Cambios en xBrowse

Cambios en xBrowse

Postby acuellar » Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:17 pm

Antonio / Daniel

He realizado cambios en la función DolphinSeek del método SetDolphin porque no funcionaba correctamente.
Aquí los cambios
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static FUNCTION DolphinSeek( c, oBrw, cQryWhere )

   local oQry        := oBrw:oMySql
   local nStart
   local uData, nNum, lRet
   local cSortOrder

   static aLastRec := {}

   if oBrw:lIncrFilter
     //  DEFAULT oBrw:cFilterFld := TOken( oQry:cOrder, , 1 )
         oBrw:cFilterFld := TOken( oQry:cOrder, , 1 )  //Le quite el DEFAULT porque no cambiaba orden al dar cllick en otra columna

      if Empty( oBrw:cFilterFld )
         return .f.

     // if Empty( c )
       If Len(c)=1 //Al usar BACK SPACE no colocaba el puntero en el primer registro
         c     := cQryWhere
         c     := If( Empty( cQryWhere ), "", "(" + cQryWhere + ") and " ) + ;
                  Lower( oBrw:cFilterFld ) + " like '" + ;
                  If( oBrw:lSeekWild, "%", "" ) + ;
                  c + "%'"
      oQry:SetWhere( c, .t. )
      return ( oQry:LastRec() > 0 )


   if Empty( c )
      return .t.

   nNum = AScan( oBrw:aCols, {| o | !Empty( o:cOrder ) } )

   if nNum < 1
      RETURN .f.

   cSortOrder = oBrw:aCols[ nNum ]:cSortOrder

   if Len( c ) == 1
      aLastRec    := {}

   IF Len( aLastRec ) < Len( c )
      IF Len( aLastRec ) == 0
         nStart = 1
         nStart = oQry:RecNo()
      AAdd( aLastRec, nStart )
//      ADel( aLastRec, Len( aLastRec ) )
//      ASize( aLastRec, Len( aLastRec ) - 1 )
      ASize( aLastRec, Len( c ) - 1 )
      IF Len( aLastRec ) == 0
         nStart = 1
         nStart = ATail( aLastRec )

 //  lRet  := ( oQry:Seek( c, cSortOrder, nStart - 1, oQry:LastRec(), .T., .T. ) != 0 )
       lRet  := ( oQry:Seek( c, cSortOrder, nStart, oQry:LastRec(), .T., .T. ) != 0 ) //con el -1 al pulsar un caracter no nro. en orden numérico, se cuelga.

return lRet

Tengo FWH1501 no se si ya lo han corregido.

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 @0,0 xBrowse oBrw Of oDlg AUTOSORT DATASOURCE oQry COLUMNS "IDEMPL" //Si no coloco COLUMNS me carga todos los campos
 //oBrw:setdolphin(oQry,.F.)  de esta manera no funciona la búsqueda
 oBrw:lIncrFilter:= .t.
  oBrw:lSeekWild:= .t.

   oCol:bEditValue  := { || oEMPL:CODIGO }
   oCol:nHeadStrAlign := AL_CENTER
   oCol:cHeader:= "COD."
   oCol:cSortOrder := "CODIGO"
   oCol:bLClickHeader:= {|| oBrw:GoTop() }
   oCol:bEditValue  := { || oEMPL:NOMBRE }
   oCol:nHeadStrAlign := AL_CENTER
   oCol:cHeader   := "NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS"
   oCol:cSortOrder := "NOMBRE"
  oCol:bLClickHeader:= {|| oBrw:GoTop() }

   oBrw:aCols[1]:Hide() //Obligado a ocultarlo

  REDEFINE SAY oBrw:oSeek PROMPT oBrw:cSeek ID 114 OF oDlg UPDATE PICTURE "@!"


Existe otra manera de evitar el COLUMNS ó oBrw:setdolphin(oQry,.T.,.T.,{"IDEMPL"})



Adhemar C.
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Re: Cambios en xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:42 am

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    //  DEFAULT oBrw:cFilterFld := TOken( oQry:cOrder, , 1 )
         oBrw:cFilterFld := TOken( oQry:cOrder, , 1 )  //Le quite el DEFAULT porque no cambiaba orden al dar cllick en otra columna

We retain DEFAULT. This is intentional, not a mistake and is consistent with incremental filter behavior of all other sources like dbf, array, ado, etc.

Normally, cFilterFld is to be provided by the programmer initially. DEFAULT is provided in case of omission of this. It is intended that re-sorting of the data by the user should not disturb the filter.

If and when the programmer wants to change the filter field, he may do it by oBrw:Seek( "" ), oBrw:cFilterFld := <newfld>.

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  // if Empty( c )
       If Len(c)=1 //Al usar BACK SPACE no colocaba el puntero en el primer registro

Please reconsider.
Our code "if Empty( c )" works properly.

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//  lRet  := ( oQry:Seek( c, cSortOrder, nStart - 1, oQry:LastRec(), .T., .T. ) != 0 )
       lRet  := ( oQry:Seek( c, cSortOrder, nStart, oQry:LastRec(), .T., .T. ) != 0 ) //con el -1 al pulsar un caracter

Original code by Mr Daniel was to use nStart only but not nStart-1. I saw his post sometime back that Mr Daniel prefers nStart but not nStart-1.

Years back we noticed that the the binary search logic of oQry:Seek was ignoring the first record (i.e, record number nstart). I did not see the recent sources of dolphin. As a result, oQry:Seek was returning false when only the 1st record was containing the search term.

Probably Max( 1, nStart - 1 ) is better.
Anyway we test this again and make necessary changes.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Cambios en xBrowse

Postby acuellar » Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:20 pm

Thanks Mr. Rao



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