Dear All ,
May I know Report Preview how can be REPORT PREVIEW customized in which buttons and bar can be modifiable ? I am not sure whether this requirement is posted by others developer.
May I know Report Preview how can be REPORT PREVIEW customized in which buttons and bar can be modifiable ?
RPrevUserBtns( bNewUserBtns, nBarStyle, aSize )
RPrevUserBtns( {|oPrev,oBar| ExtraBtns( oPrev, oBar ) }, ;
nBarStyle, ; // 2007,2010,etc
aSize ) // { width, height }
TPreview():bButtonBar := { |oPrev, oWnd| MyCustomBar( oPrev, oWnd ) }
oOldClass := SetCustomPrintPreview( { |oDevice, oReport| TMyPreview():New( oDevice, oReport) }
SetCustomPreview( NIL )
oReport:bPreview := { |oDevice,oReport| MyCustomPreview():New( oDevice, oReport ) }
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