Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby James Bott » Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:03 pm

Well, I don't have much to work with, but it looks like you may have added the class data ::oData and there are lots of oData's in the program too. I would first suggest making a backup, then removing all the double colons from in front of ::oData, then trying it again.

FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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James Bott
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:56 pm

there are not ::odata data class in my source
Please see it ( where are these DATA ::odata?)

Code: Select all  Expand view

    #include ""
    #include ""
    #include ""
    #include ""
    #include ""

    #define PLANNING_RESERVED   1
    #define PLANNING_OCCUPIED   3
    #define PLANNING_CANCELED   4
    #define PLANNING_EMPTY      5

    // status 01 reserved
    // status 02 confirmed
    // status 03 occupied
    // status 04 canceled


    CLASS SamplePlan

       DATA oRooms, oReserva

       DATA oPlann
       DATA oWnd
       DATA aStatus
       DATA dStart, dEnd

       Data cDbfPath
       Data cTipoElemento

       METHOD New()

       METHOD BuildDbf()
       METHOD BuildDialog()
       METHOD BuildPlanning()
       METHOD BuildPop()

       METHOD DeleteData( oPlan, dCheckIn )

       METHOD ColorData( oData )

       METHOD LoadData()
       METHOD LoadRooms()
       METHOD MoveReservation( nRow, nCol, nType )
       METHOD ResizeReservation( oData, nRowId, oPlann )



    METHOD New() CLASS SamplePlan
       local oSelf := Self
       local cInifile := TakeOffExt( GetModuleFileName( GetInstance() ) ) + ".ini"

       ::cDbfPath    := GetIni( cIniFile, "Config", "DbfPath")

       ::aStatus = { "Reserved", "Confirmed", "Occupied", "Canceled", "Empty" }


        ::cTipoElemento   := "01" //for filter



       ::oWnd:oClient = ::oPlann

    RETURN Self


    METHOD BuildDbf() CLASS SamplePlan

       field ID, ROOMS_ID, CHECK_IN

       local aStructure
       local i
       local cDir     := ::cDbfPath

       if ! File( cDir+"rooms.dbf" )

          aStructure = { { "id"   , "C",   4, 0 },;
                          { "name" , "C",  30, 0 },;
                          { "type" , "C",   2, 0 } }

          DBCreate( cDir+"rooms", aStructure, "DBFCDX", .T., "ROOMS" )

          for i = 1 to 30
             ROOMS->( DbAppend() )
             ROOMS->ID   = StrZero( i, 2 )
             ROOMS->NAME = "Room " + StrZero( i, 2 )
             ROOMS->TYPE = StrZero( i % 5, 2 )

          CLOSE ROOMS


           USE  &(cDir+"ROOMS"+".dbf")  VIA "DBFCDX" NEW
          ROOMS->( Dbzap() )
          ROOMS->( DbPack() )
           CLOSE ROOMS

       if ! File( cDir+"reserva.dbf" )

          aStructure = { { "date"     , "D",   8, 0 },;
                          { "rooms_id" , "C",   4, 0 },;
                          { "type" , "C",   2, 0 }  ,;
                          { "check_in" , "D",   8, 0 },;
                          { "check_out", "D",   8, 0 },;
                          { "status"   , "C",   2, 0 },;
                          { "guest"    , "C",  30, 0 } }

          DBCreate( cDir+"reserva", aStructure, "DBFCDX" )


       if !File( cDir+"rooms.cdx" )
          USE  &(cDir+"ROOMS"+".dbf")  VIA "DBFCDX" NEW
          INDEX ON ID TAG rooms_id
          CLOSE ROOMS

       if !File( cDir+"reserva.cdx" )
          USE  &(cDir+"RESERVA"+".dbf")  VIA "DBFCDX" NEW
          INDEX ON ROOMS_ID + DToS( CHECK_IN ) TAG room_in

       ::oRooms   := TDatabase():Open( nil, cDir+"ROOMS",   "DBFCDX", .t. )
       ::oRooms:SetOrder( "rooms_id" )

       //save struttura to Rooms
       //I must load all rooms from spiaggia.dbf

       ::oReserva := TDatabase():Open( nil, cDir+"RESERVA", "DBFCDX", .t. )
       ::oReserva:SetOrder( "room_in" )

    RETURN nil


    METHOD BuildDialog( oPlan, dCheckIn, dCheckOut ) CLASS SamplePlan

       local oDlg, oCbx
       local lSave := .F.
       local lNew := .T.
       local cVar, cName := Space( 30 )
       local nAt := 1
       Local nCella,cTipo,cText,nResno

       if oPlan:oLastData != NIL
          lNew = ! oPlan:oLastData:lSelected

       cTipo := ::cTipoElemento               //type of the room
       nCella  :=  RIGHT(oPlan:GetRowID(),3)  // number of room

       DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Adding Data" SIZE 350, 370

       if ! lNew
           ::oReserva:SetOrder( "room_in" )
           ::oReserva:Seek( oPlan:GetRowID() + DToS( dCheckIn ) )
            cName    := ::oReserva:GUEST
            nAt      := Val( ::oReserva:STATUS )


       //cCheckIn = oPlan:aSelected[ 1 ]

       @ 10, 10 SAY "Room: " + oPlan:GetRowText()  OF oDlg PIXEL
       @ 25, 10 SAY "Check In: " + DToC( dCheckIn ) OF oDlg PIXEL
       @ 40, 10 SAY "Check Out:" + DToC( dCheckOut ) OF oDlg PIXEL
       @ 55, 10 SAY "Status:" OF oDlg PIXEL

       @ 55, 55 COMBOBOX oCbx VAR cVar;
                 ITEMS ::aStatus;

       @ 70, 10 SAY "Guest Name:" OF oDlg PIXEL
       @ 70, 55 GET cName OF oDlg PIXEL

       @ 170, 10 BUTTON "OK" PIXEL ACTION ( lSave := .T., oDlg:End() )
       @ 170, 100 BUTTON "CANCEL" PIXEL ACTION ( oDlg:End() )

                ON INIT oCbx:Select( nAt )

       IF lSave
          if lNew
             ::oReserva:Seek( oPlan:GetRowID() + DToS( dCheckIn ) )

          ::oReserva:DATE      = Date()
          ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID  = oPlan:GetRowID()
          ::oReserva:CHECK_IN  = dCheckIn
          ::oReserva:CHECK_OUT = dCheckOut
          ::oReserva:STATUS    = StrZero( oCbx:nAt, 2 )
          ::oReserva:GUEST     = cName
          ::oReserva:TYPE      = cTipo



    RETURN nil


    METHOD BuildPlanning() CLASS SamplePlan
       Local oSelf := Self
       Local oPopupCalPlan
       Local oDate1,oDate2,oBtnCalenda
       Local oBtn[4]
       Local aBtnfw :={ FW_BmpPlus(), FW_BmpMinus() }
       Local nIcoElemento  := 1
       Local oCbx
       Local oScrollHor
       Local aBmpCombo := {   ".\temp\TempEl_1.Jpg.bmp",;
                              ".\temp\TempEl_2.Jpg.bmp"   ,;
                              ".\temp\TempEl_3.Jpg.bmp" ,;

   MENU oPopupCalPlan POPUP 2015
    MENUITEM "Oggi"        ACTION ( oSelf:dStart:=date(),oSelf:dEnd:=date()+5,oDate1:refresh(),oDate2:refresh(),;
                                   EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange) )
    MENUITEM "Domani"      ACTION ( oSelf:dStart:=date()+1,oSelf:dEnd:=date()+6,oDate1:refresh(),oDate2:refresh(),;
                            EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange) )
    MENUITEM "DopoDomani"  ACTION ( oSelf:dStart:=date()+2,oSelf:dEnd:=date()+7,oDate1:refresh(),oDate2:refresh(),;
                            EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange) )


   MENUITEM "Mese Corrente"  ACTION (oSelf:dStart:=bom(date()),;
                                       oSelf:dEnd:= eom(date()),;
                                       EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange))

   MENUITEM "Mese Prossimo"  ACTION (oSelf:dStart:=AddMonth(bom(date()),1),;
                                       oSelf:dEnd:= AddMonth(eom(date()),1),;
                                       EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange))


     MENUITEM "Giugno"  ACTION (oSelf:dStart:=AddMonth( BOY( DATE() ), 5 ),;
                                oSelf:dEnd:=EoM(AddMonth( BOY( DATE() ), 5 )),;
                                EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange))

     MENUITEM "Luglio"  ACTION (oSelf:dStart:=AddMonth( BOY( DATE() ), 6 ),;
                                oSelf:dEnd:=EoM(AddMonth( BOY( DATE() ), 6 )),;
                                EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange))

      MENUITEM "Agosto"  ACTION (oSelf:dStart:=AddMonth( BOY( DATE() ), 7 ),;
                                oSelf:dEnd:=EoM(AddMonth( BOY( DATE() ), 7 )),;
                                EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange))

      MENUITEM "Settembre"  ACTION (oSelf:dStart:=AddMonth( BOY( DATE() ), 8 ),;
                                oSelf:dEnd:=EoM(AddMonth( BOY( DATE() ), 8 )),;
                                EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange))


       DEFINE PLANNING ::oPlann OF ::oWnd;
              HEADER "Elementi / Giorni";
              COLOR HEADER ( If( Dow( dDate ) == 1 .OR.  Dow( dDate ) == 7, CLR_WHITE, ::oPlann:nClrText )  );
              COLOR CELL ::ColorData( oData ) ;
              START DAY Date() - 5;
              END DAY Date() + 5;
              ON RIGHT SELECT oSelf:BuildPop( nRow, nCol, Self, dCheckIn, dCheckOut );
              ON CAPTURE oSelf:MoveReservation(oData, nRowId, Self);
              ON RESIZE DATA  oSelf:ResizeReservation(oData, nRowId, Self) NOHALFDAY

   ::dStart = ::oPlann:dStart
   ::dEnd = ::oPlann:dEnd

   ::oPlann:nTopMargin:= 0
   ::oPlann:nLeftLabelWidth  := 108

     // I check there is a dialog on Ribbonbar  oApp():oReBar
     // if there is allready I erased it and end all objects
     // then create the dialog oGrPlanning and create all object

    IF  oApp:oGrPlanning != nil
           For n= 1 to Len( oApp:oGrPlanning:aControls)
            oApp:oGrPlanning := oApp():oReBar:AddGroup( 780,  "Periodo da visualizzare", 2,,, )

