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Request for information xbrowse and pics

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 7:54 pm
by Marc Venken
Hello mod_harbour Team,
Hello Otto,

For my soccer club I made a member program a while ago with a online SQL database. Works great and is for only a few people. Installed the exe on there pc and of we go ....

Now I need to make 'something' for all the members (220 person) add then the exe on every pc is off cource a problem. From what I've been reading last year from post of Otto, Mod can give a sollution.

Concept : (How would you proceed and is there a sample that have some of this ideas allready build in ?)

The kids should be able to select there soccer cloches from the site : (Shirt, Soks, Short, Sweater, Cap,.... Max 30 items), but each person belong to a team and eacht team has its own selection of gear

We need a admin login where we can fill a simple 3 xbrowse with
Data Browse 1. Persons : (ID, Person Name, Team, last order date)
Data Browse 2. Teams: (U6,U7,U8,U9...)
Data Browse 3; Material (eacht team can have a different selection of material)
u6 (shirt1 - Size , short1 - Size, soks - size, caps1,...) all with a picture to see what it is
u7 ( short1, caps1, fleece)

every piece can have a size (lets start with only 2 settings (36 - 62 ) and (S,M,L,XL,2X,3X,4X,5X) So they can select a piece and also select the size for it

I don't think for the admin it is nessesary to have any dialog to fill data in. Direct into browse is ok.

Second login for the person self to place a order

So when person 1 log's in with his name, the program can get the name from file and sees what they can select, getting the options from the team file, suppose 5 items to select

Marc Venken : U6

Shirt red : quantity : .... pleace select size (36-62) .....
Soks : ..... (38-46) ......

Place the order button.

This order data should be saved somewhere that I can get to it by a desktop program that read the file for processing offline.

A notice of any kind to the desk would be helpfull

Can you assist on this ?

Thanks for ideas...


Re: Request for information xbrowse and pics

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:46 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Mark,

I would suggest you to review mod_harbour\samples\genesis as a starting point:

You can manage online all the tables that you may need and it uses generic code that you can easily reuse

Re: Request for information xbrowse and pics

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:38 am
by Otto
I have noticed that the problem with mod harbour newcomers is that they do not have a mod harbour server.

Before you can start with mod harbour you must have access to a mod harbour server.

This is the first step!

Re: Request for information xbrowse and pics

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 3:25 pm
by Marc Venken
You have a point !!

Antonio, Is there a option that you can setup the genisis on the servers of Ftech like there is a SQL part for access by the forum ?

On my current machine Mod is not installed, but at home I have a early setup PC where I did some working tests with with the help of Otto.

For FW we have Yunus a 'best' sample. I would like to see is Genesis is also a complete test sample.