Hello ModHarbourers;
Wishing to experiment more with ModHarabour, I have setup an old computer with Fedora server + Apache + PHP 8.2. Apache and PHP are working fine.
I have <git> cloned mod_harbour from GitHub.com/fivetechsoft/mod_harbour.git and Harbour from GitHub.com/vszakats/harbour-core.git. (1)-- Or should I git clone from somewhere else?
I hear some chatter about "Mercury". (2)-- Is this a mod_harbour replacement or something I should be aware of?
(3) -- And; before I build modharbour from its sources I want to make sure support for ADS is included and I need help with that. Will I need to download ADS .so from somewhere or are also built from source? How?
(4) -- Should I desist on building Modharbour for Fedora Linux and build a Windows Server instead?
Thank you.