i have a LISTBOX and a SAY object and i want to show some information of the selected item in the SAY object.
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 0, 0 LISTBOX oBrw ;
FIELDS hBmp, auftrag->zeit, auftrag->strasse ;
HEADERS "", "Zeit", "Strasse" ;
ON DBLCLICK ShowDetails(auftrag->(recno())) ;
ON CHANGE (cTxt:=auftrag->straufart, oS1:SetText(cTxt)) ;
SIZE 240, 180
@12,0 SAY oS1 VAR cTxt SIZE 240,20 OF oWnd FONT oSayFont BORDER
I tried oS1:Refresh() and oS1:SetText(cTxt) in the ON CHANGE statement of the LISTBOX, but i get always "No exported method". Is the GET object not of type TSay or is there simply something wrong with my coding ?