when I create a tooltip type array I make
obtn:cToolTip := {|obtn| FwTooltip(obtn) }
on FwTooltip(obtn) I have
local cText := Crea_Tooltip(oBtn)
local cTitle := cMyTitle+IIF(nstatus=3, " Prenotazione", IIF(nstatus=2," Occupato"," Libero"))
local cIcon := IcoTooltip(cCliente,nstatus)
local nClrFore := CLR_HRED
local nClrBack := CLR_YELLOW
return {cText, cTitle , cIcon , nClrFore, nClrBack }
then on Tootip created it not espect the colors I inserted as you can see here
where is the yellow ?
where is the Hred ?
I think the error is here
DEFINE WINDOW oToolTip FROM 0, 0 TO 1, 5 ;
COLOR 0, RGB( 255, 255, 225 ) OF Self
then can I change the color of title or text ?
where is the function CreateToolTipWNew
I allready tried to make also
SendMessage(::hwnd, TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR, CLR_HRED, 0)
to make a test but not run ok
If it is ::lballoon the text is blue
if ::lbaloon = .f. the text color is black