xbrdbu : new version

Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby Franklin Demont » Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:56 pm

desdesummer87 wrote:Si. Ese es el problema que procuraré solventar del mejor modo posible.. Gracias de nuevo por su dedicación.
If. That one is the problem that I will try to solve as good as possible.. Thanks again for its dedication.

If your name points to clipper Summer 87 , me too is still active from these days.

Franklin Demont
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby desdesummer87 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:59 am

desdesummer87 is only a nick
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby desdesummer87 » Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:07 pm


He conseguido evitar el error que se producia al modificar la estructura
de una base de datos con campos Memo.
( La extension "XXXX.DBT" no era renombrada al salvar los cambios)

Para ello ha sido necesario modificar las funciones afectadas tal como
indico más abajo

Confío en que esté usted de acuerdo con los cambios.




I have managed to avoid the error that took place when modifying the structure
Of a data base with fields Silly.
(the extension XXXX.DBT was not renamed when saving changes)

For it it has been necessary to modify the affected functions same as
I indicate further down

I trust that you agree upon the changes.



Func TempFile(cExtension,cPath)
Local cFile
default cPath:=""
cExtension:= StrTran(cExtension,".","")
While .T.
cFile:="AAA" +"." + upper(cExtension)
cFile:= cPath + cFile
If .NOT. file( cFile )

Return cPath + cFile


Static Func BuildDbf( cDbfName, oLbx )

Local aFields := {}
Local n
Local cTempFile:=""

If Empty( cDbfName )
MsgAlert( "Se necesita un nombre para la DBF", "" )
Return Nil

If Len( oLbx:aItems ) == 0
MsgAlert( "No se han definido campos", "" )
Return Nil

If At( ".", cDbfName ) == 0
cDbfName += ".dbf"

For n = 1 to Len( oLbx:aItems )
AAdd( aFields, _FieldInfo( AllTrim( oLbx:aItems[ n ] ) ) )

If File( cDbfName )
If MsgYesNo( "DBF existente. ¿ Modificar estructura...?", "" )
cTempFile:= tempFile("dbf")
DbCreate( cTempFile, aFields )
Use (cTempFile)
Append from (cDbfName)
Ferase( cDbfName )
Rename ( cTempFile ) to (cDbfName)
If file( cFileNoExt( cTempFile ) +".dbt" )
nLen := Len(cDbfName)
nLong := (nLen - 4)
cNomb := SubStr(cDbfName, 1 ,nLong)
cBase := (cNomb + ".dbt")
Rename ("AAA.dbt") To (cBase)
Return nil

DbCreate( cDbfName, aFields )
MsgInfo( "DBF creada", "" )

Return Nil

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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby Franklin Demont » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:49 pm

I provided only support for FTP-files see also (init) procedure prginit :

RDDSetDefault( 'DBFCDX' )

Allowing also dbt format would require a configuration procedure to install the used dbf driver.

Franklin Demont
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby Franklin Demont » Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:22 am


Exe-file generated with FWH1303 , HB 3.2 (28/2/2013)
Working with xbrdbu , some errors were corrected , some modules improved

File menu

Open recent files : added to file menu , saved in xbrdbu.ini

Configuration : Dbfdriver (dbfcdx , dbfntx) , open shared , Dateformat , autopen
extension dbt should be recognised in routines as modify structure
Saved in xbrdbu.ini

Map network drive , disconnect drive

Frank Demont

Franklin Demont
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:29 pm


I have placed a copy of your new XbrDbu build in FiveWin contributions :-)

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby driessen » Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:04 pm


Fantastic job done. It's really a great utility.

One small remark : to my opinion the correct key is not always shown. If you select "Natural order", the last index used is displayed in the status bar.

Michel D.
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby jllinas » Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:53 pm


Very usefull and nice utility. Exactly what I was waiting for. I just want to make a small suggestion (request?):

in "PROC OpenMyIndex()" would be a great idea to use "*.cdx" or "*.ntx" according with default RDD (CDX or NTX) chose in preferences. Some of our customers use NTX and others CDX.

