I am attempting to convert many old Clipper 87 printouts to Mod_Harbour. The original programmer utilized the IBM line / box characters found at around chr(179) through chr(218). I cannot figure out how to utilize the Courier New Regular" TTF font in Haru Pdf and produce those characters. However if I use Microsoft Word and enter these characters with the same font, then print to PDF the characters seem to print. Is this possible in HaruPdf?
My vague attempt:
hPdf := HPDF_New()
cFont := HPDF_LoadTTFontFromFile( hPdf,"c:\mcsweb\lido2020\fonts\cour.ttf",HPDF_TRUE )
hFont := HPDF_GetFont( hPdf,cFont )
HPDF_SetCurrentEncoder( hPdf,"CP1250")
hPage := HPDF_AddPage( hPdf )
HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize( hPage,hFont,8 )
HPDF_Page_BeginText( hPage )
HPDF_Page_TextOut( hPage,nX,nY,chr(179))
HPDF_Page_EndText( hPage)
Byron ...