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Preview Window size

PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:01 pm
by TimStone
By default, tPreview is opening to MAXIMIZED. One of my clients just got very upset because his new monitor ( 34" ) displays the preview on the entire screen, while the application itself is only taking about 1/3 of the screen.

Is there a system wide setting I can use to have tPreview initialized with the oWnd application screen size setting or do I have to modify tPreview from source ?


Re: Preview Window size

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:31 am
by nageswaragunupudi
As of now, the only way is to modify rpreview.prg.

Now that you have raised the issue, we will provide a way to customize the size of the preview window in the next version.

Re: Preview Window size

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:38 am
by TimStone
Thank you. It does work with modifying rpreview.prg, but of course that would require the modification every time a new release was provided. Having it for the next version will be appreciated.

Re: Preview Window size

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 7:09 am
by Silvio.Falconi
As of now, the only way is to modify rpreview.prg.

it is not necessarily correct you can use a function of yours instead of the activate method without changing the original class

you must call this at the init of your application
on Myactivatefunction you put your activate function

now I copied all activate method but U can modify the function Myactivatefunction with your configuration
so the original class remains intact and you can change the various methods you want

#include ""
#include ""

#xcommand OVERRIDE METHOD <!Message!> [IN] CLASS <!Class!> ;
WITH [METHOD] <!Method!> [SCOPE <Scope>] => ;
__clsModMsg( <Class>():classH, #<Message>, @<Method>() )

function myfunc_override()
OVERRIDE METHOD Activate() IN CLASS TPreview WITH Myactivatefunction
return nil

Function Myactivatefunction()
local Self := HB_QSelf()

local hWndMain

if ::oWnd == nil
return nil

if ::bSetUp != nil
Eval( ::bSetUp, Self, ::oWnd )

ON RESIZE ( ::PaintMeta(), ::ResizeListView() ) ;
ON UP ::VScroll( GO_UP ) ;
ON DOWN ::VScroll( GO_DOWN ) ;
ON LEFT ::HScroll( GO_LEFT ) ;
ON RIGHT ::HScroll( GO_RIGHT ) ;
VALID ( ::oWnd:oIcon := nil ,;
::oFont:End() ,;
::oCursor:End() ,;
::oMeta1:End() ,;
::oMeta2:End() ,;
::oDevice:End() ,;
::oHand:End() ,;
If( Empty( ::oImageList ),, ( ::oImageList:End(), ::oImageList := nil ) ),;
If( ! Empty( ::oImageListPages ), ::oImageListPages:End(),),;
::oWnd := nil ,;
::oDevice:oPreview := nil ,;
::lExit := .T. )

if ::oDevice:lPrvModal
if ::oWndMain == nil
StopUntil( { || ::lExit } )
hWndMain := WndMain():hWnd
StopUntil( { || ::lExit .or. !IsWindow( hWndMain ) } )

return nil

Re: Preview Window size

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 7:20 am
by Silvio.Falconi
TimStone wrote:By default, tPreview is opening to MAXIMIZED. One of my clients just got very upset because his new monitor ( 34" ) displays the preview on the entire screen, while the application itself is only taking about 1/3 of the screen.

Is there a system wide setting I can use to have tPreview initialized with the oWnd application screen size setting or do I have to modify tPreview from source ?


let me see the comand you use to call rpreview or printer class

Re: Preview Window size

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:34 pm
by TimStone

I just modified the rpreview.prg and linked it in.

In the Activate clause I simply changed Maximized to CENTERED

In the DEFINE WINDOW, I added. FROM 0,0 TO 900, 1150 PIXEL ;

It now works perfectly, and of course applies to all PREVIEW calls.

Like other options we can set with a single command line at the beginning of the program, I'm sure Nages will provide a very simple solution for us in the next release.

Thanks for the input. I will keep it in mind for other situations.


Re: Preview Window size

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:59 am
by Silvio.Falconi
but now you've changed it and every time you have to change it.
If there will be updates in the Rpreview class you still need to change the class for your needs.

instead with my method it is easier and painless because even there will be updates using the override set your function
without changing the original class

you sad me you modify the rpreview.prg with
"DEFINE WINDOW, I added. FROM 0,0 TO 900, 1150 PIXEL" and change activate methods

it is easy...