Thanks in advance,
Julio Llinás
Visita mi Blog en http://mangucybernetico.blogspot.com/
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby Franklin Demont » Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:28 am

April 2013

* Index menu : added when clausule in close index , index order and filter by scope

* Closing index folowed with Change/add index gives a error. Now it is ok

* Added to Tag message : order number / total orders (only DBF Browse)
In bMsg added oMsgBar:Refresh() ('Sometimes,if you select "Natural order", the last index used is displayed in the status bar')
maybe it helps

* Open index file : Rdd from alias determinates the extension

* NEW : Dialog to open a dbf-file , input fields :
- RDD (Radio buttons DBFCDX/DBFNTX)
Depending from memo-file or index-file found in combination with autopen the rdd input field is disabled or enabled
- Shows asociated memo file (same name) (checkbox).
- Open asociated index file (same name) (checkbox). Autopen determines the default value

- DBF/ARRAY BROWSE (Radio buttons)
Very powerfull feature , each column is sort- and search column, eliminating the need from index files.
Most from menu utility's should work. Also editing , relations , index files are still updated.

Download link : http://rapidshare.com/files/80261082/XBRDBUFD4.ZIP

Frank Demont
Franklin Demont
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby cnavarro » Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:46 pm

Code: Select all  Expand view
   Path and name: C:\Users\C\Downloads\XBRDBUFD4\xbrdbu.Exe (32 bits)
   Size: 3,572,224 bytes
   Compiler version: Harbour 3.2.0dev (Rev. 18881)
   FiveWin  Version: FWH 13.02
   Windows version: 6.2, Build 9200

   Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 1 secs
   Error occurred at: 13/04/04, 23:40:38
   Error description: Error BASE/1004  Message not found: NIL:LARRAY
     [   1] = U  

Stack Calls
   Called from:  => __ERRRT_SBASE( 0 )
   Called from: ../../../tobject.prg => NIL:ERROR( 0 )
   Called from: ../../../tobject.prg => (b)HBOBJECT( 0 )
   Called from: ../../../tobject.prg => NIL:MSGNOTFOUND( 0 )
   Called from: ../../../tobject.prg => NIL:LARRAY( 0 )
   Called from: xbrdbu.prg => (b)MAINMENU( 307 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\MENU.PRG => TMENU:INITIATE( 431 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:INITMENUPOPUP( 2580 )
   Called from:  => TMDIFRAME:HANDLEEVENT( 0 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH( 3178 )
   Called from:  => WINRUN( 0 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE( 991 )
   Called from: xbrdbu.prg => MAIN( 73 )

En la opcion Indexes sin abrir ningun fichero

In the Indexes option without opening any file

Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby Franklin Demont » Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:08 am

Line 303 ,310 , 317 :

WHEN ! Empty(alias()) .AND. (Alias())->(OrdCount())>0 .AND. ! oDbfWnd:lArray;

We have to test first on empty(alias()) !

Franklin Demont
Posts: 166
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xbrdbu : new version

Postby Franklin Demont » Tue May 14, 2013 11:03 am

I uploaded a new version : http://rapidshare.com/files/2132244470/XBRDBUFD5.ZIP


* Open dialog : added checkbox shared

* file2Brow , open : added parameter lDefault
Open dialog is only used when this parameter is .F.
Starting the aplication with default dbf's (start parameters or AALIAS section in (x)ini-file),
will not show the open dialog ! Default values will be used !

1/5/2013 : XBRDBUFD5.ZIP
* Preferences dialog (configuration)
- Added : Checkbox "Open dbf with default's (no dialog)"
If not checked, opening a dbf opens also the open dialog
- Added : Checkbox "Load, save previous DBF configuration"
This configuration is saved in a xbr-file , i.e. Gemeente.xbr
containing : Filter , columns , arelations , scopes and aindex.
- Added to (x)ini-file : [AALIAS]
Containing the open dbf's when closing XbrDbu (Upper right corner)
When a file window is closed , this will NOT be present
When a list from dbf-files is specified as start parameter , this
will overwrite the aAlias Section