       @ 5,0   ADD BUTTON oBtnCalenda PROMPT "Calendario" ;
                  BITMAP "TOOLBAR_CALENDAR"         ;
                 OF oApp:oGrPlanning ROUND SIZE 68,72 ;
                 SPLITPOPUP MENU oPopupCalPlan

        @ 0.9,12 DTPICKER oDate1 VAR  oSelf:dStart OF oApp:oGrPlanning  SIZE 145,25 picture "ddd dd mmm yyyy";
                ON CHANGE ( if( oSelf:dStart != oSelf:oPlann:dStart,;
                            ( oSelf:oPlann:SetDates( oSelf:dStart ), oSelf:LoadData() ), ) ) ;
                    VALID ValidareData(oSelf:dStart, oSelf:dEnd )

       @ 0.9,40 DTPICKER oDate2 VAR  oSelf:dEnd OF oApp:oGrPlanning  SIZE 145,25 picture "ddd dd mmm yyyy";
                ON CHANGE ( if( oSelf:dEnd != oSelf:oPlann:dEnd,;
                ( oSelf:oPlann:SetDates( , oSelf:dEnd ), oSelf:LoadData() ), ) )  ;
                       VALID ValidareData(oSelf:dStart, oSelf:dEnd )

         @ 45,72   ADD BUTTON oBtn[1]  ;
                  BITMAP aBtnfw[2] ; //"BTN_PNG_MINUS"         ;
                  OF oApp:oGrPlanning SIZE 28,25;// 60,25  ;
                      ACTION   ( oSelf:dStart--,oDate1:REFRESH(),EVAL( oDate1:bchange)) BORDER

           @ 45,188   ADD BUTTON oBtn[2] ;
              BITMAP  aBtnfw[1] ; //"BTN_PNG_PLUS"         ;
                  OF oApp:oGrPlanning   SIZE 28,25; // 60,25    ;
        ACTION   (IF( oSelf:dStart<oSelf:dEnd,oSelf:dStart++,(oSelf:dStart++,oSelf:dEnd++)),;
                           oDate1:REFRESH(),oDate2:REFRESH(),EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange)) BORDER

    @ 45,241   ADD BUTTON oBtn[3] ;
              BITMAP aBtnfw[2] ; //"BTN_PNG_MINUS"         ;
                  OF oApp:oGrPlanning  SIZE 28,25; // 60,25  ;
                      ACTION   ( IF( oSelf:dEnd=oSelf:dStart,,oSelf:dEnd--),;
                                 oDate2:REFRESH(),EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange)) BORDER

    @ 45,356   ADD BUTTON oBtn[4] ;
               BITMAP  aBtnfw[1] ; //"BTN_PNG_PLUS"         ;
                  OF oApp:oGrPlanning  SIZE 28,25; // 60,25    ;
                           ACTION   ( oSelf:dEnd++,oDate2:REFRESH(),EVAL( oDate1:bchange),EVAL( oDate2:bchange)) BORDER

    @ 9,400 COMBOBOX oCbx VAR nIcoElemento Items { " ", " ", " ", " "  } ;
      BITMAPS aBmpCombo  SIZE 90,120 PIXEL  OF oApp:oGrPlanning     HEIGHTGET 60 ;
      ON CHANGE ( oSelf:cTipoElemento  := GiveElemento(nIcoElemento),;
      oSelf:oPlann:Reset()                       ,;
      oSelf:LoadRooms()                          ,;
      oSelf:LoadData()                          ,;
      oSelf:oPlann:Refresh() )

    RETURN nil


    METHOD BuildPop( nRow, nCol, oPlan, dCheckIn, dCheckOut ) CLASS SamplePlan

       local oMenu
       local oSelf := Self
       local lNew := .T.

       if oPlan:oLastData != NIL
          lNew = ! oPlan:oLastData:lSelected

       MENU oMenu POPUP
          MENUITEM If( lNew, "New Reserve",;
                             "Modify Reserve" ) ACTION oSelf:BuildDialog( oPlan, dCheckIn, dCheckOut )
          if ! lNew
             MENUITEM "Delete Reserve"  ACTION If( MsgYesNo( "Are you sure?" ), oSelf:DeleteData( oPlan, dCheckIn ) , )


       ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu OF oPlan AT nRow, nCol

    RETURN nil


    METHOD DeleteData( oPlan, dCheckIn ) CLASS SamplePlan

       if ::oReserva:Seek( oPlan:GetRowID() + DToS( dCheckIn ) )
           oPlan:DeleteData( oPlan:oLastData )

    RETURN nil


    METHOD ColorData( oData ) CLASS SamplePlan
       local aGrad

       //"Reserved", "Confirmed", "Occupied", "Calceled", "Empty"
       switch oData:Cargo['STATUS']
          case PLANNING_RESERVED
             aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0x9a,0xcd,0x32), RGB(0x9a,0xcd,0x32) } }
             aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0x00,0x80,0xff) , RGB(0x00,0x80,0xff) } }
          case PLANNING_OCCUPIED
             aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0xff,0xff,0x80), RGB(0xff,0xff,0x80) } }
          case PLANNING_CANCELED
             aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0xff,0x00,0x00), RGB(0xff,0x00,0x00) } }
          case PLANNING_EMPTY
             aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0xc0,0xc0,0xc0), RGB(0xc0,0xc0,0xc0) } }


    return aGrad


    METHOD LoadData() CLASS SamplePlan

       local cDescribe
       local nStatus
       local cTooltip, oData

       //Clear scopes

       ::oReserva:SetOrder( "room_in" )
       ::oReserva:OrdScope( TOPSCOPE, NIL )
       ::oReserva:OrdScope( BOTTOMSCOPE, NIL )
       ::oReserva:OrdScope( TOPSCOPE, Month( ::oPlann:dStart ) )
       ::oReserva:OrdScope( BOTTOMSCOPE, Month( ::oPlann:dEnd ) )

       DO WHILE ! ::oReserva:Eof()
          if DToS( ::oReserva:CHECK_OUT ) > DToS( ::oPlann:dStart ) .AND. DToS( ::oReserva:CHECK_IN ) < DToS( ::oPlann:dEnd ) ;
             .AND. ::oReserva:TYPE== AllTrim( ::cTipoElemento )

             cDescribe = "Empty..."
             nStatus = Val( ::oReserva:STATUS )
             if nStatus > 0 .and. nStatus < 5
              *  cDescribe = ::aStatus[ nStatus ]
                cDescribe = ::oReserva:GUEST

             ::oRooms:Seek( ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID )

          cTooltip  = "Elemento     : " + ::oRooms:NAME + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Numero       : " + ::oRooms:ID + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Ospite       : " + ::oReserva:GUEST + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Arrivo       : " + DToC( ::oReserva:CHECK_IN ) + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Partenza     : " + DToC( ::oReserva:CHECK_OUT )

             oData = ::oPlann:AddData( ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID,;
                               cDescribe, cToolTip )

             if oData != NIL
                oData:Cargo = {=>}
                oData:Cargo["STATUS"] = nStatus
                oData:Cargo["INDICE"] = ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID + DToS(::oReserva:CHECK_IN)



    return NIL


    METHOD LoadRooms() CLASS SamplePlan

       local n
       local cRowName, cRowText
       local oData

       ::oPlann:hRows := {=>}

       DO WHILE ! ::oRooms:Eof()
          If AllTrim(::oRooms:TYPE ) == AllTrim( ::cTipoElemento )
             ::oPlann:AddRow( ::oRooms:ID, ::oRooms:NAME)
          ::oRooms:Skip( 1 )

    RETURN nil


    METHOD MoveReservation( oData, nRowId, oPlann ) CLASS SamplePlan

       local oItem := oData
       local cDescribe, cTooltip, nStatus

       ::oReserva:Seek( oItem:Cargo['INDICE'] )

       if oPlann:nDaysOffset != 0 .OR. oPlann:nRoomsOffset != 0
          cDescribe = oItem:cDescribe
          nStatus = oItem:Cargo['STATUS']
          oPlann:DeleteData( oItem, .F. )

          ::oReserva:CHECK_IN += oPlann:nDaysOffset //determina cuantos dias nos movimos
          ::oReserva:CHECK_OUT += oPlann:nDaysOffset //determina cuantos dias nos movimos
          ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID = nRowId
          ::oRooms:Seek( nRowId )

          cTooltip  = "Elemento     : " + ::oRooms:NAME + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Numero       : " + ::oRooms:ID + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Ospite       : " + ::oReserva:GUEST + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Arrivo       : " + DToC( ::oReserva:CHECK_IN ) + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Partenza     : " + DToC( ::oReserva:CHECK_OUT )

          oData = oPlann:AddData( ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID,;
                              cDescribe, cToolTip )
          oData:Cargo = {=>}
          oData:Cargo['STATUS'] = nStatus
          oData:Cargo['INDICE'] = ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID + DToS(::oReserva:CHECK_IN)
          oPlann:oLastData = NIL

    RETURN nil


    METHOD ResizeReservation( oData, nRowId, oPlann ) CLASS SamplePlan

       local oItem := oData
       local cDescribe, cTooltip, nStatus

       ::oReserva:Seek( oItem:Cargo['INDICE'] )

       if oPlann:nDaysOffset != 0
          cDescribe = oItem:cDescribe
          nStatus = oItem:Cargo['STATUS']
          oPlann:DeleteData( oItem, .F. )

          ::oReserva:CHECK_IN += If( oData:lRFromStart, oPlann:nDaysOffset, 0 ) //determina cuantos dias nos movimos
          ::oReserva:CHECK_OUT += If( ! oData:lRFromStart, oPlann:nDaysOffset, 0 ) //determina cuantos dias nos movimos
          ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID = nRowId
          ::oRooms:Seek( nRowId )

           cTooltip  = "Elemento     : " + ::oRooms:NAME + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Numero       : " + ::oRooms:ID + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Ospite       : " + ::oReserva:GUEST + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Arrivo       : " + DToC( ::oReserva:CHECK_IN ) + CRLF
          cTooltip += "Partenza     : " + DToC( ::oReserva:CHECK_OUT )

          oData = oPlann:AddData( ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID,;
                              cDescribe, cToolTip )
          oData:Cargo = {=>}
          oData:Cargo['STATUS'] = nStatus
          oData:Cargo['INDICE'] = ::oReserva:ROOMS_ID + DToS(::oReserva:CHECK_IN)
          oPlann:oLastData = NIL

