You can refer to the command in \fwh\include\ whenever you are in doubt.
I reproduce it here.
#xcommand XBROWSER [<uData>] ;
[ TITLE <cTitle> ] ;
[ <autosort:AUTOSORT> ] ;
[ SETUP <fnSetUp> ] ;
[ COLUMNS <aCols,...> ] ;
[ SELECT <fnSelect> ] ;
[ <fastedit: FASTEDIT> ];
[ VALID <uValid> ] ;
Most clauses are self explanatrory.
I clarify here some clauses:
COLUMNS "First", "Last", "Age", "Salary"
COLUMNS { "first", "Age", "Salary" ... }
SETUP fnMySetUp( oBrw ) // optional
within this function you can use oBrw parameter and can set any more actions
#3SELECT ( uSelValue := oBrw:aCols[ 1 ]:Value )
If SELECT clause is used, the dialog shows two buttons <select> and <cancel>. If the user presses select button ( or presses enter or double clicks ) the SELECT function is called.
#4. FASTEDIT. This sets fastedit mode and enables all cells to be editable.
- Code: Select all Expand view
XBROWSER cAlias TITLE "RAO-Notes Archiv" ;
COLUMNS 'IP','Absender','Status','Text','Termin','Zeit'