* Open dialog
- Discarded Array Browse , new button in File window
- Added : Checkbox "Restore previous state (... . xbr)"
Default value from preferences
If Checked the values from the xbr-file are loaded
Closing the dbf will only write the status
if in the preferences this value is .T.
- Added : Memo say with showing some values from the xbr-file (short)
- Added : Button : "View State" , Showing the xbr-file

* Start parameters
- It is possible to give more dbf's , i.e.
XbrDbu.exe Gemeente Customer (overwrite AALIAS section in ini file)
- One from the parameters can be a xIni-file.
This overwrite the default one "XbrDbu.ini" in the workdir from the exe-file
- Without parameter ,xbrdbu searches (and asks to select) in the current directory to all xIni-files.
If none , XbrDbu.ini is used

* Main window (oWndDbu)
- Changed : MsgBar , shows the configuration file (ini-file)

* File Window (Dbf) Added to BtnBar :
- Colums : Same as utility's , Browse columns
Column configuration. Closing the dbf will write in the xbr-file
- Added to BtnBar : Array Browse / Dbf Browse
Will read the dbf in a array (column recno added) and browse the array
Pushing the button again returns to the dbf-browse
- Filter : Same as utility's , filter OR clicking in the messagebar
- Top Bottom Scope : Same as Indexes , Establish filter
- Relations : Same as utility's , Relations
- Indexes : Same as Indexes (menu)

* File Window (Dbf) Added to MsgBar :
- Status file , i.e. Gemeente.xbr

Frank Demont
Franklin Demont
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby cnavarro » Tue May 14, 2013 12:11 pm

Code: Select all  Expand view

   Error description: Error BASE/1004  No exported method: LARRAY
     [   1] = U  

Stack Calls
   Called from:  => LARRAY( 0 )
   Called from: xbrdbu.prg => (b)MAINMENU( 255 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\MENU.PRG => TMENU:INITIATE( 431 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:INITMENUPOPUP( 2584 )
   Called from:  => TMDIFRAME:HANDLEEVENT( 0 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH( 3182 )
   Called from:  => WINRUN( 0 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE( 995 )
   Called from: xbrdbu.prg => MAIN( 65 )


Ejecutas la aplicacion y moverte por el menu principal
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby Franklin Demont » Tue May 14, 2013 2:24 pm

Line 251 must be :

WHEN ! EMPTY(alias()) .AND. OrdCount()>0 .AND. ! oDbfWnd:lArray ;

! oDbfWnd:lArray must always be the last one from the line


cnavarro wrote:
Code: Select all  Expand view

   Error description: Error BASE/1004  No exported method: LARRAY
     [   1] = U  

Stack Calls
   Called from:  => LARRAY( 0 )
   Called from: xbrdbu.prg => (b)MAINMENU( 255 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\MENU.PRG => TMENU:INITIATE( 431 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:INITMENUPOPUP( 2584 )
   Called from:  => TMDIFRAME:HANDLEEVENT( 0 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH( 3182 )
   Called from:  => WINRUN( 0 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE( 995 )
   Called from: xbrdbu.prg => MAIN( 65 )


Ejecutas la aplicacion y moverte por el menu principal
Franklin Demont
Posts: 166
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Re: xbrdbu : new version

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue May 14, 2013 3:34 pm

Path and name: C:\Work\Prg\xdbu\xbrdbu.Exe (32 bits)
Size: 2,810,368 bytes
Compiler version: xHarbour build 1.2.1 Intl. (SimpLex) (Rev. 6715)
FiveWin Version: FWHX 13.01
Windows version: 6.1, Build 7600

Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 0 secs
Error occurred at: 14/05/2013, 17:33:22
Error description: Error BASE/1132 Bound error: array access
[ 1] = A { ... }
[ 2] = N 2

Stack Calls
Called from: xbrdbu.prg => FSETUP( 3898 )
Called from: xbrdbu.prg => (b)MSGSELECT( 6542 )
Called from: .\source\function\XBROWSER.PRG => XBROWSE( 118 )
Called from: xbrdbu.prg => MSGSELECT( 6542 )
Called from: xbrdbu.prg => LOADPREFERENCES( 5971 )
Called from: xbrdbu.prg => MAIN( 40 )
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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