    RETURN nil


    function HB_COMPILEFROMBUF()
    return nil

  *  function curdrive()
  *     return nil

Static function LoadToRoom(cDbfPath,oRooms)
   Local aElementi := LoadElementi(cDbfPath)
   Local n
   local cDir     := cDbfPath
   Local cCodice
   Local oBeach
   local nArea    := Select()

       oBeach   := TDatabase():Open( nil, cDir+"SPIAGGIA",   "DBFCDX", .t. )
       oBeach:SetOrder( 1 )

        for n= 1 to Len(aElementi)
           IF aElementi[n][6] //attivo
               cCodice:=  aElementi[n][3]
                Do While .not. oBeach:eof()
                   IF  oBeach:Elemento == cCodice
                     oRooms:ID   := Left(oBeach:Desc,1)+Strzero(oBeach:Cella,3)
                     oRooms:Name := alltrim(oBeach:Desc)+" "+Ltrim(str( oBeach:Cella))
                     oRooms:Type := oBeach:Elemento

         Select (nArea)

     return nil
Function LoadElementi(cDbfPath)
   Local oElementi
   Local nId,;
         cImage  ,;
         cCodice ,;
         cDesc   ,;
         cColor  ,;
         lAttivo ,;
         nOrdine ,;
         cImgOcc ,;
         cImgalt ,;

   Local aDataProduct:={}
   local cDir     := cDbfPath
   local nArea    := Select()

            oElementi:=TDatabase():Open( , cDir+"Elementi", "DBFCDX", .T. )

              DO WHILE .not. oElementi:EOF()
                     nId     := oElementi:ELNUMERO
                     cCodice := Strzero(val(nId),2)
                     cDesc   := alltrim(oElementi:ELNOME)
                     cColor  := GetBackColor(alltrim(oElementi:ELCOLORE))
                     lAttivo := oElementi:ELATTIVO
                     nOrdine := oElementi:ELORDINE
                     cImgfree:= oElementi:ELIMGLIB
                     cImgOcc := oElementi:ELIMGOCC
                     cImgalt := oElementi:ELIMGALT
                     lLock   := oElementi:ELLOCK
                     cImage  := IF(oElementi:ELATTIVO, cImgalt,cImgfree)

                 AaDd(aDataProduct,{ nId,;
                                 cImage  ,;
                                 cCodice ,;
                                 cDesc   ,;
                                 cColor  ,;
                                 lAttivo ,;
                                 nOrdine ,;
                                 cImgOcc ,;
                                 cImgalt ,;


    Select (nArea)
    RETURN aDataProduct

       Function GiveElemento(nIcoElemento)
      Local cElemento

         do case
            case  nIcoElemento= 1
            case  nIcoElemento= 2
            case  nIcoElemento= 3
            case  nIcoElemento= 4

            return cElemento

 static Function ValidareData( dFechaIni, dFechaFin )
   LOCAL lValid := .T.

   IF ( dFechaIni > dFechaFin )
      alert( "La data finale deve essere  maggiore di quella finale " )
      lValid := .F.
   RETURN  lValid

on private email a reserva.dbf demo with many records to try
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Posts: 6899
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby James Bott » Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:53 pm


In my copy in the method MoveReservation() oData is ::oData. I see your copy doesn't have that so ignore my suggestion.

FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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James Bott
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:22 pm

I 'm searching my oldest sources from daniel 's messages on google gmail
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Posts: 6899
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:44 pm

I checked it this is the last release created by daniel garcia Gill on 18.03.2013

Class Tplan


Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""

#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
#include ""

#define DEFAULT_GUI_FONT    17
#define SM_CXVSCROLL         2

#define TME_LEAVE           2
#define WM_MOUSELEAVE     675

#define PLANN_MONTH   1
#define PLANN_WEEK    2
#define PLANN_DAY     3
#define PLANN_CUSTOM  4

#define DT_CENTER     1
#define DT_VCENTER    4
#define DT_SINGLELINE 32

#define PLANN_ROW_HASH    1
#define PLANN_ROW_TEXTO   2

#define PLANN_HT_BODY     1
#define PLANN_HT_HEADER   2
#define PLANN_HT_NONE     3

#define PLANN_ATROW       1
#define PLANN_ATCOL       2

static nID := 0

CLASS TPlanning FROM TControl

   DATA aLabelHeader
   DATA aGradHeaderCel
   DATA aGradLabel
   DATA aSelected

   DATA bClrLabelHeader
   DATA bClrData
   DATA bClrTextData
   DATA bRSelected
   DATA bOnCapture
   DATA bOnResizedData

   DATA cHeader

   DATA dStart, dEnd, dDate AS DATE

   // HASH
   DATA hRows
   DATA hConRight
   DATA hConLeft
   DATA pHitTest

   DATA lSBVisible
   DATA lVertGrad
   DATA lCaptured                     //check if a empty cell is captured
   DATA lNoHalfDay
   DATA lCatched                      

   DATA nColorGrid                    // Grid line color
   DATA nColorGrid2                   // Grid internal line color
   DATA nColorCellSelected            // Color of border in cell selected
   DATA nDNameHeight                  // Day Name header size
   DATA nLeftLabelWidth               // Left label width size
   DATA nLeftMargin                   // Left Margin
   DATA nRightMargin                  // Right Margin
   DATA nTopMargin                    // Top Margin
   DATA nVirtualHeight
   DATA nVirtualTop
   DATA nTypePlann                    // Planning type
                                      // 1 Month
                                      // 2 week
                                      // 3 day
                                      // 4 custom
                                      // 2 = MONDAY
   DATA nRowHeight
   DATA nHeaderHeight  
   DATA nVScroll
   DATA nColDown, nRowDown, nLastColDown
   DATA oCursorCatch
   DATA oHeaderFont
   DATA oDataFont
   DATA oLastData, oDataOver
   DATA oHeaderFont_aux   HIDDEN
   DATA oFont_aux         HIDDEN
   DATA nDaysOffset, nRoomsOffset

   METHOD New( oWnd, nClrText ) CONSTRUCTOR
   METHOD AddRow( cName, cTexto )
   METHOD AddData( cRow, dStart, dEnd, cDescribe )
   METHOD CheckScroll()
   METHOD ColWidth()        INLINE Int( ( ::GridWidth() - ::nLeftLabelWidth ) / Len( ::aLabelHeader ) )
   METHOD EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD DataDropAvailable( uRowId, dFecha1, dFecha2 )

   METHOD DeleteData( oData )
   METHOD Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD Destroy()
   METHOD FirstVisibleRow() INLINE Int( ::nVirtualTop / ::nRowHeight ) + 1

   METHOD GetAtRow( nRow )
   METHOD GetAtCol( nCol )
   METHOD GetData( nAtRow, nCol )
   METHOD GetRow( nAtRow )
   METHOD GetCol( nAtCol )
   METHOD GetCoorFromPos( nAtRow, nAtCol )
   METHOD GetLastRow()   INLINE Len( ::hRows ) * ::nRowHeight + ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight
   METHOD GetRowText()
   METHOD GetRowID()
   METHOD GridWidth()    INLINE ::nWidth - ::nRightMargin - ::nLeftMargin - ::nVScroll
   METHOD GridHeight()   INLINE ::nHeight - 4 - ::nTopMargin
   METHOD HandleEvent()

   METHOD HitTest( nRow, nCol )

   METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol )
   METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol )
   METHOD LastVisibleRow()  INLINE  Min( Len( ::hRows ), ::FirstVisibleRow() + ::TotalVisibleRow() )
   METHOD Line( hDC, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColor )

   METHOD ModCol()          INLINE ( ::GridWidth() - ::nLeftLabelWidth ) % Len( ::aLabelHeader )
   METHOD MouseLeave()
   METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
   METHOD MouseWheel( nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos )

   METHOD Paint()
   METHOD PaintData( hDC )
   METHOD PaintDates( hDC )
   METHOD RButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD Resize( nType, nWidth, nHeight ) INLINE ::CheckScroll(), Super:Resize( nType, nWidth, nHeight )
   METHOD Reset()
   METHOD SelectCell( )
   METHOD SetDates( dStart, dEnd )
   METHOD SetLabelHeader()
   METHOD SetScroll()
   METHOD ToTalVisibleRow() INLINE ( ::GridHeight() / ::nRowHeight ) + 1
   METHOD UpdateData( cRow, dStart, dEnd, cDescribe, cToolTip )
   METHOD VScrollSetPos( nPos )
   METHOD VScrollSkip( nSkip )



METHOD New( oWnd, oFont, oDataFont, oHeaderFont, dStart, dEnd, cHeader, lNoHalfDay ) CLASS TPlanning

   local nMod, aFontInfo, n

   DEFAULT oWnd     := GetWndDefault()
   DEFAULT cHeader  := "Rooms/Days"
   DEFAULT lNoHalfDay := .T.

   ::nTop       = 0
   ::nLeft      = 0
   ::nBottom    = 600
   ::nRight     = 800
   ::oWnd       = oWnd
   ::lNoHalfDay = lNoHalfDay

   ::nClrText    = 0

   ::aGradHeaderCel     = { { 1, nRGB( 165, 191, 225 ), nRGB( 165, 191, 225 ) } }
   ::aGradLabel         = { { 1, nRGB( 165, 191, 225 ), nRGB( 165, 191, 225 ) } }
   ::aSelected          = {}

   ::nColorGrid       = nRGB( 141, 174, 217 )
   ::nColorGrid2      = nRGB( 230, 237, 247 )
   ::nColorCellSelected = nRGB(0xe6,0xe6,0xfa)  
   ::nLeftLabelWidth  = 100
   ::nLeftMargin      = 2
   ::nRightMargin     = 2
   ::nTopMargin       = 60
   ::nVirtualHeight   = ::nHeight
   ::nRowHeight       = 24
   ::nHeaderHeight    = 30
   ::nVirtualTop      = 0
   ::nVScroll         = 0
   ::nColDown         = 0
   ::nRowDown         = 0
   ::nLastColDown     = 0
   ::nDaysOffset      = 0
   ::nRoomsOffset     = 0
   ::bClrLabelHeader = {|| ::nClrText }
   ::bClrData        = {|| { { 1, nRGB( 225, 234, 247 ), nRGB( 181, 202, 230 ) } } }
   ::bClrTextData    = {|| ::nClrText }
   ::cHeader         = cHeader    
   ::hRows := {=>}
   ::hConLeft  = HConLeft()
   ::hConRight = HConRight()
   ::lVertGrad = .F.
   ::lCaptured = .F.
   if ::oFont != NIL
   if oFont != NIl
      aFontInfo = GetFontInfo( oFont:hFont )
      aFontInfo = GetFontInfo( GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) )
   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME aFontInfo[ 4 ] SIZE aFontInfo[ 2 ], aFontInfo[ 1 ]
   DEFINE FONT ::oFont_aux NAME aFontInfo[ 4 ] SIZE aFontInfo[ 2 ], aFontInfo[ 1 ] BOLD

   if oDataFont != NIl
      aFontInfo = GetFontInfo( oDataFont:hFont )
      aFontInfo = GetFontInfo( GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) )
   DEFINE FONT ::oDataFont NAME aFontInfo[ 4 ] SIZE aFontInfo[ 2 ], aFontInfo[ 1 ]

   if oHeaderFont != NIL
      aFontInfo = GetFontInfo( oHeaderFont:hFont )
      aFontInfo = GetFontInfo( GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) )
   DEFINE FONT ::oHeaderFont NAME aFontInfo[ 4 ] SIZE aFontInfo[ 2 ] - 1, aFontInfo[ 1 ] - 1
   DEFINE FONT ::oHeaderFont_aux NAME aFontInfo[ 4 ] SIZE aFontInfo[ 2 ] - 1, aFontInfo[ 1 ] - 1 BOLD
   #ifdef __XPP__
      DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

