Problem with cGetFile()

Problem with cGetFile()

Postby Yannis » Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:17 am

Hello everyone !
I have a problem with cGetFile()
Selecting only ONE file, works OK .
When trying to select more files, lets me do it, but it returns ONLY the path of the files!

FWH 2.5 + xHarbour + Borland + Windows XP pro
This is the function i use :

Code: Select all  Expand view
// Function YGetFile
Function YGetFile(cFileName)
   local cFile,  cFileMask, cTitle
   Local nDefaultMask, cInitDir, nFlags,  cIniFile, lSave
   Local lLongNames
   MemVar oApp

   cTitle       := "Select file"
   cFileMask    := "Jpeg   (*.jpg) |*.jpg|" + ;
                   "Bitmap (*.bmp) |*.bmp|" + ;
                   "Tiff   (*.tif)  |*.tif|" + ;
                   "Gif    (*.gif)  |*.gif|"

   cTitle       := "Select a photo"
   nDefaultMask := 1
   cInitDir     := ".\"
   nFlags       := OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT + OFN_EXPLORER   // 512 + 524288
   cIniFile     := ""
   cFileName    := ""
   lSave        := .f.
   lLongNames   := .t.

   cFile        := Space(32000)

   //cGetFile( <cFileMask>, <cTitle>, [<nDefaultMask>], [<cInitialDirectory>], [lSave], [lLongNames], [nFlags] )  --> <cFileName>
   cFile := cGetFile(cFileMask,;

   ? cfile

   If Empty(cFile)
      cFile := cFileName
Return cFile

Can you help me to solve thsi problem?
Thank you for your help! Smile
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Yannis Yannas
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Postby Yannis » Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:19 am

Hello again,
Paco Garcia posted a solution in the Spanish Harbour/xHarbour forum.

Best regards
Yanni Yannas
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Postby Silvio » Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:06 pm

Dear Yanni,
have you the last release of your chat ?
I wanted insert to it a webcam .
Do you think it is possible ?
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Postby Yannis » Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:32 am

Sorry Silvio, but i do not have a newer version.
That was a test to learn sockets, at the time.

Best regards
Yannis Yannas
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