At the moment we are working on a new FTS function, you can use 1:1 for FIVEWIN and mod harbour.
Best regards,
Code: Select all | Expand
// function FullTextSearch( cPathDbf, cSearch, lAllMemoFields, cMemoField, lAllFields )
// ---------------
// By default, searches all fields, except memo fields.
// Parameters:
// 1. cPathDBF: Can be (a) dbf file name, (2) Alias name, (3) NIL defaults to current Alias
// 2. cSearch: Can be normal and can contail WildCards ( ? or * )
// X:<exp> treats <exp> as RegEx exp
// 3. [lAllMemoFields]: If .T. searches all memo fields, but not normal fields
// 4. [cMemoField]: Can be Memo/Char field. Only this field is searched
// 5. [lAllFields]: Searches all fields, including memo fields
// Returns: aRecs (Array containing recno()s )