  ::SetBrush( ::oWnd:oBrush )


   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

   ::lSBVisible = .F.
   ::nTypePlann = PLANN_MONTH
   ::dDate = Date()
   DEFAULT dStart := SToD( StrZero( Year( ::dDate ), 4 ) + StrZero( Month( ::dDate ), 2 ) + "01" )
   DEFAULT dEnd   := P_GetLastDayMonth( ::dDate )    
   ::dStart = dStart
   ::dEnd   = dEnd

return Self


METHOD AddRow( cName, cTexto ) CLASS TPlanning

   if cName != NIL .and. ValType( cName ) == "C"
      if cTexto == NIL
         cTexto = StrTran( cName, " ", "" )
      hb_HSET( ::hRows, cName, { {=>}, cTexto } )

return NIL


METHOD AddData( cRow, dStart, dEnd, cDescribe, cToolTip ) CLASS TPlanning

   local oData
   local hDatas
   local aDatas
   if dEnd < ::dStart
      return nil
   if cRow != NIL
      if ValType( cRow ) == "C"
         if ! hb_HHASKEY( ::hRows, cRow )  
            ::AddRow( cRow )
         aDatas = hb_HGET( ::hRows, cRow )
         hDatas  = aDatas[ PLANN_ROW_HASH ]
         oData  = TPData():New( Self, cRow, dStart, dEnd, cDescribe, cToolTip )
         hb_HSET( hDatas, oData:cName, oData )
         aDatas[ PLANN_ROW_HASH ] = hDatas
         hb_HSET( ::hRows, cRow, aDatas )

return oData

METHOD CheckScroll() CLASS TPlanning

   local nLastRow
   local nPos
   if ! ::lActive
      RETURN nil
   nLastRow := ::GetLastRow()
   if nLastRow > ::nHeight
      ::nVirtualHeight = nLastRow
      SetScrollRangeX( ::hWnd, 1, 0, ::nVirtualHeight - 1)

      if  (::nVirtualHeight - ::nVirtualTop) < ::nHeight
         ::nVirtualTop := ::nVirtualHeight - ::nHeight

      ::oVScroll:SetPage( ::nHeight, .F. )
      ::oVScroll:SetPos( ::nVirtualTop )
      ::lSBVisible = .T.
      ::nVScroll = GetSysMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL )

      ::nVirtualTop = 0
      ::nVirtualHeight = ::nHeight
      SetScrollRangeX( ::hWnd, 1, 0, 0 )
      ::lSBVisible = .F.
      ::nVScroll = 0

RETURN nil      


METHOD DataDropAvailable( uRowId, oData ) CLASS TPlanning

   local lOk := .T.
   local hDatas, oItem
   local n, days, bits
   local n2, days2, bits2

   if ( lOk := ! Empty( uRowId ) )
      hDatas = hb_HGET( ::hRows, uRowId )[ PLANN_ROW_HASH ]
      for each oItem in hDatas
   #ifdef __XHARBOUR__
         oItem = oItem:Value
         if oItem:nId != oData:nId
            n = max(0, min(oItem:nColEnd,oData:nNewColEnd) - max(oItem:nColStart,oData:nNewColStart))
            lOk = lOk .AND. (n==0)
         if ! lOk
return lOk          


METHOD DeleteData( oData, lRefresh ) CLASS TPlanning
   local hData
   DEFAULT lRefresh := .T.

   if oData != nil
      if hb_HHASKEY( ::hRows, oData:cRow )
         hData = ::hRows[ oData:cRow ][ PLANN_ROW_HASH ]
         if hb_HHASKEY( hData, oData:cName )
            hb_HDEL( hData, oData:cName )
            if lRefresh



METHOD Destroy() CLASS TPlanning

   if ::oCursorCatch != NIL
   DeleteObject( ::hConRight )
   DeleteObject( ::HConLeft )

return Super:Destroy()


METHOD GetAtCol( nCol ) CLASS TPlanning

   local nAtCol := 0

   if nCol > ::nLeftLabelWidth .and. ::pHitTest:nRow > ::nTopMargin
      nAtCol = AScan( ::aLabelHeader, {|x| x["LEFT"] < nCol .AND. x["RIGHT"] >= nCol } )

return nAtCol


METHOD GetAtRow( nRow ) CLASS TPlanning

   local nAtRow
   nAtRow := Int( ( nRow + ::nVirtualTop - ::nTopMargin - ::nHeaderHeight ) / ::nRowHeight ) + 1
   if nAtRow > Len( ::hRows ) .OR. nRow < ( ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight )
      nAtRow = 0

return nAtRow


METHOD GetCol( nAtCol ) CLASS TPlanning

   local nCol
   local nModCol   := ::ModCol()
   local nColWidth := ::ColWidth()
   local nAux      := ( nColWidth + 1 ) * nModCol  

   if nAtCol > nModCol
      nCol = nAux + ( ( nAtCol - nModCol - 1 ) * nColWidth ) + ::nLeftLabelWidth
      nCol = ( nAtCol - 1 ) * ( nColWidth + 1 ) + ::nLeftLabelWidth
   nCol := Max( ::nLeftLabelWidth - 1, nCol )

return nCol


METHOD GetCoorFromPos( nAtRow, nAtCol ) CLASS TPlanning

   local aCoor := Array( 4 )
   local nCol
   aCoor[ 1 ] = ::GetRow( nAtRow ) + 1
   aCoor[ 2 ] = ::GetCol( nAtCol ) + 1
   aCoor[ 3 ] = aCoor[ 1 ] + ::nRowHeight - 1
   aCoor[ 4 ] = ::GetCol( nAtCol + 1 )

return aCoor


METHOD GetData( nAtRow, nCol ) CLASS TPlanning
   local oData, oRet
   local hDatas
   local nAtCol := ::GetAtCol( nCol )
   local nColDataEnd, nColDataStart
   local nColWidth

   if ::lNoHalfDay
      nColWidth = 0
      nColWidth = ( ::ColWidth() / 2 )

   if nAtRow < 1 .Or. nAtCol < 1
      return nil
   hDatas = hb_HGET( ::hRows, hb_HKEYAT( ::hRows, nAtRow ) )[ PLANN_ROW_HASH ]
   for each oData in hDatas
#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
      oData = oData:Value
      if oData != NIL .and. ( oData:nColStart != NIL .OR.  oData:nColEnd != nil )
         if oData:nColStart <= nCol .AND. oData:nColEnd >= nCol
            oRet = oData

return oRet


METHOD GetRow( nAtRow ) CLASS TPlanning

   local nRow
   nRow = ( nAtRow - 1 ) * ::nRowHeight - ::nVirtualTop + ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight
return nRow


METHOD GetRowText( nAtRow ) CLASS TPlanning
   local cText := ""

   DEFAULT nAtRow := 0
   if ::oLastData != NIL
      cText = ::hRows[ ::oLastData:cRow ][ PLANN_ROW_TEXTO ]
      if Len( ::aSelected ) > 0
         nAtRow = ::aSelected[ 1 ][ PLANN_ATROW ]
   if nAtRow > 0
      cText = ::hRows[ hb_HKEYAT( ::hRows, nAtRow ) ][ PLANN_ROW_TEXTO ]
return cText


METHOD GetRowID( nAtRow ) CLASS TPlanning
   local uID
   if nAtRow == NIL
      if ::oLastData != NIL .and. ::oLastData:lSelected
         uID = ::oLastData:cRow
         if nAtRow == NIL
            if Len( ::aSelected ) > 0
               nAtRow = ::aSelected[ 1 ][ PLANN_ATROW ]
               nAtRow = 0
         if nAtRow > 0
             uID = hb_HKEYAT( ::hRows, nAtRow )
      if nAtRow > 0
         uID = hb_HKEYAT( ::hRows, nAtRow )
return uID


METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TPlanning

   do case
      case nMsg == WM_MOUSELEAVE
         return ::MouseLeave( nHiWord( nLParam ), nLoWord( nLParam ), nWParam )

RETURN Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )


