To Nages : other problem with oPrn:Box

To Nages : other problem with oPrn:Box

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Nov 11, 2021 10:35 am

I have problem when I must centered a TEXT

oPrn:Box(nRow,nCol,nHeight+nRow,nWidth, { cColorborder, nTipoBorder }, cBackborder, ;
{ cTesto, oFnt, nColorFont, cAlign }, ;
"CM" )

you wrote me this

"TL" : TopLeft
"TR" : TopRight
"T" : Top Center
"BL" : Bottom Left
"BR" : Bottom Right
"B" : Bottom Center
"L" : Left Vert Center
"R" : Right Vert Center

I have this problem

on the table I insert these coordinates


Then I insert the position and the align

cAlign:= String_Align (nAlign,nPosition)

Code: Select all  Expand view
Function String_Align (nAlign,nPosition)
local  cPosition,cAlign

          Case nPosizione=1
          Case nPosizione=2
          Case nPosizione=3

        DO CASE
          Case nAlign=1
          Case nAlign=2
          Case nAlign=3
return  alltrim(cPosition+cAlign)

and now I have cAlign:= String_Align (1,3) but I tried also with other positions

and I have this result


I wish centered the text on the box
in my opinion it is not enough to have alone
"T" : Top Center
"B" : Bottom Center

but i hope you find a solution to enter the central position

"C" : center that is, neither top nor bottom

How we can resolve it ?

I made a small test to undestand the problem ,How I can to move the text on center of the box?


the test

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#include ""

 Function test()
 local oPrn

  local nRiga     := 20.80
  local nColonna  := 1
  local nAltezza  := 0.70
  local nlarghezza := 19.00

  local cColorBordo:=CLR_BLACK
  local ntipobordo:=0.01
  local cBackbordo:=CLR_WHITE
  local cTesto := "Descrizione  esenzione"
  local oFnt
  local nColorFont:= CLR_BLACK
  local nAllinea :=3
  local nPosizione:=1

  local cAlign:= TypeAlign (nAllinea,nPosizione)


       oFnt:=TFont():New("Arial",0,-6,.F.,.f. ,,,,.f.,,,,,,,oPrn)

       oPrn:Box(nRiga,nColonna,nAltezza+nRiga,nlarghezza, { cColorbordo, nTipoBordo },  cBackbordo, ;
                    { cTesto, oFnt, nColorFont, cAlign }, ;
                      "CM" )



Function TypeAlign (nAllinea,nPosizione)
    local  cPosition,cAlign

"TL" : TopLeft
"TR" : TopRight
"T" : Top Center
"BL" : Bottom Left
"BR" : Bottom Right
"B" : Bottom Center
"L" : Left Vert Center
"R" : Right Vert Center


     DO CASE
              Case nPosizione=1
              Case nPosizione=2
              Case nPosizione=3

            DO CASE
              Case nAllinea=1
              Case nAllinea=2
              Case nAllinea=3
    return  alltrim(cPosition+cAlign)

Working arround
I understood there is not a solution but only solution could be this

Build two box

One with border and no text

one without box and the text

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

 Function test()
 local oPrn

  local nRiga     := 20.80
  local nColonna  := 1
  local nAltezza  := 0.70
  local nlarghezza := 19.00

  local cColorBordo:=CLR_BLACK
  local ntipobordo:=0.01
  local cBackbordo:=CLR_WHITE
  local cTesto := ""
  local oFnt
  local nColorFont:= CLR_BLACK
  local nAllinea :=3
  local nPosizione:=1

  local cAlign:= TypeAlign (nAllinea,nPosizione)


       oFnt:=TFont():New("Arial",0,-6,.F.,.f. ,,,,.f.,,,,,,,oPrn)

      //first Box
       oPrn:Box(nRiga,nColonna,nAltezza+nRiga,nlarghezza, { cColorbordo, nTipoBordo },  cBackbordo, ;
                    { cTesto, oFnt, nColorFont, cAlign }, ;
                      "CM" )

     //second Box
      nRiga     := 21.05
      cTesto := "Descrizione  esenzione"
     oPrn:Box(nRiga,nColonna,nAltezza+nRiga,nlarghezza, {"", 0 },  "", ;
                    { cTesto, oFnt, nColorFont, cAlign }, ;
                      "CM" )



Function TypeAlign (nAllinea,nPosizione)
    local  cPosition,cAlign

"TL" : TopLeft
"TR" : TopRight
"T" : Top Center
"BL" : Bottom Left
"BR" : Bottom Right
"B" : Bottom Center
"L" : Left Vert Center
"R" : Right Vert Center


     DO CASE
              Case nPosizione=1
              Case nPosizione=2
              Case nPosizione=3

            DO CASE
              Case nAllinea=1
              Case nAllinea=2
              Case nAllinea=3
    return  alltrim(cPosition+cAlign)


This solution seems like bullshit to me because I would have to insert two records for every time I have to center a text inside a box :D
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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