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Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:29 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
but you can use ...

Layout class of Daniel

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:47 pm
by cnavarro

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:05 pm

Any estimated date?, thanks

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:10 pm
by vilian
Publish and we will help you to try !

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2019 7:19 pm
by cnavarro
In next version of Fivewin ( 19.04 )
First version of new class TDockPnel

------------------------ DOCUMENTATION AND SAMPLES ----------------------------------------------------------- ... _tdockpnel

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 12:35 am
Hi Cristobal,

Your TDocpanel Class seem to be very interesting and will add a great value
to our FiveWin Library.

I wish that you will be able to publish it in forth coming 19.04 Version.

-Ramesh Babu

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 9:35 am
by cnavarro
RAMESHBABU wrote:Hi Cristobal,

Your TDocpanel Class seem to be very interesting and will add a great value
to our FiveWin Library.

I wish that you will be able to publish it in forth coming 19.04 Version.

-Ramesh Babu

Dear Ramesh
Thank you for your words
The idea is that users can build different dockpanels, generating a library so that they can be reused at any time in the same application or in a different one, as well as being able to share with other users the dock that we build.

Sample of dock with control SourceEdit

Code: Select all  Expand view

Function DockEdit( oWindow, n, m )

   oDock  := TDockPnel():New( oWindow )
      :SetHeightCaption( 40 )
      :SetCoors( { | o | XEval( o:oWnd:aControls[ n ]:nBottom + 10, o ) }, ;
                 { | o | XEval( o:oWnd:aControls[ n ]:nLeft, o ) }, ;
                 { | o | XEval( o:oWnd:aControls[ m ]:nBottom, o ) }, ;
                 { | o | Int( o:oWnd:nWidth / 3 ) + XEval( o:nLeft, o ) - 38 } )
      :SetCaption( { | o | "Title DockPanel + SourcEdit" } )
      :SetBorderSize( 1 )
      :nClrPaneT   := CLR_WHITE
      :SetFont( oFont4 )
      :SetImgsFiles( { { "..\bitmaps\16x16\max.bmp", , } } )
      :SetCtrlsPnel( { | o, nT, nL, nH, nW, oB, cT | cT := MemoRead( "\fwh\samples\alert.prg" ), ;
                        oB := SourceEdit( cT, , Rgb( 255, 255, 234 ), ;
                        nT, nL, nH, nW, , , ;
                        , .F., o, .F., , 519, , -10, .F., , .T., .F., ;
                        , nil, "FixedSys" ) } )
Return oDock


Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 10:10 am
Hi Cristobal,

Thanks for explaining the scope of TDocPanel with sample Code to under stand by us.

I am in dire need of a Class to manage the Dashboard. I tried different techniques. But
I found that Your TDocPanel is the one, which will suite to my requirement.

I am one of the members of the FiveWin Forum eagerly waiting for its publication.

-Ramesh Babu

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 10:22 am
by cnavarro


Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 10:52 am
by vilian
It's really impressive! Waiting anxiously!

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 6:15 pm
by joseluisysturiz
cnavarro wrote:Look


Saludos...y la imagen..? :shock:

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 6:33 pm
by cnavarro
Jose Luis, if you monitor is 1366, please press right button of mouse over image and select "Open in new Tab"

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 8:07 pm
by cnavarro
New method with predefined styles ... nel#styles

If any user creates a design and decides to send it to me, it will be added to the method

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2019 10:28 am
by Silvio.Falconi
When I asked a dashboard last year


I mean this


As you can see there only 3 area

an big image
a text
a button (...)

the text can be normal text or underline ( urlink) then there are button as html button and on delphi use a particular text as our FileGTF

and I made also a small test to simulate what I wanted
On original I saw on delphi the text is as html and can be modify
each section can be hide or show

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""

Function test()
Local oDlg,oPanel
Local aItems

ctesto1:="Quest'area è una 'bacheca virtuale' dove appuntare ed avere sempre visibili le informazioni più comuni ed utili, quali le coordinate bancarie dell'azienda, i numeri telefonici dei dipendenti, i numeri telefonici dei fornitori per le emergenze, link internet interessanti, etc."
ctesto2:="10/07/2017 - Effettuare controllo periodico merce.. dal cliente Amici a 4 zampe.  (fatto?)" +CRLF+;
         "12/07/2017 - Effettuare controllo periodico merce.. dal cliente Autoscuola Predosa  (fatto?)   " +CRLF+;
         "04/08/2017 - Effettuare controllo periodico merce.. dal cliente Studio Legale Sesia.  (fatto?) " +CRLF+;
         "04/10/2017 - Effettuare controllo periodico merce.. dal cliente Ocean Blu Bar.  (fatto?)   " +CRLF+;
         "28/10/2017 - Il cliente deve rendere 3 pz di prodotto non conforme.  (fatto?) " +CRLF+;
         "13/12/2017 - Appuntamento c/o cliente per preventivo nuova apertura sede.  (fatto?)  " +CRLF+;
         "31/03/2018 - Verifica trimestrale magazzino  (fatto?) " +CRLF+;
         "30/04/2018 - Effettuare intervento di manutenzione posizionamento fori passacavi dal cliente:Boccieri Maria Cristina.  (fatto?)" +CRLF+;
         "09/05/2018 - Eseguire lavoro di inserimento fori passacavi al cliente...Ceramiche Italiane  (fatto?) " +CRLF+;
         "30/06/2018 - Verifica trimestrale magazzino  (fatto?)   " +CRLF+;
         "02/08/2018 - Effettuare controllo periodico merce.. dal cliente L'Arte di abitare  (fatto?)  " +CRLF+;
         "04/08/2018 - Effettuare controllo periodico merce.. dal cliente Arcò Studio Associato  (fatto?)  " +CRLF+;
         "30/09/2018 - Verifica trimestrale magazzino  (fatto?) " +CRLF+;
         "31/12/2018 - Inventario magazzino  (fatto?)"

{'3.bmp','testo tre',.t.},;
{'4.bmp','testo quattro',.t.}}



ON INIT ( oPanel := CreaPanel( oDlg ,aItems),oPanel:checkresize() )
Return  NIL
Function CreaPanel(oWnd,aItems)
Local oPanel
Local aBtn:= array(len(aItems))
Local nRow:=1
Local nCol :=1
Local nNumero:= 1
Local n
Local cCursor:= TCursor():New(,'HAND')

oPanel:= TScrollPanel():New(1,1,oWnd:nbottom-10,oWnd:nWidth-10,oWnd, .t.)

For n= 1 to Len(aItems)
   @ nRow,nCol BTNBMP aBtn[n]  ;
         OF oPanel SIZE oPanel:nWidth-20,120   ;
         PROMPT  space(50) + aItems[n][2] RIGHT ;
         NOBORDER    ;
         @ 1,2  BTNBMP FILENAME aItems[n][1] of  aBtn[n] SIZE 100,100   NOBORDER  FLAT
         aBtn[n]:ocursor := cCursor


Next n

   Return oPanel

Re: How To create a DashBoard

PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2019 1:08 pm
by cnavarro
Very pretty
I think you can also do it (in future versions)
But, I understand DashBoard in another way. Please look for images of DashBoard with google, or the image that the companion Villian put in the first post of this thread.