METHOD HitTest( nRow, nCol ) CLASS TPlanning

   local pHitTest := TStruct():New()
   local nAtRow, nAtCol
   local pLast
   pHitTest:Addmember( "nType",  _INT )
   pHitTest:Addmember( "nAtRow", LONG )
   pHitTest:Addmember( "nAtCol", LONG )
   pHitTest:Addmember( "nRow", LONG )
   pHitTest:Addmember( "nCol", LONG )
   pHitTest:Addmember( "nMoveType", _INT )

   pHitTest:nAtRow = 0
   pHitTest:nAtCol = 0
   pHitTest:nRow = nRow
   pHitTest:nCol = nCol
   pLast = ::pHitTest
   ::pHitTest = pHitTest

   if nRow < ::nTopMargin
      pHitTest:nType  = PLANN_HT_NONE
      ::nDaysOffset     = 0
      ::nRoomsOffset     = 0
   elseif nRow > ::nTopMargin .and. nRow < ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight
      pHitTest:nType  = PLANN_HT_HEADER
      ::nDaysOffset     = 0
      ::nRoomsOffset     = 0
      pHitTest:nType  = PLANN_HT_BODY
      nAtRow = ::GetAtRow( nRow )
      nAtCol = ::GetAtCol( nCol )

      if pLast != NIL
         pHitTest:nMoveType = PLANNING_MOVE_NONE
         if nAtRow > pLast:nAtRow
            pHitTest:nMoveType = PLANNING_MOVE_DOWN
         elseif nAtRow <  pLast:nAtRow
            pHitTest:nMoveType = PLANNING_MOVE_UP
         ::nRoomsOffset += ( nAtRow - pLast:nAtRow )
         if nAtCol > pLast:nAtCol
            pHitTest:nMoveType = PLANNING_MOVE_RIGTH
         elseif nAtCol <  pLast:nAtCol
            pHitTest:nMoveType = PLANNING_MOVE_LEFT
         ::nDaysOffset += ( nAtCol - pLast:nAtCol )
      pHitTest:nAtRow = nAtRow
      pHitTest:nAtCol = nAtCol

return pHitTest


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPlanning
   ::SelectCell( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   ::nDaysOffset     = 0
   ::nRoomsOffset     = 0

return Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPlanning
   local uId
   local nAt
   ::lCaptured = .F.
   if ::oLastData != NIL
      if ::oLastData:lCatched  
         ::oLastData:lCatched = .F.
         if hb_isBlock( ::bOnCapture )
            if ( nAt := ::GetAtRow( nRow ) ) > 0
               uId = ::GetRowId( nAt )
               if ::DataDropAvailable( uId, ::oLastData )
                  Eval( ::bOnCapture, ::oLastData, uId, self )
      if ::oLastData != NIL
         if ::oLastData:lResized
            ::oLastData:lResized = .F.
            if hb_isBlock( ::bOnResizedData )
               if ( nAt := ::GetAtRow( nRow ) ) > 0
                  uId = ::GetRowId( nAt )
                  if ::DataDropAvailable( uId, ::oLastData )
                     if ::oLastData:lRFromStart
                        if ::oLastData:dStart + ::nDaysOffset >= ::oLastData:dEnd
                           ::nDaysOffset = ::oLastData:dEnd - ::oLastData:dStart - 1
                        if ::oLastData:dEnd + ::nDaysOffset <= ::oLastData:dStart
                           ::nDaysOffset = ::oLastData:dStart - ::oLastData:dEnd + 1
                     Eval( ::bOnResizedData, ::oLastData, uId, self )
   ::nDaysOffset     = 0
   ::nRoomsOffset     = 0

return Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD Line( hDC, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColor ) CLASS TPlanning

   local hPen, hOldPen
   DEFAULT nColor := 0
   hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, nColor )
   hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )
   MoveTo( hDC, nLeft, nTop )
   LineTo( hDC, nRight, nBottom )
   SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen )  
   DeleteObject( hPen )

return nil


METHOD MouseLeave( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TPlanning

   ::nDaysOffset     = 0
   ::nRoomsOffset     = 0
   if ::oLastData != NIL
      ::oLastData:lCatched = .F.
      ::oLastData:lResized = .F.
return 0


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPlanning

   local pHitTest
   local nColWidth := ::ColWidth()
   local oData
   local nEastSize
   local nWestSize

   TrackMouseEvent( ::hWnd, TME_LEAVE )

   pHitTest = ::HitTest( nRow, nCol )

   oData = ::GetData( pHitTest:nAtRow, nCol )
   if ::oLastData == NIL .OR. ( ! ::oLastData:lCatched .AND. ! ::oLastData:lResized )
      if oData != NIL
         if ::oDataOver != NIL
            if ::oDataOver:nID == oData:nID
               if ::cToolTip == NIL
                  ::cToolTip = oData:cToolTip
               ::cToolTip = NIL
         ::cToolTip = NIL    
      ::oDataOver = oData

      if oData != NIL
         if ( ( oData:nColStart <= nCol .AND. oData:nColStart + 2 >= nCol ) .OR. ;
           ( oData:nColEnd >= nCol .AND. oData:nColEnd - 2 <= nCol ) )
            return 0

      if pHitTest:nType == PLANN_HT_BODY

      if ::oLastData != NIL
         if pHitTest:nAtCol == 0 .OR. pHitTest:nAtRow == 0
            ::oLastData:lResized = .f.
            ::oLastData:lCatched = .f.
         if ::oLastData:lCatched
            if ::oCursorCatch != NIL
               SetCursor( ::oCursorCatch:hCursor )
            if pHitTest:nMoveType > 0
            return 0

         if ::oLastData:lResized
            if pHitTest:nMoveType > 0
            return 0


return Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD MouseWheel( nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos ) CLASS TPlanning

   local aPos := { nYPos, nXPos }

   if ::lSBVisible  
      if nDelta < 0
         ::VScrollSkip( 40 )
         ::VScrollSkip( -40 )

return nil


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPlanning

   local aInfo       := ::DispBegin()
   local aRect
   local hDC         := ::hDC
   local nGridWidth  := ::GridWidth()
   local nGridHeight := ::GridHeight() + ::nTopMargin
   aRect = GetClientRect( ::hWnd )
   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   WndBox2007( hDC, ::nTopMargin,;
               ::nLeftMargin, ;
               nGridHeight, ;
               nGridWidth , ;
               ::nColorGrid )

   ::PaintDates( hDC )
   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


STATIC function CalPos( oData, Self, nDaysOffset )

   local u := {=>}
   local nTotDays :=  Len(::aLabelHeader)
   local nColWidth_2
   local nColWidth

   DEFAULT nDaysOffset := 0

   nColWidth = ::ColWidth()

   nColWidth_2 = 0// Int( nColWidth / 2 )

   u["lPrev"] = .F.
   u["lNext"] = .F.
   if oData:lResized
      if oData:lRFromStart
         u["nColStart"] = Max( 1, oData:dStart - ::dStart + 1 + nDaysOffset )
         u["nColEnd"]   = Min( nTotDays, max( 1, oData:dEnd - ::dStart + If( ::lNoHalfDay, 0, 1 ) ) )
         if u["nColStart"] >= u["nColEnd"]
            u["nColStart"] = u["nColEnd"] - If( ::lNoHalfDay, 0, 1 )
         u["nColStart"] = Max( 1, oData:dStart - ::dStart + 1 )
         u["nColEnd"]   = Min( nTotDays, max( 1, oData:dEnd - ::dStart + If( ::lNoHalfDay, 0, 1 ) + nDaysOffset ) )
         if u["nColStart"] >= u["nColEnd"]
            u["nColEnd"] = u["nColStart"]  + If( ::lNoHalfDay, 0, 1 )
      if ! ::lNoHalfDay
         nColWidth_2 = ( ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["RIGHT"] - ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["LEFT"] ) / 2
      if oData:lRFromStart
         u["nCol1"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["LEFT"] + nColWidth_2
         if oData:dEnd > ::dEnd
            u["nCol2"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColEnd"]]["RIGHT"]
            u["lNext"] = .T.
            u["nCol2"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColEnd"]]["RIGHT"] - nColWidth_2
         u["nCol2"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColEnd"]]["RIGHT"] - nColWidth_2
         if oData:dStart < ::dStart
            u["nCol1"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["LEFT"]
            u["lPrev"] = .T.
            u["nCol1"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["LEFT"] + nColWidth_2
      u["nColStart"] = Max( 1, oData:dStart - ::dStart + 1 + nDaysOffset )
      u["nColEnd"]   = Min( nTotDays, max( 1, oData:dEnd - ::dStart + If( ::lNoHalfDay, 0, 1 ) + nDaysOffset ) )

   if ! ::lNoHalfDay
      nColWidth_2 = ( ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["RIGHT"] - ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["LEFT"] ) / 2

   if ! oData:lResized
      if oData:dStart + nDaysOffset < ::dStart
         u["lPrev"] = .T.
         u["nCol1"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["LEFT"]
         u["nCol1"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColStart"]]["LEFT"] + nColWidth_2
      if oData:dEnd + nDaysOffset > ::dEnd
         u["lNext"] = .T.
         u["nCol2"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColEnd"]]["RIGHT"]
         u["nCol2"] = ::aLabelHeader[u["nColEnd"]]["RIGHT"] - nColWidth_2

return u


METHOD PaintData( hDC ) CLASS TPlanning

   local oData, hDatas
   local Row, hPen, hPenRed
   local nStartRow, nEndRow
   local n, j
   local nRow, nColStart, nColEnd
   local nModCol, nColWidth, nAux
   local nCol1, nCol2
   local aClrData
   local nClrTextData
   local lPrev := .F., lNext := .F.
   local hCatched := NIL
   local nColWidth_2 := 0
   local nTotDays :=  Len(::aLabelHeader)
   local u

   nColWidth = ::ColWidth()
   nStartRow = ::FirstVisibleRow()
   nEndRow   = ::LastVisibleRow()

   for n = nStartRow to nEndRow
      hDatas = hb_HGET( ::hRows, hb_HKEYAT( ::hRows, n ) )[ PLANN_ROW_HASH ]
      nRow = ::GetRow( n )
      for each oData in hDatas
#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
         oData = oData:Value

         u = CalPos(oData, self)
         lPrev = u["lPrev"]
         lNext = u["lNext"]
         nCol1 = u["nCol1"]
         nCol2 = u["nCol2"]

         oData:nColStart = nCol1
         oData:nColEnd = nCol2
         aClrData = Eval( ::bClrData, oData )
         GradientFill( hDC, nRow + 1, nCol1 + 1, nRow + ::nRowHeight - If( ::lVertGrad, 1, 0 ), nCol2 - 1, aClrData, ::lVertGrad )

         if lPrev
            if nCol1 > nBmpWidth( ::hConLeft )
               DrawTransparent( hDC, ::hConLeft, nRow + ( ::nRowHeight / 2 - nBmpHeight( ::hConLeft ) / 2  ), ;
                                      ::nLeftLabelWidth - 1 + 3 )
         if lNext := ( ::GridWidth()  < nCol2 + 1 )
            if nColWidth > nBmpWidth( ::hConRight )
               DrawTransparent( hDC, ::hConRight, nRow + ( ::nRowHeight / 2 - nBmpHeight( ::hConRight ) / 2  ), ;
                                     ::GridWidth() - nBmpWidth( ::hConRight ) - 1 )
         nClrTextData = Eval( ::bClrTextData, oData )
         P_Say( hDC, oData:cDescribe, ;
                    { nRow ,;
                      nCol1 + 7 + If( lPrev,  nBmpWidth( ::hConLeft ) + 2, 0 ), ;
                      nRow + ::nRowHeight, ;
                      nCol2 - 7 - If( lNext,  nBmpWidth( ::hConLeft ) + 2, 0 ) }, nOr( DT_SINGLELINE, DT_VCENTER ), ::oDataFont, nClrTextData, 0 )
         WndBox2007( hDC, nRow ,;
               nCol1 + 1, ;
               nRow + ::nRowHeight, ;
               nCol2 - 1, ;
               0 )
         if oData:lSelected                
            WndBox2007( hDC, nRow + 1,;
                  nCol1 + 2, ;
                  nRow + ::nRowHeight - 1, ;
                  nCol2 - 2, ;
                  0 )
         if oData:lCatched .OR. oData:lResized
            hCatched = {=>}
            hCatched["DATA"] = oData
            hCatched["COL1"] = nCol1
            hCatched["COL2"] = nCol2
            hCatched["ROW"]  = nRow
            hCatched["ATROW"] = n
   if hCatched != NIL      
      nRow = hCatched["ROW"]

