Iast few days I've been watching the youtube videos and reading some docs about the mod_harbour (including the pdf file about Mercury).
But right now I'm trying to put in work and I'm having trouble with loading HRB files.
Code: Select all | Expand
Error: Unknown or unregistered symbol
called from: HB_HRBLOAD, line: 0
called from: ..\source\exec.prg, LOADHRB, line: 159
called from: ..\source\exec.prg, (b)REPLACEBLOCKS, line: 133
called from: ..\source\exec.prg, REPLACEBLOCKS, line: 133
called from: ..\source\exec.prg, EXECUTE, line: 55
I did every single step described on installation and configuration, but I just can't run my sample.
(by the way, both mod_harbour and mercury github repostories are already cloned and I already pulled them also)
this is my code:
Code: Select all | Expand
// {% LoadHRB( '/lib/mercury/mercury.hrb' ) %} // Loading system MVC Mercury
I cloned mod_harbour repository to: C:\mod_harbour
and mercury repository to: C:\mercury
I don't know if that's the issue, but my harbour directory is not the default C:\harbour, in fact I renamed it to C;\Harbour19 (I have some old applications running with older harbour versions)