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browse control

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:17 am
by Richard Chidiak

This is a wonderful browse control.

if Fw could do something similar, it would be fantastic

The product is commercial from codejock, i have tested it, the interface is not easy but the result is great

image attached



Code Jock Calendar Control

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:46 pm
by TimStone

Did you actually use this with FWH / xHarbour and develop some good ? Examples would be appreciated.

I looked at this and talked to them, but they told me they have no experience / guidelines for FWH / xHarbour, and they do not support DBF's although we might be able to handle that through the Memory model.


Re: browse control

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:30 pm
by richard-service
Richard Chidiak wrote:Antonio

This is a wonderful browse control.

if Fw could do something similar, it would be fantastic

The product is commercial from codejock, i have tested it, the interface is not easy but the result is great

image attached



Hi Richard,

Look it.
I test codejock some function.



PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:02 am
by Antonio Linares

We could easily implement such "Calendar" control for FWH (or a full self contained calendar.prg similar to the FWH print preview window).

AFAIK, noway is already working on it :-)

Re: Code Jock Calendar Control

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:14 am
by Richard Chidiak

I talked to them as well, no dbf support (this is almost everywhere.!)

I did some xml work on the interface and i could read/write to and from the control

I did not integrate it to my fwh app, i have only the demo version. I have not yet made the decision to purchase the product (rather expensive). I prefer fwh controls if available, this is why i asked...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:16 am
by Richard Chidiak

if you can do it, go go go :D

it will be a great enhancement to fw.


PS : I will take a look at noway

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:39 am
by Antonio Linares

If our friends from noway gets delayed, then we will do it for FWH, and it will be part of FWH, same as the print preview :-)

Its quite simple :-)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:20 pm
by Otto
What is the "print preview"?

Via Open

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:17 pm
by TimStone

Are you saying you could incorporate an interface with the CodeJock calendar control ?

When I communicated with them, they indicated the best way to handle the transition from their product to a DBF file might be by using their "memory model", and reading the memory into a dbf, and saving to memory from a dbf. I haven't tried it, but it would make sense if it is doable.

However, if your friends are making a true calendar control as part of their work, it would be nice if they could weigh in here. I first started a thread on this subject about a month ago, and I think there are several people looking at the same interest.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:29 pm
by Antonio Linares
Otto, Tim,

Yes, we mean that we could create a Class TCalendar to have calendars like OutLook, etc. without using codejock.

The "print preview" is the window that you get in FWH when you are going to use the printer and want to preview the printout before. Same way, we could offer a Calendar() that will provide a self-contained, ready to use, calendar window.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:33 pm
by TimStone
OK ... thats exactly what many of us are looking for ...

I've looked at a lot of options and done some thinking about it for awhile.

With the new additions to date in FWH, we can now have applications that can compete visually with other current products on the market. The Calendar has been the one area that is lacking.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:07 pm
by James Bott

I you are thinking of a print preview as just a method to display the data like a print preview, then I don't think that is what users want. They need to be able to click on dates and appointments to manipulate them (drag & drop, edit, etc.). I think it needs to be a control.

And I don't think it will be simple but rather very complex. It needs to have multiple displays (overview, day, week, month, quarter, year), it needs to handle appointments (date and time) and events (date, no time), repeating appointments and events, events that span more than one day, different colors for certain appointments and events, overlapping appointments and events, workdays, holidays, alarms, mutiple users, etc.

This will not be simple.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:39 pm
by Antonio Linares
This is a very early idea :-)

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

static oWnd

function Main()

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

      ON PAINT PaintGrid( hDC )

return nil

function PaintGrid( hDC )

   local n, m
   local nHeight := ( oWnd:nHeight - 20 ) / 7
   local nWidth := ( oWnd:nWidth - 10 ) / 7
   local cDay, dDate
   for n = 0 to 6
      MoveTo( hDC, 0, 20 + n * nHeight )
      LineTo( hDC, oWnd:nWidth, 20 + n * nHeight )

   for n = 1 to 6
      MoveTo( hDC, n * nWidth, 0 )
      LineTo( hDC, n * nWidth, oWnd:nHeight )
   for n = 0 to 6
      cDay = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",;
               "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }[ n + 1 ]
      oWnd:Say( 3, 5 + ( n * nWidth ) + ( nWidth / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay ) / 2 ),;
                cDay,,,, .T., .T.   )
   dDate = Date() - Day( Date() ) + 1
   for n = 0 to 5
      for m = 1 to 7         
         oWnd:Say( 25 + n * nHeight, ( m * nWidth ) - 25,;
                   AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) ),;
                   If( Day( Date() ) == Day( dDate ), CLR_HRED, If( Month( Date() ) == Month( dDate ), CLR_YELLOW, CLR_HGREEN ) ),;
                   ,, .T., .T. )
      next m
   next n               
return nil       

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:49 pm
by James Bott

>This is a very early idea

Great start!

Here is another issue that needs to be handled, how calendars are displayed in different countries. Here we display Sunday on the left and Saturday on the right.



PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:56 pm
by TimStone
Hmmm ...

I did a quick build on that ... didn't see the days displayed and the numbers in yellow were hard to read so I couldn't tell too much.

However, it makes sense that it can be done ... and James is right, there are a lot of ramifications to be considered. However, if we can get the display elements in order ( an Outlook style of display ), driving the data to it shouldn't be a problem. Essentially, each "appointment" posted must be a control with its own events, so you probably need a calendar class, and perhaps an appointment class.
