a function return 2 values

a function return 2 values

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:31 pm

I have a function and I wish have the value of return and another value it is possible ?
sample :

If !GIORNOLIB(nGiorno, @nOre, nOra)

How i can have also nOre ?
to use then to another function sample
IF calsslib(ngiorno,nore,nora)


the function I found on old clipper app I must converte

static function GIORNOLIB(nGiorno, nOre, nOra)
Local lreturn := .f.

if (Val(do->giornoli) == nGiorno .AND. nOra == 1 .AND. ;
do->punti < "3" .AND. Val(do->giornoli) == nGiorno ;
.AND. nOra == 2 .AND. do->punti < "2")

nOre:= iif(Left(da->parame, 1) == "0", 10, Val(Left(da->parame, 1)))

lreturn := .T.
return lreturn
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby ukoenig » Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:12 pm


a RETURN with many values
a INI-sample :

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// the INI returns a ARRAY
aValues := GET_INI(cWorkFile, nTxtColor)

cWorkFile := aValues[1] // from INI
nTxtColor := aValues[2] // from INI
// --------- INI - Read -------------

FUNCTION GET_INI( cWorkFile, nTxtColor )
Local oIni, cIniFile := c_path + "PROJECT.INI"

IF !FILE ( c_path + "PROJECT.ini" ) // creates the INI if not exists
    SAVE_INI( cWorkFile, nTxtColor )
    INI oIni FILE c_path + "PROJECT.INI"
                 cWorkFile := GetPvProfString( "System",            "Image",        "Picture1.jpg" , cIniFile )
             nTxtColor :=  Val(GetPvProfString( "System",       "Textcolor",    "0" , cIniFile ) )

RETURN { cWorkFile, nTxtColor } // return-values = ARRAY

best regards
Uwe :)
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby James Bott » Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:06 pm

1) As Uwe said, return an array

2) And my preferred method, use a class with two data objects.

Code: Select all  Expand view
class TWhatever
   Data value1
   Data value2

Method new(...)
return self


msgInfo( oObj:value1 )
msgInfo( oObj:value2 )


3) If the calling program is in the same prg as the function you could use file-wide static vars

I highly recommend number 2, the class method.

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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:48 pm


I prefer use hash, example

h = any()

You can access h[ "var1" ], h[ "var2" ]

Functions any()

Local hVar = {=>}


hVar [ "var1" ] = 1234
hVar [ "var2" ] = "abcd"

Return hVar
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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby James Bott » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:27 pm


I don't really understand how that works. Can you provide a complete working example?

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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:54 pm


here it is:

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    LOCAL hHash := MyFunc()

    ? hHash[ "Val1" ], hHash[ "Val2" ]



    LOCAL hHash := { => }

    hHash[ "Val1" ] = 123
    hHash[ "Val2" ] = 456

    RETURN hHash

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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby James Bott » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:58 pm

Thanks Enrico.

I am getting the feeling that is how classes work behind the scenes?

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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:06 pm


James Bott wrote:Thanks Enrico.

I am getting the feeling that is how classes work behind the scenes?

Probably that's the concept. But hashes are implemented at C language level in xHarbour, not at PRG one.

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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:31 am

thanks to all
but On old clipper app I have this command

If Giornolib(ngiorno,@nOre,nOra)

then the value of @nOre id used by another function

the Giornolib function is :

static function GIORNOLIB(ngiorno, nOre, nOra)
if (Val(anagrafe->giornoli) == ngiorno .AND. nOra == 1 .AND. ;
anagrafe->punti < "3" .AND. Val(anagrafe->giornoli) == ngiorno ;
.AND. nOra == 2 .AND. anagrafe->punti < "2")
nOre:= iif(Left(datis->parame, 1) == "0", 10, ;
Val(Left(datis->parame, 1)))
return .F.
return .T.

I not Know what I made on 1992 but the app on Dos run ok
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:50 am


@ as parameter suffix means "by reference". [x]Harbour fully support it, just like Clipper.

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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby Marc Vanzegbroeck » Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:32 pm

Silvio.Falconi wrote:thanks to all
but On old clipper app I have this command

If Giornolib(ngiorno,@nOre,nOra)

then the value of @nOre id used by another function

the Giornolib function is :

static function GIORNOLIB(ngiorno, nOre, nOra)
if (Val(anagrafe->giornoli) == ngiorno .AND. nOra == 1 .AND. ;
anagrafe->punti < "3" .AND. Val(anagrafe->giornoli) == ngiorno ;
.AND. nOra == 2 .AND. anagrafe->punti < "2")
nOre:= iif(Left(datis->parame, 1) == "0", 10, ;
Val(Left(datis->parame, 1)))
return .F.
return .T.

I not Know what I made on 1992 but the app on Dos run ok


That is also working in FWH

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Re: a function return 2 values

Postby mercurial » Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:12 pm


Functions can return only one value. This value can be of any supported type so you can simulate multiple return values using array, hashes, classes.

Or you can use parameters passed by reference:

If Giornolib(ngiorno,@nOre,nOra)

In this call nGiorno and nOra is passed by value (the actual values of nGiorno and nOra are passed to the function) while nOre is passed by reference (the "address" of the variable is passed to the function).

Infact in the function GiornoLib( nGiorno, nOre, nOra ) // Note that in function definition you can't specify @
there is this instruction:
nOre:= iif(Left(datis->parame, 1) == "0", 10, Val(Left(datis->parame, 1)))

A new value to variable nOre is assigned: you can check that after the IF the variable has changed its value.

So your question "How i can have also nOre ?" is easily answered: you already have nOre "returned"... actually assigned and not returned...

PS: note that boolean, date, chars, numerics are always passed by value (unless @ is specified). "Complex" objects like classes, arrays, hashes etc are always passed by reference (you can modify them in the function)
PPS: the fact that the variable names in GiornoLib are the same as in the calling ones is casual...
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