      u = CalPos( hCatched["DATA"], self, ::nDaysOffset )

      nColStart = u["nColStart"]
      nColEnd   = u["nColEnd"]

      nCol1 = u["nCol1"]
      nCol2 = u["nCol2"]

      if u["lPrev"]
         DrawTransparent( hDC, ::hConLeft, nRow + ( ::nRowHeight / 2 - nBmpHeight( ::hConLeft ) / 2  )  + (::nRoomsOffset*::nRowHeight), ;
                                ::nLeftLabelWidth + 2 )

      if u["lNext"]
         DrawTransparent( hDC, ::hConRight, nRow + ( ::nRowHeight / 2 - nBmpHeight( ::hConRight ) / 2  )  + (::nRoomsOffset*::nRowHeight), ;
                               ::GridWidth() - nBmpWidth( ::hConRight ) - 1 )

      hCatched["DATA"]:nNewColStart = nCol1 + 1
      hCatched["DATA"]:nNewColEnd = nCol2 - 1

      if ::DataDropAvailable( ::GetRowId( hCatched["ATROW"] + ::nRoomsOffset ), hCatched["DATA"])
         hPen = CreatePen( PS_DOT, 1, 0 )
         hPen = CreatePen( PS_DOT, 1, nRGB(255,0,0) )

      WNDBOXCLR( hDC, nRow + 2 + (::nRoomsOffset*::nRowHeight),;
                  nCol1 + 2, ;
                  nRow + ::nRowHeight - 2 +  (::nRoomsOffset*::nRowHeight), ;
                  nCol2 - 2, hPen, hpen)

      DeleteObject( hPen )

return nil


METHOD PaintDates( hDC ) CLASS TPlanning   

   local nTotDays := Len( ::aLabelHeader )
   local n, hSel
   local nMod
   local nColWidth
   local nColOffSet
   local aRect
   local nClr
   local cRowText
   local nRowOffSet
   local nStartRow, nEndRow
   local aSelected, aCell
   local nFrom, nTo, head
   nColWidth  = ::ColWidth()
   nMod       = ::ModCol()
   nColOffSet = ::nLeftLabelWidth
   nMod      = ::ModCol()  
   nColOffSet   = ::nLeftLabelWidth      

   for n = 1 to nTotDays
      nColOffSet += ( nColWidth + If( nMod > 0, ( nMod--, 1 ), 0 ) )
      if n == 1
         ::aLabelHeader[n]["LEFT"] = ::nLeftLabelWidth
         ::aLabelHeader[n]["RIGHT"] = nColOffSet
         ::aLabelHeader[n]["LEFT"] = ::aLabelHeader[n-1]["RIGHT"]
         ::aLabelHeader[n]["RIGHT"] = nColOffSet
      if n == nTotDays
         ::aLabelHeader[n]["LEFT"] = ::aLabelHeader[n-1]["RIGHT"]
         ::aLabelHeader[n]["RIGHT"] = ::GridWidth()
      ::Line( hDC, ::nTopMargin , nColOffSet, ::nHeight - 3 , nColOffSet, ::nColorGrid )

   GradientFill( hDC, ::nTopMargin + 1, ::nLeftMargin + 1, ::nHeight - 5 , ::nLeftLabelWidth, ::aGradLabel )

   // visibles rows
   nStartRow = ::FirstVisibleRow()
   nEndRow   = ::LastVisibleRow()

   for n = nStartRow to nEndRow
      cRowText = hb_HGET( ::hRows, hb_HKEYAT( ::hRows, n ) )[ PLANN_ROW_TEXTO ]
      nRowOffSet = ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight + ( ::nRowHeight * ( n - 1 ) )
      if ::pHitTest != NIL
         if ::pHitTest:nAtRow == n
            P_Say( hDC, cRowText, { nRowOffSet - ::nVirtualTop, ::nLeftMargin + 1, nRowOffSet + ::nRowHeight - ::nVirtualTop, ::nLeftLabelWidth },;
          nOR( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE ), ::oFont_aux, nClr, 0 )
            P_Say( hDC, cRowText, { nRowOffSet - ::nVirtualTop, ::nLeftMargin + 1, nRowOffSet + ::nRowHeight - ::nVirtualTop, ::nLeftLabelWidth },;
          nOR( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE ), ::oFont, nClr, 0 )
         P_Say( hDC, cRowText, { nRowOffSet - ::nVirtualTop, ::nLeftMargin + 1, nRowOffSet + ::nRowHeight - ::nVirtualTop, ::nLeftLabelWidth },;
          nOR( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE ), ::oFont, nClr, 0 )
      ::Line( hDC, nRowOffSet + ::nRowHeight - ::nVirtualTop, ::nLeftMargin, nRowOffSet + ::nRowHeight - ::nVirtualTop, ::nWidth - ::nRightMargin - 1 - ::nVScroll, ::nColorGrid )    

   //Detail column (header)
   hSel = CreateSolidBrush( ::nColorCellSelected )
   if ::lCaptured
      if ::pHitTest:nAtCol < ::nColDown
         nFrom = ::pHitTest:nAtCol
         nTo   = ::nColDown
      elseif ::pHitTest:nAtCol > ::nColDown
         nFrom = ::nColDown
         nTo   = ::pHitTest:nAtCol
         nFrom = ::nColDown
         nTo   = ::nColDown
      ::aSelected = {}
      for n = nFrom to nTo
         aCell = ::GetCoorFromPos( ::nRowDown, n )
         FillRect( hDC, aCell, hSel )
         AAdd( ::aSelected, { ::nRowDown, n } )
      for each aSelected in ::aSelected
         aCell = ::GetCoorFromPos( aSelected [ PLANN_ATROW ], aSelected [ PLANN_ATCOL ] )      
         FillRect( hDC, aCell, hSel )
   DeleteObject( hSel )
   //Paint datas
   ::PaintData( hDC )

   GradientFill( hDC, ::nTopMargin , ;
                     ::nLeftLabelWidth + 1, ;
                     ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight - 1, ;
                     ::GridWidth(), ::aGradHeaderCel )

   //Header Horizontal Line
   ::Line( hDC, ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight-1, ::nLeftMargin, ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight-1, ::GridWidth(), ::nColorGrid )

   for each head in ::aLabelHeader
      aRect = { ::nTopMargin + 2, head["LEFT"],;
                ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight - 2, head["RIGHT"] }

#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
         n = HB_EnumIndex()
         n = head:__enumIndex()

      if ::bClrLabelHeader != NIL
         nClr = Eval( ::bClrLabelHeader, ::dStart + n - 1 )
         nClr = ::nClrText

      if ::pHitTest != NIL
         if ::pHitTest:nAtCol == n
            P_Say( hDC, head['LABEL'], aRect, DT_CENTER, ::oHeaderFont_aux, nClr, 0 )
            P_Say( hDC, head['LABEL'], aRect, DT_CENTER, ::oHeaderFont, nClr, 0 )
         P_Say( hDC, head['LABEL'], aRect, DT_CENTER, ::oHeaderFont, nClr, 0 )

   GradientFill( hDC, ::nTopMargin, ;
                     ::nLeftMargin + 1, ;
                     ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight - 1, ;
                     ::nLeftLabelWidth - 1, ::aGradHeaderCel )
   P_Say( hDC, ::cHeader, { ::nTopMargin + 2, ::nLeftMargin + 1, ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight - 1, ::nLeftLabelWidth },;
          nOR( DT_VCENTER, DT_CENTER, DT_SINGLELINE ), ::oHeaderFont, nClr, 0 )

   FillRect( hDC, { 0, ;
                    ::GridWidth() }, ::oBrush:hBrush )
   WndBox2007( hDC, ::nTopMargin,;
               ::nLeftMargin, ;
               ::nHeaderHeight + ::nTopMargin -1, ;
               ::nLeftLabelWidth , ;
               ::nColorGrid )

   for each head in ::aLabelHeader
      ::Line( hDC, ::nTopMargin , head["LEFT"], ::nTopMargin + ::nHeaderHeight , head["LEFT"], ::nColorGrid )

return NIL


METHOD RButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPlanning
   local nInit := 0, nEnd := 0
   local lOK := .F.

    if nRow < ::nTopMargin+30  .OR. nCol < ::nLeftLabelWidth .OR. ::GetAtRow( nRow ) < 1
       return nil                              // agregado para evitar el click derecho en cabecera
    endif                                     //

   if ::oLastData != NIL
      if ::oDataOver != NIL
         if ::oDataOver:nID != ::oLastData:nID
            ::oLastData:lSelected = .F.
            ::oLastData = ::oDataOver
            ::oLastData:lSelected = .T.
         if ( lOK := ::oLastData:lSelected )
            nInit = ::oLastData:dStart - ::dStart
            nEnd  = ::oLastData:dEnd - ::dStart
   if ! lOK
      if ::oDataOver != NIL
         ::oLastData = ::oDataOver
         ::oLastData:lSelected = .T.
         nInit = ::oLastData:dStart - ::dStart
         nEnd  = ::oLastData:dEnd - ::dStart              
         lOK = .T.
      if ! lOK
         if Len( ::aSelected ) > 0
            if ::pHitTest:nAtRow == ::aSelected[ 1 ][ PLANN_ATROW ]
               if ::pHitTest:nAtCol >= ::aSelected[ 1 ][ PLANN_ATCOL ] .and. ;
                  ::pHitTest:nAtCol <= Atail( ::aSelected )[ PLANN_ATCOL ]
                  ::SelectCell( nRow, nCol )
               ::SelectCell( nRow, nCol )
            ::SelectCell( nRow, nCol )
         if ! lOK
            nInit = ::aSelected[ 1 ][ PLANN_ATCOL ] - 1
            nEnd  = Atail( ::aSelected )[ PLANN_ATCOL ]    

   ::lCaptured = .F.
   if ::bRSelected != NIL
      Eval( ::bRSelected, nRow, nCol, Self, ;
                          ::dStart + nInit, ;
                          ::dStart + nEnd  )

return Super:RButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )


