i got some Error in my HB:func when using FWH24.07 an BCC77 0/64
Warning W8004 HB_FUNC.PRG 132: 'fAutoEject' is assigned a value that is never used in function EjectVolume
Warning W8004 HB_FUNC.PRG 132: 'fRemoveSafely' is assigned a value that is never used in function EjectVolume
Warning W8075 HB_FUNC.PRG 136: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_EJECTREMOVABLE
*** 1 errors in Compile ***
Code: Select all | Expand
OOL EjectVolume( TCHAR cDriveLetter )
HANDLE hVolume;
BOOL fRemoveSafely ; // = FALSE;
BOOL fAutoEject ; // = FALSE;
hVolume = OpenVolume(cDriveLetter);
return FALSE;
if( LockVolume(hVolume) && DismountVolume(hVolume) )
fRemoveSafely = TRUE;
if (PreventRemovalOfVolume(hVolume, FALSE) && AutoEjectVolume(hVolume))
fAutoEject = TRUE;
if( ! CloseVolume(hVolume) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Code: Select all | Expand
char * szDrive = hb_parc( 1 );
hb_retl( EjectVolume( ( TCHAR ) *szDrive ) );

it have be working before with 23.07 and BCC7
need some help please