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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:20 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Can you please let us know the FWH version? The line number in the error log does not correspond to any executable code either in 8.06 or 8.07.

In any case, since the error is in oBrw:aRow method, it appears that ::nArrayAt is 0 (Zero) at the time of the call. A relook into the code is needed.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:04 pm
by Marco Turco
I'm using FWH May 2008.

The problem appairs in the row
METHOD aRow INLINE ( ::aArrayData[ ::nArrayAt ] )

The strange is that I didn't make any changes on the nArrayAt value,
the error start from a simply sysrefresh().

In order to increase the selection speed I made in my function a routine that execute my code only when a key is released for more than 0.25 seconds. Could be this a problem ? See my code as follows.

Function Main()

.. && I create xbrowse as Objects[6]
aObjects[6]:bChange:={|| SelectFunc_Cons()} && action to do when any selection is made


Function SelectFunc_Cons()
local nSeconds

aObjects[6]:bChange:={|| nil}

do while .t.
sysrefresh() && xbrowse is refreshed and the error appairs
if seconds()-nSeconds>.25
.. my code

aObjects[6]:bChange:={|| SelectFunc_Cons()}


PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:07 pm
by Antonio Linares

> what is your opinion on this matter ?

Windows has its own rules to generate and manage events. If Windows allows to click several times and keep generating an event, then we have to adapt our code to Windows.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:13 pm
by Antonio Linares

This could be a possible temporary workaround:

METHOD aRow INLINE ( ::aArrayData[ Max( ::nArrayAt, 1 ) ] )


METHOD aRow INLINE If( Len( ::aArrayData ) > 0, ::aArrayData[ Max( ::nArrayAt, 1 ) ], "" ) // maybe nil instead of ""

Please try it and lets see what further info we get

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:40 pm
by Marco Turco
I just sent to my customer an update with the turn-around.
I will know you if the problem still appairs.

Thanks for the support.