METHOD Reset() CLASS TPlanning
   local aRow
   local n
   local cKey
   for n = 1 to Len( ::hRows )
      cKey = hb_HKEYAT( ::hRows, n )
      hb_HSET( ::hRows, cKey, { {=>}, hb_HGET( ::hRows, cKey )[ PLANN_ROW_TEXTO ] } )

return NIL


METHOD SelectCell( nRow, nCol ) CLASS TPlanning

   local nAtRow := ::GetAtRow( nRow )
   local nAtCol := ::GetAtCol( nCol )
   local oData

   ::nRowDown  = nAtRow
   ::nColDown  = nAtCol
   ::aSelected = {}
   if ::oLastData != NIL
      ::oLastData:lSelected = .F.
   oData = ::GetData( nAtRow, nCol )
   if oData == NIL
      ::lCaptured = .T.
      AAdd( ::aSelected, { nAtRow, nAtCol } )
      oData:lSelected = .T.
      if ( ( oData:nColStart <= nCol .AND. oData:nColStart + 2 >= nCol ) .OR. ;
           ( oData:nColEnd >= nCol .AND. oData:nColEnd - 2 <= nCol ) )
         oData:lResized = .T.
         oData:lRFromStart = oData:nColStart <= nCol .AND. oData:nColStart + 2 >= nCol
         oData:lCatched = .T.
      ::oLastData = oData
      ::cToolTip = NIL

return NIL


METHOD SetLabelHeader() CLASS TPlanning

   local n, dDate, cLabel
   local nTotDays := ::dEnd - ::dStart + 1
   local hHead
   ::aLabelHeader = {}

   for n = 1 to nTotDays
      hHead := {=>}
      dDate = ::dStart + ( n - 1 )  
      cLabel = SubStr( CDoW( dDate ), 1, 3 ) + CRLF + StrZero( Day( dDate ), 2 ) + "-" + SubStr( CMonth( dDate ), 1, 3 )
      hHead["LABEL"] = cLabel
      hHead["DATE"]  = DToS(dDate)
      hHead["LEFT"]  = 0
      hHead["RIGHT"] = 0
      AAdd( ::aLabelHeader, hHead )    
return nil


METHOD SetScroll() CLASS TPlanning

   ::oVScroll:bGoUp     = {|| ::VScrollSkip( - ::nRowHeight ) }
   ::oVScroll:bGoDown   = {|| ::VScrollSkip( ::nRowHeight ) }
   ::oVScroll:bPageUp   = {|| ::VScrollSkip( - ::oVScroll:nPgStep ) }
   ::oVScroll:bPageDown = {|| ::VScrollSkip( ::oVScroll:nPgStep ) }
   ::oVScroll:bPos      = {|nPos| ::VScrollSetPos( nPos ) }
   ::oVScroll:bTrack    = {|nPos| ::VScrollSetPos( nPos ) }

return nil


METHOD SetDates( dStart, dEnd ) CLASS TPlanning

   DEFAULT dStart := ::dStart
   DEFAULT dEnd   := ::dEnd

   if dStart >= dEnd
      return nil
   ::dStart = dStart
   ::dEnd   = dEnd
return nil


METHOD UpdateData( cRow, dStart, dEnd, cDescribe, cToolTip ) CLASS TPlanning

return nil


METHOD VScrollSetPos( nPos ) CLASS TPlanning

   local nSkip := nPos - ::nVirtualTop

   ::nVirtualTop := nPos
   ::oVScroll:SetPos( nPos )




METHOD VScrollSkip( nSkip ) CLASS TPlanning

   local nHeight := ( ::nVirtualHeight - ::nHeight )
   local nAux

   IF (::nVirtualTop == 0 .And. nSkip < 0) .Or. ;
      (::nVirtualTop == nHeight .And. nSkip > 0)
      RETURN nil

   nAux = ::nVirtualTop
   ::nVirtualTop += nSkip

   ::nVirtualTop = Min( ::nVirtualHeight - ::nHeight, ::nVirtualTop )

   IF ::nVirtualTop < 0
      ::nVirtualTop := 0
   ELSEIF ::nVirtualTop > nHeight
      ::nVirtualTop := nHeight
   ::oVScroll:SetPos( ::nVirtualTop )

   if nAux - ::nVirtualTop != -nSkip
      nSkip = -( nAux - ::nVirtualTop )



FUNCTION P_GetLastDayMonth( dDate )
   local nMonth, cDay, nYear
   local dAux
   nMonth = Month( dDate )
   cDay   = "01"
   nYear  = Year( dDate )
   if nMonth == 12
      nMonth = 1
   dAux = ( SToD( StrZero( nYear, 4 ) + StrZero( nMonth, 2 ) + cDay ) ) - 1

return dAux



   DATA oPlanning
   DATA cRow
   DATA cName
   DATA dStart
   DATA dEnd
   DATA Cargo
   DATA cDescribe
   DATA cToolTip
   DATA nColStart, nColEnd
   DATA nNewColStart, nNewColEnd
   DATA lSelected
   DATA lCatched
   DATA lResized, lRFromStart, lRFromEnd
   METHOD New()

   METHOD GetNewId()  



METHOD New( oPlanning, cRow, dStart, dEnd, cDescribe, cToolTip ) CLASS TPData

   DEFAULT dStart := Date(),;
           dEnd   := Date()
   ::oPlanning = oPlanning
   ::cRow      = cRow
   ::cName     = DToS( dStart )
   ::dStart    = dStart
   ::dEnd      = dEnd
   ::cDescribe = cDescribe
   ::cToolTip  = cToolTip
   ::lSelected = .F.
   ::lCatched = .F.
   ::lResized = .F.
   ::lRFromStart = .F.
   ::lRFromEnd = .F.
   ::nID = ::GetNewId()

return Self



   if nID > 10000
      nID = 1

return nID


#define TRANSPARENT         0x1   //1

static function DrawTransparent( hDC, hBmp, nRow, nCol )

   local hDCMem
   local hBmpOld
   local nZeroZeroClr

   hDCMem = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC )      
   // we can not get nZeroZeroClr from hDC is possible hDC are locked by other SelectObject
   // An application cannot select a bitmap into more than one device context at a time.  
   hBmpOld      = SelectObject( hDCMem, hBmp )
   nZeroZeroClr = GetPixel( hDCMem, 0, 0 )

   SelectObject( hDCMem, hBmpOld )
   DeleteDC( hDCMem )

   TransBmp( hBmp, nBmpWidth( hBmp ), nBmpHeight( hBmp ),;
             nZeroZeroClr, hDC, nCol, nRow, nBmpWidth( hBmp ), nBmpHeight( hBmp ) )

return nil

static FUNCTION P_Say( hDC, cText, aRect, nStyle, oFont, nClrText, nClrBack )

   local nOldMode := SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
   local nOldClr  := SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )
   local hOldFont
   if oFont != NIL
      hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )

   DrawText( hDC, cText, aRect, nStyle )
   SetBkMode( hDC, nOldMode )    
   SetTextColor( hDC, nOldClr )    
   if oFont != NIL
      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

return nil


Code: Select all  Expand view
#include <hbapi.h>
#include <windows.h>

HBITMAP CreateMemBitmap( HDC, LPSTR );

static far BYTE nextitem [] = {
0x42, 0x4D, 0x40, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00,
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static far BYTE previtem [] = {
0x42, 0x4D, 0x40, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
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   hb_retnl( ( LONG ) CreateMemBitmap( 0, ( LPSTR ) nextitem ) );


   hb_retnl( ( LONG ) CreateMemBitmap( 0, ( LPSTR ) previtem ) );
Last edited by Silvio.Falconi on Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Posts: 6899
Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:45 pm

this is the sample sent me on 18.03.2013 by Daniel

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""


#define PLANNING_EMPTY      5

function Main()



return nil

// status 01 reserved
// status 02 confirmed
// status 03 occupied
// status 04 canceled


CLASS SamplePlan

   DATA oPlann
   DATA oWnd
   DATA aStatus
   DATA dStart, dEnd
   METHOD New()
   METHOD BuildDbf()
   METHOD BuildDialog()
   METHOD BuildPlanning()
   METHOD BuildPop()
   METHOD DeleteData( oPlan, dCheckIn )
   METHOD ColorData( oData )
   METHOD LoadData()
   METHOD LoadRooms()
   METHOD MoveReservation( nRow, nCol, nType )



METHOD New() CLASS SamplePlan
   local oMenu, oBrush
   local oSelf := Self
   ::aStatus = { "Reserved", "Confirmed", "Occupied", "Canceled", "Empty" }
   MENU oMenu
   DEFINE WINDOW ::oWnd BRUSH obrush
   ::oWnd:oClient = ::oPlann


METHOD BuildDbf() CLASS SamplePlan

   local aStructure
   local i

   if ! File( "rooms.dbf" )
      aStructure = { { "id"   , "C",   4, 0 },;
                     { "name" , "C",  30, 0 },;
                     { "type" , "C",   2, 0 } }
      DBCreate( "rooms", aStructure, "DBFCDX" )
   if ! File( "reserva.dbf" )
      aStructure = { { "date"     , "D",   8, 0 },;
                     { "rooms_id" , "C",   4, 0 },;
                     { "check_in" , "D",   8, 0 },;
                     { "check_out", "D",   8, 0 },;
                     { "status"   , "C",   2, 0 },;
                     { "guest"    , "C",  30, 0 } }
      DBCreate( "reserva", aStructure, "DBFCDX" )      

   INDEX ON ROOMS->ID TAG rooms_id TO rooms
   if ROOMS->( LastRec() ) == 0
      for i = 1 to 30
         ROOMS->( DbAppend() )
         ROOMS->ID   = StrZero( i, 2 )
         ROOMS->NAME = "Room " + StrZero( i, 2 )
         ROOMS->TYPE = StrZero( i % 5, 2 )



METHOD BuildDialog( oPlan, dCheckIn, dCheckOut ) CLASS SamplePlan

   local oDlg, oCbx
   local lSave := .F.
   local lNew := .T.
   local cVar, cName := Space( 30 )
   local nAt := 1
   if oPlan:oLastData != NIL
      lNew = ! oPlan:oLastData:lSelected

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Adding Data" SIZE 350, 370
   if ! lNew
      RESERVA->( DBSeek( oPlan:GetRowID() + DToS( dCheckIn ) ) )
      cName    := RESERVA->GUEST
      nAt      := Val( RESERVA->STATUS )

