the problem of tplan : I use and open the archives exclusively in the old way because with tdata (base) I have an error when I move a reservation.
the error comes out WITH TDATABASE when the class calls these methods:
MoveReservation( oData, nRowId, oPlann )
ResizeReservation( oData, nRowId, oPlann )
Error description: Error BASE/1005 Variabile non disponibile: CARGO
Called from: Source\sample01.prg => SAMPLEPLAN:MOVERESERVATION( 591 )
Called from: Source\sample01.prg => (b)SAMPLEPLAN_BUILDPLANNING( 357 )
Called from: Source\tplann.prg => TPLANNING:LBUTTONUP( 702 )
in practice the variable oData is not found and it crashes and freezes but oData is not a tplAn class variable
the planning (Tplan of Daniel ) was created for the management of a hotel.
For the beach it is not good because I also have to manage the reservations for one day (DAILY) and in the tplan it does not allow me to view for a single day but the reservation of only one night (ie from 10.00 to 10 .. the next day)
therefore I have excluded in the tplan the visualization OF ONE DAY but only for those bookings for a long period (+1)
I need a solution
I wish a reservation planning for daily reservations and long period reservation
Is there someone can help me to create a planning and show also the reservation for one day ?
I wish a planning like this :
If I cannot use Tplan class, how create it with Xbrowse or Tgant class ?