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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 12:45 am
by Otto
Hello friends,

At the moment we are working on a new FTS function, you can use 1:1 for FIVEWIN and mod harbour.

Best regards,



Re: FullTextSearch

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:35 pm
Hi Otto,

I need to replace FTS Search from ADS because I can't have ADS working stable in modharbour.
Did you successfuly wrote some Fulltextsearch function ?

If yes, could it be possible to share it with me (us) ?

Thanks in advance,

J. Lefebvre

Re: FullTextSearch

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:54 pm
by Otto
please ask Mr. Rao. He has been working on this feature and has ported from Fivewin to mod harbour. The function is working fine.

Please post here about your work. Show some screens, what you are doing, etc.

It is so important that we promote mod harbour here and possibly encourage some of our colleagues to start with mod harbour.
Please help out.

Best regards,

Re: FullTextSearch

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:10 pm
Hi Otto,

I use Mod_harbour to create many webservice API between some external site and devices to my Harbour/Fivewin back office CRM. (
I use Curl and Json files.

The site pull info from the CRM and the CRM push some to the site (also using curl and Json)

All this work nicely but for ADS wich GPF when called from 3 or 4 request at the nearly same time.
Using CDX from harbour is about 2 time quicker, but we must find an option for ADS FTS wich is heavily used on Mafact.
Unfortunatly, using CDX from the web services against ADS with FTS indexes from the CRM corrupt the indexes.

Re: FullTextSearch

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:16 pm
by Otto
Hello J.
by the way, what is your first name?

FIVETECH and Mr. Rao have a rock solid solution for FullTextSearch.

I think/hope that these mod harbour features may be included in FIVEWIN subscription in the future.

Please ask Mr. Rao.

I think mod harbour is a game changer.
A mod harbour system is similar to a standalone system. I think that is why you do not need ADS. Harbour's DBF engine is best.

Maybe interesting for you:
JWT Implementation for Harbour
A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature for Harbour language. ... 4812835745

Best regards,

Code: Select all  Expand view

// function FullTextSearch( cPathDbf, cSearch, lAllMemoFields, cMemoField, lAllFields )
 // ---------------
 // By default, searches all fields, except memo fields.
 // Parameters:
 // 1. cPathDBF: Can be (a) dbf file name, (2) Alias name, (3) NIL defaults to current Alias
 // 2. cSearch: Can be normal and can contail WildCards ( ? or * )
 // X:<exp> treats <exp> as RegEx exp
 // 3. [lAllMemoFields]: If .T. searches all memo fields, but not normal fields
 // 4. [cMemoField]: Can be Memo/Char field. Only this field is searched
 // 5. [lAllFields]: Searches all fields, including memo fields
 // Returns: aRecs (Array containing recno()s )

Re: FullTextSearch

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 7:03 pm
Hi Otto,

J. stand for Jean, but as my second name is François my friends call me JF. ( for Jean-François)

Thanks for your major contribution to all this work.



Re: FullTextSearch

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:14 pm
by Otto
Hi JF,

Do your friends call you JF DOT because you are a web developer, or is it a punctuation mark?

Have you subscript the Facebook group? It would be so great if you could post a success story.
It is so important. So many here are waiting, and we lose a lot of time.
Have a nice weekend and best regards,

Re: FullTextSearch

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 10:54 am
Hi Otto,

The Dot is a ponctuation mark :)

Perhaps I miss something, but I can't reach Mr Rao.

He doe'snt respond to my mail and I don't see here how to write to someone in private (or even in public).

Will see with Antonio so.

Best regards,