   //cCheckIn = oPlan:aSelected[ 1 ]
   @ 10, 10 SAY "Room: " + oPlan:GetRowText()  OF oDlg PIXEL
   @ 25, 10 SAY "Check In: " + DToC( dCheckIn ) OF oDlg PIXEL
   @ 40, 10 SAY "Check Out:" + DToC( dCheckOut ) OF oDlg PIXEL  
   @ 55, 10 SAY "Status:" OF oDlg PIXEL
   @ 55, 55 COMBOBOX oCbx VAR cVar;
             ITEMS ::aStatus;
   @ 70, 10 SAY "Guest Name:" OF oDlg PIXEL
   @ 70, 55 GET cName OF oDlg PIXEL

   @ 170, 10 BUTTON "OK" PIXEL ACTION ( lSave := .T., oDlg:End() )
   @ 170, 100 BUTTON "CANCEL" PIXEL ACTION ( oDlg:End() )

            ON INIT oCbx:Select( nAt )

   IF lSave
      if lNew        
         RESERVA->( DBAppend() )
         RESERVA->( DBSeek( oPlan:GetRowID() + DToS( dCheckIn ) ) )
      RESERVA->DATE      = Date()
      RESERVA->ROOMS_ID  = oPlan:GetRowID()
      RESERVA->CHECK_IN  = dCheckIn
      RESERVA->CHECK_OUT = dCheckOut
      RESERVA->STATUS    = StrZero( oCbx:nAt, 2 )
      RESERVA->GUEST     = cName
      RESERVA->( DbCommitAll() )



METHOD BuildPlanning() CLASS SamplePlan 

   LOCAL oSelf := Self

   DEFINE PLANNING ::oPlann OF ::oWnd;
          COLOR HEADER ( If( Dow( dDate ) == 1 .OR.  Dow( dDate ) == 7, CLR_WHITE, ::oPlann:nClrText )  );
          COLOR CELL ::ColorData( oData ) ;
          START DAY Date() - 5;
          END DAY Date() + 5;
          ON RIGHT SELECT oSelf:BuildPop( nRow, nCol, Self, dCheckIn, dCheckOut )
   ::oPlann:bOnCapture = { | oData, nRowId, oPlann | ::MoveReservation(oData, nRowId, oPlann) }
   ::dStart = ::oPlann:dStart
   ::dEnd = ::oPlann:dEnd
   @ 10, 10 DTPICKER ::dStart OF ::oPlann pixel ;
            ON CHANGE ( if( oSelf:dStart != oSelf:oPlann:dStart, ( oSelf:oPlann:SetDates( oSelf:dStart ), oSelf:LoadData() ), ) )
   @ 10, 120 DTPICKER ::dEnd OF ::oPlann pixel;
            ON CHANGE ( if( oSelf:dEnd != oSelf:oPlann:dEnd, ( oSelf:oPlann:SetDates( , oSelf:dEnd ), oSelf:LoadData() ), ) )



METHOD BuildPop( nRow, nCol, oPlan, dCheckIn, dCheckOut ) CLASS SamplePlan

   local oMenu
   local oSelf := Self
   local lNew := .T.
   if oPlan:oLastData != NIL
      lNew = ! oPlan:oLastData:lSelected
      MENUITEM If( lNew, "New Reserve",;
                         "Modify Reserve" ) ACTION oSelf:BuildDialog( oPlan, dCheckIn, dCheckOut )
      if ! lNew                        
         MENUITEM "Delete Reserve"  ACTION If( MsgYesNo( "Are you sure?" ), oSelf:DeleteData( oPlan, dCheckIn ) , )


   ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu OF oPlan AT nRow, nCol



METHOD DeleteData( oPlan, dCheckIn ) CLASS SamplePlan

   if RESERVA->( DBSeek( oPlan:GetRowID() + DToS( dCheckIn ) ) )
       RESERVA->( DBDelete() )
       oPlan:DeleteData( oPlan:oLastData )
RETURN nil  


METHOD ColorData( oData ) CLASS SamplePlan
   local aGrad
   //"Reserved", "Confirmed", "Occupied", "Calceled", "Empty"
   switch oData:Cargo['STATUS']
         aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0x9a,0xcd,0x32), RGB(0x9a,0xcd,0x32) } }
         aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0x00,0x80,0xff) , RGB(0x00,0x80,0xff) } }
         aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0xff,0xff,0x80), RGB(0xff,0xff,0x80) } }
         aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0xff,0x00,0x00), RGB(0xff,0x00,0x00) } }
         aGrad = { { 1, RGB(0xc0,0xc0,0xc0), RGB(0xc0,0xc0,0xc0) } }

return aGrad

METHOD LoadData() CLASS SamplePlan      

   local cDescribe
   local nStatus
   local cTooltip, oData

   //Clear scopes
   RESERVA->( OrdSetFocus( "room_in" ) )
   RESERVA->( OrdScope( TOPSCOPE, NIL ) )
   RESERVA->(  DBGoTop() )
   RESERVA->( OrdScope( TOPSCOPE, Month( ::oPlann:dStart ) ) )
   RESERVA->( OrdScope( BOTTOMSCOPE, Month( ::oPlann:dEnd ) ) )
   RESERVA->(  DBGoTop() )
   DO WHILE ! RESERVA->( Eof() )
      if DToS( RESERVA->CHECK_OUT ) > DToS( ::oPlann:dStart ) .AND. DToS( RESERVA->CHECK_IN ) < DToS( ::oPlann:dEnd )

         cDescribe = "Empty..."
         nStatus = Val( RESERVA->STATUS )
         if nStatus > 0 .and. nStatus < 5
            cDescribe = ::aStatus[ nStatus ]
         ROOMS->( DbSeek( RESERVA->ROOMS_ID ) )
         cTooltip  = "Room     : " + ROOMS->NAME + CRLF
         cTooltip += "Guest    : " + RESERVA->GUEST + CRLF
         cTooltip += "Check In : " + DToC( RESERVA->CHECK_IN ) + CRLF
         cTooltip += "Check Out: " + DToC( RESERVA->CHECK_OUT )
         oData = ::oPlann:AddData( RESERVA->ROOMS_ID,;
                           cDescribe, cToolTip )
         if oData != NIL      
            oData:Cargo = {=>}            
            oData:Cargo["STATUS"] = nStatus
            oData:Cargo["INDICE"] = RESERVA->ROOMS_ID + DToS(RESERVA->CHECK_IN)
      RESERVA->( DbSkip() )

return NIL


METHOD LoadRooms() CLASS SamplePlan

   local n
   local cRowName, cRowText
   local oData
   ROOMS->( DbGoTop() )
   DO WHILE ! ROOMS->( Eof() )
      ::oPlann:AddRow( ROOMS->ID, ROOMS->NAME )
      ROOMS->( DbSkip() )



METHOD MoveReservation( oData, nRowId, oPlann ) CLASS SamplePlan

   local oItem := oData
   local cDescribe, cTooltip, nStatus

   RESERVA->( DBSeek( oItem:Cargo['INDICE'] ) )
   if oPlann:nDaysOffset != 0 .OR. oPlann:nRoomsOffset != 0
      cDescribe = oItem:cDescribe
      nStatus = oItem:Cargo['STATUS']
      oPlann:DeleteData( oItem, .F. )

      RESERVA->CHECK_IN += oPlann:nDaysOffset //determina cuantos dias nos movimos
      RESERVA->CHECK_OUT += oPlann:nDaysOffset //determina cuantos dias nos movimos
      RESERVA->ROOMS_ID = nRowId
      RESERVA->( DbCommitAll() )
      ROOMS->( DBSeek( nRowId ) )
      cTooltip  = "Room     : " + ROOMS->NAME + CRLF
      cTooltip += "Guest    : " + RESERVA->GUEST + CRLF
      cTooltip += "Check In : " + DToC( RESERVA->CHECK_IN ) + CRLF
      cTooltip += "Check Out: " + DToC( RESERVA->CHECK_OUT )

      oData = oPlann:AddData( RESERVA->ROOMS_ID,;
                          cDescribe, cToolTip )
      oData:Cargo = {=>}
      oData:Cargo['STATUS'] = nStatus
      oPlann:oLastData = NIL



return nil

function curdrive()
return nil
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:49 pm

I tried to talk with Daniel but he seem vanished and I haven't heard for two years since we met in Sillian in Otto's hotel
Only Daniel could help us
then I think id oData is a Data class perhaps it not change my error
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby James Bott » Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:55 pm


Correct, oData is not a database object. It appears to be a very simple object that just contains some data and a GetNewID() method.

Also, I notice in the newest version that oData is declared as class data but not used anywhere. Perhaps you should try that version.

FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:17 am

I recompiling the original of Daniel and it not make errors
On Release with Tdatabase on Methods MoveReservation and ResizeReservation there are errors because
on method MoveReservation the procedure must change only the number of ROOMS_ID

when there is the cargo error it saved only the number of room but not the other data


then oData posizioned on new Room not found the data info and make error
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby James Bott » Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:25 pm

What is the error? And what is the line that is generating the error (not the line number, just the code)?
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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James Bott
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:23 am


I sent all sources on private mails

perhaps it happened when there are many records on RESERVA.DBF
( but on oldest application without tdatabase but with normal use it run ok)
I sent you also the reserva.dbf with some records to make tests

Code: Select all  Expand view
   Path and name: C:\Users\silvio\Desktop\Release_TPlan\Normal_window\tplan_TdataBase\Main.Exe (32 bits)
   Size: 5,965,312 bytes
   Compiler version: Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1904111533)
   FiveWin  version: FWH 19.05
   C compiler version: Borland/Embarcadero C++ 7.0 (32-bit)
   Windows version: 6.2, Build 9200

   Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 3 secs
   Error occurred at: 07/04/2019, 09:22:40
   Error description: Error BASE/1005  Variabile non disponibile: CARGO
     [   1] = U  
     [   2] = H   {=>}

Stack Calls
   Called from:  => _CARGO( 0 )
   Called from: Source\sample01.prg => SAMPLEPLAN:MOVERESERVATION( 591 )
   Called from: Source\sample01.prg => (b)SAMPLEPLAN_BUILDPLANNING( 357 )
   Called from: Source\tplann.prg => TPLANNING:LBUTTONUP( 702 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\CONTROL.PRG => TCONTROL:HANDLEEVENT( 1791 )
   Called from: Source\tplann.prg => TPLANNING:HANDLEEVENT( 619 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH( 3546 )
   Called from:  => WINRUN( 0 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TWINDOW:ACTIVATE( 1078 )
   Called from: Source\sample01.prg => SAMPLEPLAN:NEW( 110 )
   Called from: Source\sample01.prg => MAIN( 28 )
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Problem with Tplan : Cargo Error

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:29 pm

But where is is Daniel Garcia Gill?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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