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""

#xcommand OVERRIDE METHOD <!Message!> [IN] CLASS <!Class!> ;
                             WITH [METHOD] <!Method!> [SCOPE <Scope>] => ;
            __clsModMsg( <Class>():classH, #<Message>, @<Method>() )

static bUserBtns, lRebar, nBtnW, nBtnH, nStyle
static lWord, lCalc

function Ut_override()
   OVERRIDE METHOD BuildWindow IN CLASS TPreview WITH PreviewBuildWindow
   OVERRIDE METHOD Activate IN CLASS TPreview WITH PreviewActivate
   OVERRIDE METHOD CheckStyle  IN CLASS TPreview WITH  PreviewCheckStyle
return nil

 Function PreviewBuildWindow()
   local Self := HB_QSelf()
   local lRebar :=  .t.

   local oIcon, cTitle := FWString( "Printing Preview" )
   local oBar, nCol := 420
   local oThis := Self, nRow := 7, nHelpID

   if Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ) < 1
      return nil

   DEFAULT ::oWndMain := WndMain()

   if ::oDevice != nil
      cTitle = ::oDevice:cDocument

   if ::oWndMain != nil
      oIcon = ::oWndMain:oIcon
      DEFINE ICON oIcon RESOURCE "Print"

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME GetSysFont() SIZE 0, -12


   if (::oReport != nil)   // dfl 1712
      nHelpId := ::oReport:nHelpId

   if ! ::oDevice:lPrvModal .and. ::oWndMain != nil .and. ;
      Upper( ::oWndMain:ClassName() ) == "TMDIFRAME"
      DEFINE WINDOW ::oWnd FROM 0,0 TO 900, 1150 ;
         TITLE cTitle ;
         HELPID nHelpId ;  // dfl 1712
      DEFINE WINDOW ::oWnd FROM 0,0 TO 900, 1150  ;
         TITLE cTitle ;
         HELPID nHelpId ;  // dfl 1712
         VSCROLL HSCROLL MENU ::BuildMenu()

   ::oWnd:SetIcon( oIcon )
   ::oWnd:SetFont( ::oFont )

   ::oWnd:oVScroll:SetRange( 0, 0 )
   ::oWnd:oHScroll:SetRange( 0, 0 )

   ::cPageNum = FWString( "Page number:" )

   if lRebar
      DEFINE STATUSBAR OF ::oWnd PROMPT "  " + FWString( "Preview" )
      SET MESSAGE OF ::oWnd TO FWString( "Preview" ) CENTERED ;
      ::oWnd:oMsgBar:l2007    := ( nStyle == 2007 )
      ::oWnd:oMsgBar:l2010    := ( nStyle == 2010 )

   // We build the left thumbs listview
   if ! ::lListViewHide

   // We build the main metafiles to display the pages

   ::oMeta1 := TMetaFile():New( 0, 0, 0, 0,;
                                ::oDevice:aMeta[ 1 ],;
                                ::oDevice:nVertRes() )


   ::oMeta1:oCursor := ::oCursor
   ::oMeta1:blDblClick := { | nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags | ;
                            ::SetOrg1( nCol, nRow, nKeyFlags ),;
                            If ( ::lListViewHide, nil, If( ::lZoom, ::oLvw:Hide(), ::oLvw:Show() ) ) }

   ::oMeta1:bKeyDown := { | nKey, nFlags | ::CheckKey( nKey, nFlags ) }
   ::oMeta1:bKeyChar   := { |k| If( k == 16, ( If( ValType( ::bPrint ) == 'B', Eval( ::bPrint, Self ), ::PrintPage() ), 0 ), nil ) }

   ::oMeta1:bMouseWheel := { | nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos | ;
                             ::CheckMouseWheel( nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos ) }

   ::oMeta2 := TMetaFile():New( 0, 0, 0, 0, "",;
                                ::oWnd, CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE, ::oDevice:nHorzRes(),;
                                ::oDevice:nVertRes() )

   ::oMeta2:oCursor = ::oCursor
   ::oMeta2:blDblClick := { | nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags | ;
                            ::SetOrg2( nCol, nRow, nKeyFlags ),;
                            If ( ::lListViewHide, nil, If( ::lZoom, ::oLvw:Hide(), ::oLvw:Show() ) ) }



   oBar     := ::oBar

   if ::bButtonBar == nil

      if .T. // ! lRebar
         nCol  := If( ! Empty( oBar:aControls ), ATail( oBar:aControls ):nRight, Len( oBar:aButtons ) * ( oBar:nBtnWidth + 2 ) ) + 30
         nRow  := Int( oBar:nHeight / 2 ) - 8


      if nStyle >= 2007
         oBar:bPainted = { || oBar:Say( nRow, nCol, "Factor:",,, ::oFont, .T., .T. ),;
                              oBar:Say( nRow, nCol+100, ::cPageNum + " " + ;
                              LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ) + " / " + ;
                              LTrim( Str( Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ) ) ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. ) }


      if nStyle < 2007
         @ nRow, nCol SAY ::oSay PROMPT "Factor:" ;
            SIZE 45, 15 PIXEL OF ::oBar FONT ::oFont

         ::oSay:lTransparent = .T.

