If Iuse Abpaint to draw a bitmap
ABPaint( ::hDC, y, x, v[1], 255)
the bitmap wich color must have on the background ?
I ask this because the bitmap is not transparent ( also with manifest) and I not understood why
// AlphaBlending transparencies support in FiveWin! \SAMPLES\TESTAB.PRG
#include "FiveWin.ch"
function Main()
local oWnd, oBmp, oBrush
DEFINE BITMAP oBmp FILENAME "..\bitmaps\AlphaBmp\Trash.bmp"
DEFINE BRUSH oBrush FILENAME "..\bitmaps\backgrnd\paper2.bmp"
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "FWH 17.01 Transparencies" ;
COLOR 0, "N/W" BRUSH oBrush
ON PAINT ABPaint( hDC, 10, 10, oBmp:hBitmap, 220 ) // 0-255 transparency level
return nil
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