I had looked at that. What I want is to have the column background color to be set.
With an xBrowse, we get this effect by using this:
- Code: Select all Expand view
oLbx8:aCols[1]:bClrstd := {|| { 0, 65280 } } // Green
oLbx8:aCols[2]:bClrstd := {|| { 0, 65535 } } // Yellow
oLbx8:aCols[3]:bClrstd := {|| { 0, 255 } } // Red
Now I want to have the same result when I do a printout, where the first 3 COLUMNS can have the background color set to green, yellow, and red.
I also noticed that I can use the SAYTEXT( ) method so I tried this:
- Code: Select all Expand view
IF oPrintInspect:svcpas
oPrn:SayText( nRow, 2*nCsp, "PASS",,, oFbold, , CLR_BLACK, CLR_GREEN )
ELSEIF oPrintInspect:svcwat
oPrn:SayText( nRow, 2*nCsp, "Watch",,, oFbold , , CLR_BLACK, CLR_YELLOW )
ELSEIF oPrintInspect:svcfal
oPrn:Say( nRow, 2*nCsp, "FAIL",,, oFbold , , CLR_BLACK, CLR_RED )
It prints no color. I am using a Brother Color Laser Printer ... but not getting any output to Preview, or to Print, in color ... just black and white