reinaldocrespo wrote:Hi and thank you everyone. This is good brainstorming.
I think the following code incorporates from all of your ideas. It seems to do the trick. Please advise on your opinion:
Change Method Activate() on rPreview to:Code: Select all | Expand
if ::oDevice:lPrvModal
StopUntil( { || ::lExit .or. WndMain() == Nil .or. !IsWindow( WndMain():hWnd ) } )
This closes all the open rpreview windows when the main app is closed. Am I missing/forgetting/ommiting something?
This has the side effect of the preview window going behind the dialog where there is no wndMain() and the program is started with a dialog.
Test program:
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
procedure main()
xbrowse( "\fwh\samples\customer.dbf" )
Before finalizing a modification to a program like RPreview, we need to test the code in all these cases:
1. MDI application
1.1 From MDICHILD (a) Modal and (b) Nonmodal
1.2 From a Dialog inside the app (a) Modal and (b) Nonmodal
2. Normal window
2.1 From Window (a) Modal and (b) Nonmodal
2.2 From a Dialog inside the app (a) Modal and (b) Nonmodal
3. App starting with a Dialog
3.1 From main dialog (a) Modal and (b) Nonmodal
3.2 From a subdialog (a) Modal and (b) Nonmodal
We also need to test any processes initiated by any button of the preview window in all the above cases.