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Tdolphin and MySql question (to Daniel)...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:51 pm
by bosibila
Hello Daniel,

I want to try Tdolphin in mixed OS enviroment (Linux and Xp clients on Samba server), with same aplication made in FWH 8.07 version and classic DBF database, which would be replaced with MySql. On Linux I plan to use Wine to run Exe. Because application is complex, my idea is to save code rewriting time and whole project finish in FWH. When I read and study this forum I see that my first step must be upgrading FiveWin.

q: can you advice me, is it possible to run FWH with TDolphin on Linux Wine and XP at the same time or I must forget this combination.

Thanks ,


Re: Tdolphin and MySql question (to Daniel)...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:47 pm
by ukservice

The ideal way would be to have an MYSQLRDD, so you could change the RDD at start.

There is a commercial SQLRDD for in that page.

Also, there is a Harbour contrib but I donĀ“t know its current state.

Re: Tdolphin and MySql question (to Daniel)...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:42 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

i tested a App in linux (wince) with MySql (using dolphin) from debian, fastreport and harbour socket. are running fine until now.
The appearance is not same, but is ok

you should rewrite database management, is not same DBF and MySql (TDolphin)

Re: Tdolphin and MySql question (to Daniel)...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:14 pm
by bosibila
Thank you for your answers, I know that database commands are not same, but I must start to upgrade my aplications to SQL.

Best regards, Boris