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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:43 am
by Jimmy

i have a working Xbase++ Version and a HMG Version and now i want to make a FiveWin Version.

FiveWin have this Syntax
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now i like to have 8 x DIALOG ... but i like to create them in a Loop

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FUNCTION CreateForms()
Local i,iMax := 8
Local cForm

   FOR i = 1 TO iMax
      cForm  := "Form_"+strzero(i, 2)
      DEFINE DIALOG &cForm FROM nTop, nLeft TO nBottom, nRight
      // add Object to Array
      AADD(a_Forms, &cForm)

Problem : i do NOT want to ACTIVATE WINDOW, just show it

i did this
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  FOR i := 1 TO iMax
      cForm := a_Forms[i]

but only 1 DIALOG appear until i close it and next appear :(
so how to get a Concept like this working under FiveWin :idea:

please help a FiveWin Newbie, thx

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:52 am
by Silvio.Falconi
it's not my business, but why do you want to create 8 dialogs, what's the use?

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:37 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano

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Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:49 pm
by Jimmy
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:
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YES, that seems to work, THX

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:56 pm
by Jimmy
Silvio.Falconi wrote:it's not my business, but why do you want to create 8 dialogs, what's the use?

i just try out how FiveWin Syntax work.

i'm used to OOP Code where it is no Problem to get 8 Instanze
now with #xCommand Syntax i have to use Macro ... it is like Cl*pper

Question : What about TDialog() :idea:

is it the same like DEFINE DIALOG :?:

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:16 pm
by Jimmy
next Question

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   FOR i = 1 TO iMax
      cForm  := "Form_"+strzero(i, 2)
      DEFINE DIALOG &cForm ;
      FROM nTop, nLeft TO nRight, nBottom


if i add FROM i got "Main" DIALOG only so what i'm doing wrong :?:

p.s. nTop, nLeft, nRight, nBottom have valid Value

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:29 am
by Jimmy
next try

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  oForm  := TDialog():New()

without any Parameter i got 8 x Dialog :(

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  oForm  := TDialog():New( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight)

if i try nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight nothing appear :cry:

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  oForm  := TDialog():New( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight,;
                               ,,,,,,,, lPixels,,)

if i try it with lPixels it crash :oops:

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:51 pm
by Jimmy
now with OOP

as CLASS TDialog inherit FROM TWindow i use
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   oForm  := TDialog():New()
   oForm:Activate( ,,,,, lModal,,)

   // Superclass Method
   oForm:SetPos( nTop, nLeft )

now i got my 8 x Dialog :)

but i have more Question :
how to disable Titlebar with min/max/close button :?:

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:56 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Try with the clause

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Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:30 pm
by Jimmy
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:Try with the clause
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thx for Answer.

i have Problem when have any parameter at "create" than no Dialog appear :o
perhaps while i have a Main Dialog with SIZE 0,0 before create those 8 x DIALOG

that's why i change to OOP Style.
in c:\fwh\source\classes\DIALOG.PRG i found DATA nStyle so i change it with you advice

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  FOR i = 1 TO iMax
      oForm  := TDialog():New()
// before activate      
      oForm:nStyle := WS_POPUP
      oForm:Activate( ,,,,, lModal,,)
// after activate      
      oForm:SetPos( nTop, nLeft )

      AADD(a_Forms, oForm)
      nLeft  += nRight + 2

now i got my 8 x Dialog an can begin to "paint" (ON PAINT)

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:51 am
by Jimmy

now i have TrayIcon for Main and a new Question : how can i "disable close" by Keyboard ESC :?:

those 8 x Dialog don't need to "react" on something only "ON PAINT".
i want to "close" all Dialog from TrayIcon-Menu.

Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:35 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
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ON INIT oDlg:bValid := { || !GetKeyState( VK_ESCAPE ) }


Re: 8 x DIALOG

PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:22 am
by Jimmy
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:
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ON INIT oDlg:bValid := { || !GetKeyState( VK_ESCAPE ) }

THX, that was the missing Part.

now i got Sample working right ... but i have used my "old" Code with DllCall()
i can't simple replace it with FiveWin CreateRectRgn() / CombineRgn() while "something" is different so Result is different.

if you like more Detail please read this Thread

thx all for help