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Problem With Folder on aDialog

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 8:43 am
by Silvio.Falconi
I have a folder inside a dialog, each tab of the folder
if pressed changes the height of the dialog this because in some tabs
I have more information to insert rather than other tabs.

On Windows Seven I corrected the problem with
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   local nHeight:= 680
   local aPt := { 111,200 }

 aPt   := ClientToScreen( oWndMain:hWnd, aPt )

DEFINE DIALOG oDlg        ;
   TITLE "Configurazione"    ;
   SIZE  870,nHeight PIXEL TRUEPIXEL               ;
   COLOR CLR_BLACK,  nRgb( 245,244,234)  FONT oFontDialog ICON oIcon

 @0,0 FOLDEREX oFolder PROMPTS aFolder ;
   SIZE oDlg:nWidth,oDlg:nHeight-oBarDialog:nheight  PIXEL   ;
   FONT oFontDialog  ;
   COLOR nRgb( 245,244,234) ROUND 0

   oFolder:bAction := { || IF(oFolder:nOption=3 .or. oFolder:nOption=6 ,;
                         (oDlg:nHeight:=400,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )),;
                         (oDlg:nHeight:=680,oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] )) ) }

   ON INIT ( oDlg:Move( aPt[ 1 ] , aPt[ 2 ] ),;
                Eval(  oDlg:bResized),;
                ChangeButtons(oBarDialog ),;
                Eval(oFolder:baction) )

When I tested the application on Windows 10
when I press a tab not only the dialog moves but has a slight flick
how can I solve?