A new PAINTER ( Controls ) in DESIGN-Mode ( Download )

A new PAINTER ( Controls ) in DESIGN-Mode ( Download )

Postby ukoenig » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:34 pm


I finished my new Painter and hope, it makes the Window / Dialog-Design
easier from Source and saves much Time with placing Controls inside a Window :
Just let me know, if there is still something missing
( Update includes Group and Font-define )

( 2 small problems are still left : Radios from Source on different Locations ( view my Question in the Forum )
and Transparent. I'm still working on a Solution. )

All Controls are in DESIGN-Mode.
Buttons, Checkbox and Image have Actions on Right Mouseclick.
Please check the FWH, Borland and xHarbour-path inside the MAKE-File

Because nearly all Controls have Functions,
move the not needed ones to a unused area inside the Window, before You create a EXE-file.
You can also remove them from Source ( is displayed before the EXE is created )

In case You don't need a PRG-File of the Results, only the Control-Positiones in Relation to the Window,
You can use the Preview-Button. A Browser shows all Settings.

Release : 2.0 => 06.2010
Download ( 3.2 MB ) : http://www.pflegeplus.com/fw_downloads/designer.zip

The Start-Screen :


A browser displays all Settings :


Change Image :


Define a Image or Brush for Background-Selection :


Define Gradient-Settings :
( a Single Color Background-Selection is using the 1. Gradientcolor )



Write the PRG and ceate a EXE-File :


The Exe-File shows the Result from Selections and Control-Positions :


A Sample :
Background-Selection : COLOR
1 changed Image, 1 Browser, 2 Gets, 2 Says and 6 Buttons




New Release 2.0 => Font-Selection and Group-Box added :


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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