the savings from not having to rewrite the application, we can add new features to the existing application and make it more powerful for local and remote users without giving up any of the Windows features people expect.

This is certainly not a replacement for a full-blown web solution, but most solutions don't need that, especially if they already exist and are working properly. With Terminal Server and RemoteApp, you can immediately extend all of your Windows based internal solutions over the web. That's good regardless of whether the application will eventually get converted to a completely web based solution or not.

Advantages of Terminal Server and RemoteApp
Terminal Server and RemoteApp are an excellent and cost effective option for extending existing Windows based applications to remote users. For existing applications where you only need to support a limited number of remote users, RemoteApp lets you leverage your existing investment in all your applications and get up and running immediately.

There's no need to make the investment in time and money to rewrite the application for the web in these situations. You also won't give up the nice features in Windows that aren't implemented so well on web solutions (e.g. copy and paste, multiple data displays, reports that understand your printer page, etc.).

A Terminal Server and RemoteApp platform offers a convenient, safe, and secure method for your offsite employees, contractors, and selected external users to obtain controlled access to your internal applications and resources.

We have found this technology to be especially impressive with its ease of implementation, use, and customizability. Rather than spending a huge amount of time and money to recreate an existing Windows application for the web, we're able to support remote users with the existing application immediately. For situations where supporting a few remote users is the primary driver for converting an application (and where the application is not intended to be used as a public website), it is no longer necessary to incur the extra expense of converting this suitable Windows application to a web application. With the savings from not having to rewrite the application, we can add new features to the existing application and make it more powerful for local and remote users without giving up any of the Windows features people expect.

This is certainly not a replacement for a full-blown web solution, but most solutions don't need that, especially if they already exist and are working properly. With Terminal Server and RemoteApp, you can immediately extend all of your Windows based internal solutions over the web. That's good regardless of whether the application will eventually get converted to a completely web based solution or not.