Hello everyone,
I use FW++ 7.01, Alaska XBase++ Intl V1.90.331 and BorlandC Resource Compiler brcc32 V5.02 to manage my resources.
I am trying to use a slightly modified TWindow Class in my application. I compile the window.prg source file provided in the FiveWin++ V7.01 ..\source\classes directory and get the following unresolved external symbols:
d:\ac\fivedb_ac_ph\project\WINDOW.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol CHILDLEVEL
d:\ac\fivedb_ac_ph\project\WINDOW.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol VBXEVENT
d:\ac\fivedb_ac_ph\project\WINDOW.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol CREATETOOL
ALINK: fatal error ALK4102: 3 external symbols unresolved
Could a new Five32rt.lib and .dll file be provided with these functions accessible please?
Best Regards, Angelo