      @ nRow - 4, nCol + 40 COMBOBOX ::oFactor VAR ::nZFactor ;
         ITEMS { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" } ;
         OF ::oBar FONT ::oFont PIXEL SIZE 35,200 ;
         ON CHANGE oThis:SetFactor( oThis:nZFactor )

      if nStyle < 2007
         @ nRow, nCol + 100 SAY ::oPage PROMPT FWString( "Page number:" ) + ;
           LTrim( Str( ::nPage, 4, 0 ) ) + " / " + ;
           LTrim( Str( Len( ::oDevice:aMeta ) ) ) ;
           SIZE 180, 15 PIXEL OF ::oBar FONT ::oFont
         ::oPage:lTransparent = .T.

      if lRebar .or. nStyle >= 2007
         #define NULL_BRUSH 5
         FixSays( ::oBar:hWnd, GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH ) )

      ::oFactor:Set3dLook( .T. )


   ::oWnd:oHScroll:bPos := { | nPos | ::HScroll( GO_POS, .f., nPos ) }
   ::oWnd:oVScroll:bPos := { | nPos | ::VScroll( GO_POS, .f., nPos ) }

return nil


Function PreviewActivate()

local Self := HB_QSelf()

local hWndMain

   if ::oWnd == nil
      return nil

   if ::bSetUp != nil
      Eval( ::bSetUp, Self, ::oWnd )

      ON RESIZE    ( ::PaintMeta(), ::ResizeListView() ) ;
      ON UP        ::VScroll( GO_UP )             ;
      ON DOWN      ::VScroll( GO_DOWN )           ;
      ON PAGEUP    ::VScroll( GO_UP, GO_PAGE)     ;
      ON PAGEDOWN  ::VScroll( GO_DOWN, GO_PAGE)   ;
      ON LEFT      ::HScroll( GO_LEFT )           ;
      ON RIGHT     ::HScroll( GO_RIGHT )          ;
      ON PAGELEFT  ::HScroll( GO_LEFT, GO_PAGE )  ;
      VALID        ( ::oWnd:oIcon := nil       ,;
                     ::oFont:End()             ,;
                     ::oCursor:End()           ,;
                     ::oMeta1:End()            ,;
                     ::oMeta2:End()            ,;
                     ::oDevice:End()           ,;
                     ::oHand:End()             ,;
                     If( Empty( ::oImageList ),, ( ::oImageList:End(), ::oImageList := nil ) ),;
                     If( ! Empty( ::oImageListPages ), ::oImageListPages:End(),),;
                     ::oWnd := nil             ,;
                     ::oDevice:oPreview := nil ,;
                     ::lExit := .T. )

     if ::oDevice:lPrvModal
         if ::oWndMain == nil
            StopUntil( { || ::lExit } )
            hWndMain    := WndMain():hWnd
            StopUntil( { || ::lExit .or. !IsWindow( hWndMain ) } )

return nil

  Function  PreviewCheckStyle()
      local Self := HB_QSelf()
   local o

   if nStyle == nil
      nStyle      := 0
      DEFAULT ::oWndMain   := WndMain()

      if ::oWndMain != nil
         if ( o := ::oWndMain:oMenu ) != nil
            nStyle   := Max( nStyle, If( o:l2010, 2010, 0 ) )

         if nStyle < 2010 .and. ( o := ::oWndMain:oMsgBar ) != nil
            nStyle   := Max( nStyle, If( o:l2010, 2010, If( o:l2007, 2007, 0 ) ) )

         if nStyle < 2010 .and. ( o := ::oWndMain:oTop ) != nil
            if o:IsKindOf( "TRIBBONBAR" )
               nStyle   := Max( nStyle, If( o:l2010, 2010, 2007 ) )

            elseif o:IsKindOf( "TBAR" )
               nStyle   := Max( nStyle, If( o:l2010, 2010, 2007 ) )
               if Empty( nStyle ) .and. Len( o:aControls ) > 0 .and. o:aControls[ 1 ]:l97look
                  nStyle   := 97

   lRebar   := ( IsAppThemed() .and. Empty( nStyle ) .and. bUserBtns == nil .and. nBtnW == nil .and. nBtnH == nil )

return Self


I tried aand run ok here
I add also checkstyle function with no changes because it make erro ron nstyle = nil
on my applications I changed different method of RPreview or another classes
I change the buttonbar,listview,menu and other methods without change the original class
Remember to put the Ut_override() before at init on main of your application